Man pages for PABalland/EconGeo
Computing Key Indicators of the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities

co.occurrenceCompute the number of co-occurrences between industry pairs...
diversityCompute a simple measure of diversity of regions
ease.recombinationCompute the ease of recombination of a given technological...
entropyCompute the Shannon entropy index from regions - industries...
entry.listGenerate a data frame of entry events from multiple regions -...
entry.matGenerate a matrix of entry events from two regions -...
exit.listGenerate a data frame of exit events from multiple regions -...
exit.matGenerate a matrix of exit events from two regions -...
expyCompute the expy index of regions from regions - industries...
get.listCreate regular data frames from regions - industries matrices
get.matrixCreate regions - industries matrices from regular data frames
GiniCompute the Gini coefficient
growth.indGenerate a matrix of industrial growth by industries from two...
growth.listGenerate a data frame of industrial growth in regions from...
growth.list.indGenerate a data frame of industrial growth in regions from...
growth.list.regGenerate a data frame of region growth from multiple regions...
growth.matGenerate a matrix of industrial growth in regions from two...
growth.regGenerate a matrix of industrial growth by regions from two...
HachmanCompute the Hachman index from regions - industries matrices
HerfindahlCompute the Herfindahl index from regions - industries...
Hoover.curvePlot a Hoover curve from regions - industries matrices
Hoover.GiniCompute the Hoover Gini
Hoover.indexCompute the Hoover index
inv.norm.ubiquityCompute a measure of complexity from the inverse of the...
KCICompute an index of knowledge complexity of regions using the...
Krugman.indexCompute the Krugman index from regions - industries matrices
locational.GiniCompute the locational Gini coefficient from regions -...
locational.Gini.curvePlot a locational Gini curve from regions - industries...
location.quotientCompute location quotients from regions - industries matrices
location.quotient.avgCompute average location quotients of regions from regions -...
Lorenz.curvePlot a Lorenz curve from regional industrial counts
match.matRe-arrange the dimension of a matrix based on the dimension...
modular.complexityCompute a measure of modular complexity of patent documents
modular.complexity.avgCompute a measure of average modular complexity of...
MORcCompute an index of knowledge complexity of regions using the...
MORtCompute an index of knowledge complexity of industries using...
norm.ubiquityCompute a measure of complexity by normalizing ubiquity of...
prodyCompute the prody index of industries from regions -...
RCACompute an index of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) from...
relatednessCompute the relatedness between entities (industries,...
relatedness.densityCompute the relatedness density between regions and...
relatedness.density.extCompute the relatedness density between regions and...
relatedness.density.ext.avgCompute the average relatedness density of regions to...
relatedness.density.intCompute the relatedness density between regions and... the average relatedness density within the regional...
spec.coeffCompute the Hoover coefficient of specialization from regions...
TCICompute an index of knowledge complexity of industries using...
ubiquityCompute a simple measure of ubiquity of industries
weighted.avgCompute a weighted average of regions or industries from...
zScoreCompute the z-score between technologies from an incidence...
PABalland/EconGeo documentation built on Jan. 5, 2023, 8:40 a.m.