propeller.anova: Performs F-tests for transformed cell type proportions

View source: R/propeller.anova.R

propeller.anovaR Documentation

Performs F-tests for transformed cell type proportions


This function is called by propeller and performs F-tests between multiple experimental groups or conditions (> 2) on transformed cell type proportions.


  prop.list = prop.list,
  design = design,
  coef = coef,
  robust = robust,
  trend = trend,
  sort = sort



a list object containing two matrices: TransformedProps and Proportions


a design matrix with rows corresponding to samples and columns to coefficients to be estimated


a vector specifying which the columns of the design matrix corresponding to the groups to test


logical, should robust variance estimation be used. Defaults to TRUE.


logical, should a trend between means and variances be accounted for. Defaults to FALSE.


logical, should the output be sorted by P-value.


In order to run this function, the user needs to run the getTransformedProps function first. The output from getTransformedProps is used as input. The propeller.anova function expects that the design matrix is not in the intercept format. This coef vector will identify the columns in the design matrix that correspond to the groups being tested. Note that additional confounding covariates can be accounted for as extra columns in the design matrix, but need to come after the group-specific columns.

The propeller.anova function uses the limma functions lmFit and eBayes to extract F statistics and p-values. This has the additional advantage that empirical Bayes shrinkage of the variances are performed.


produces a dataframe of results


Belinda Phipson

See Also

propeller, getTransformedProps, lmFit, eBayes



  # Make up some data

  # True cell type proportions for 4 samples
  p_s1 <- c(0.5,0.3,0.2)
  p_s2 <- c(0.6,0.3,0.1)
  p_s3 <- c(0.3,0.4,0.3)
  p_s4 <- c(0.4,0.3,0.3)
  p_s5 <- c(0.8,0.1,0.1)
  p_s6 <- c(0.75,0.2,0.05)

  # Total numbers of cells per sample
  numcells <- c(1000,1500,900,1200,1000,800)

  # Generate cell-level vector for sample info
  biorep <- rep(c("s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6"),numcells)

  # Numbers of cells for each of 3 clusters per sample
  n_s1 <- p_s1*numcells[1]
  n_s2 <- p_s2*numcells[2]
  n_s3 <- p_s3*numcells[3]
  n_s4 <- p_s4*numcells[4]
  n_s5 <- p_s5*numcells[5]
  n_s6 <- p_s6*numcells[6]

  cl_s1 <- rep(c("c0","c1","c2"),n_s1)
  cl_s2 <- rep(c("c0","c1","c2"),n_s2)
  cl_s3 <- rep(c("c0","c1","c2"),n_s3)
  cl_s4 <- rep(c("c0","c1","c2"),n_s4)
  cl_s5 <- rep(c("c0","c1","c2"),n_s5)
  cl_s6 <- rep(c("c0","c1","c2"),n_s6)

  # Generate cell-level vector for cluster info
  clust <- c(cl_s1,cl_s2,cl_s3,cl_s4,cl_s5,cl_s6)

  prop.list <- getTransformedProps(clusters = clust, sample = biorep)

  # Assume s1 and s2 belong to group A, s3 and s4 belong to group B, s5 and
  # s6 belong to group C
  grp <- rep(c("A","B","C"), each=2)

  # Make sure design matrix does not have an intercept term
  design <- model.matrix(~0+grp)

  propeller.anova(prop.list, design=design, coef=c(1,2,3), robust=TRUE,
  trend=FALSE, sort=TRUE)

Oshlack/speckle documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 9:39 a.m.