
# knitr::stitch_rmd(script="flow.R", output="stitched-output/flow.md")
rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE)) # Clear the memory of variables from previous run. This is not called by knitr, because it's above the first chunk.

# ---- load-sources ------------------------------------------------------------

# ---- load-packages -----------------------------------------------------------
# import::from("magrittr", "%>%")

# requireNamespace("checkmate")
# requireNamespace("fs")
requireNamespace("OuhscMunge") # remotes::install_github("OuhscBbmc/OuhscMunge")

# ---- declare-globals ---------------------------------------------------------
# Allow multiple files below to have the same chunk name.
#    If the `root.dir` option is properly managed in the Rmd files, no files will be overwritten.
options(knitr.duplicate.label = "allow")

# config        <- config::get()
# # open log
# if (interactive()) {
#   sink_log <- FALSE
# } else {
#   message("Creating flow log file at ", config$path_log_flow)
#   if (!dir.exists(dirname(config$path_log_flow))) {
#     # Create a month-specific directory, so they're easier to find & compress later.
#     dir.create(dirname(config$path_log_flow), recursive = TRUE)
#   }
#   file_log  <- file(
#     description   = config$path_log_flow,
#     open          = "wt"
#   )
#   sink(
#     file    = file_log,
#     type    = "message"
#   )
#   sink_log <- TRUE
# }

# Typically, only `ds_rail` changes.  Everything else in this file is constant between projects.
ds_rail  <- tibble::tribble(
  ~fx         , ~path,

  "run_r"     , "manipulation/selection-munge.R",

  "run_rmd" , "analysis/select-1/select-1.Rmd"

run_r <- function(minion) {
  message("\nStarting `", basename(minion), "` at ", Sys.time(), ".")
  base::source(minion, local=new.env())
  message("Completed `", basename(minion), "`.")
  return( TRUE )
# run_sql <- function(minion) {
#   message("\nStarting `", basename(minion), "` at ", Sys.time(), ".")
#   OuhscMunge::execute_sql_file(minion, config$dsn_staging)
#   message("Completed `", basename(minion), "`.")
#   return( TRUE )
# }
run_rmd <- function(minion) {
  message("Pandoc available: ", rmarkdown::pandoc_available())
  message("Pandoc version: ", rmarkdown::pandoc_version())

  message("\nStarting `", basename(minion), "` at ", Sys.time(), ".")
  path_out <- rmarkdown::render(minion, envir=new.env())
  Sys.sleep(3) # Sleep for three secs, to let pandoc finish

  # Uncomment to save a dated version to a different location.
  #   Do this before the undated version, in case someone left it open (& locked it)
  # path_out_archive <- strftime(Sys.Date(), config$path_report_screen_archive)
  # if( !dir.exists(dirname(path_out_archive)) ) {
  #   # Create a month-specific directory, so they're easier to find & compress later.
  #   message("Creating subdirectory for archived eligibility reports: `", dirname(path_out_archive), "`.")
  #   dir.create(dirname(path_out_archive), recursive=T)
  # }
  # archive_successful <- file.copy(path_out, path_out_archive, overwrite=TRUE)
  # message("Archive success: ", archive_successful, " at `", path_out_archive, "`.")

  # Uncomment to copy the undated version to a different location.
  # If saving to a remote drive, this works better than trying to save directly from `rmarkdown::render()`.
  # To use this, you'll need a version of `run_rmd()` that's specialized for the specific rmd.
  # fs::file_copy(path_out, config$path_out_remote, overwrite = TRUE)

run_python <- function(minion) {
  message("\nStarting `", basename(minion), "` at ", Sys.time(), ".")
  # reticulate::use_python(Sys.which("python3"))
  # reticulate::source_python(minion, envir = NULL)
  message("Completed `", basename(minion), "`.")
  return( TRUE )

(file_found <- purrr::map_lgl(ds_rail$path, file.exists))
if (!all(file_found)) {
  warning("--Missing files-- \n", paste0(ds_rail$path[!file_found], collapse="\n"))
  stop("All source files to be run should exist.")

# ---- load-data ---------------------------------------------------------------

# ---- tweak-data --------------------------------------------------------------

# ---- run ---------------------------------------------------------------------
message("Starting flow of `", basename(base::getwd()), "` at ", Sys.time(), ".")

warn_level_initial <- as.integer(options("warn"))
# options(warn=0)  # warnings are stored until the top–level function returns
# options(warn=2)  # treat warnings as errors

elapsed_duration <- system.time({
    function(fn, args) rlang::exec(fn, !!!args)

message("Completed flow of `", basename(base::getwd()), "` at ", Sys.time(), "")
options(warn=warn_level_initial)  # Restore the whatever warning level you started with.

# ---- close-log ---------------------------------------------------------------
# close(file_log)
if (sink_log) {
  sink(file = NULL, type = "message") # ends the last diversion (of the specified type).
  message("Closing flow log file at ", gsub("/", "\\\\", config$path_log_flow))

# bash: Rscript flow.R
OuhscBbmc/usnavy-billets documentation built on April 7, 2024, 12:32 a.m.