
# Hack to avoid NOTES in R CMD check
# Hadley does not seem to like it:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9439256/how-can-i-handle-r-cmd-check-no-visible-binding-for-global-variable-notes-when
# Alternatively '::' can be used: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2007-June/046048.html

## Needed to avoid notes when using gWidgets.
if (base::getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
    "gwindow", "ggroup", "glayout", "glabel", "gcombobox",
    "addHandlerChanged", "svalue", "svalue<-", "gmessage",
    "gframe", "gedit", "gbutton", "enabled<-", "dispose",
    "gradio", "gcheckbox", "visible", "visible<-",
    "gtable", "gspinbutton", "gtext", "delete",
    "gfilebrowse", "gbasicdialog", "gexpandgroup",
    "addHandlerDoubleclick", "addDropSource", "addDropTarget",
    "blockHandler", "addHandlerFocus", "ginput", "gfile",

## Needed to avoid notes when using data.table in functions:
## calculateAllele, calculateAT, calculateAT_gui, calculateAT6,
## calculateAT6_gui, plotBalance_gui, calculateLb, calculateRatio,
## generateEPG, calculateSlope, calculateAllele, plotStutter_gui,
## calculateCopies, calculateHeight, plotContamination, calculateHb,
## plotGroups_gui
if (base::getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
    "Height", "Masked", "Sample.File.Name", "Dye",
    "Hb", "Marker", "Lb", "H", "Amount", "Size",
    "Sample.Name", "TPH", "MPH", "TPPH", "MTPH", "Min", "Max",
    "Min.Height", "Max.Height", "Min.TPH", "Max.TPH",
    "Group", "Allele", "Id", "Kit", "Lower", "Slope",
    "Error", "Peaks", "Upper", "Total.Peaks",
    "Allele.Proportion", "Sum.Peaks", "Allele.Frequency",
    "Ratio", "Observed", "N.Alleles", "Copies",
    "Expected", "Proportion", "Samples", "Delta",
    "HMW", "LMW", "Small", "Large", "Axis", "By", "N"
OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 7:13 a.m.