getBestModel: Best model extraction from a collection of models

View source: R/PLNfamily-S3methods.R

getBestModel.PLNPCAfamilyR Documentation

Best model extraction from a collection of models


Best model extraction from a collection of models


## S3 method for class 'PLNPCAfamily'
getBestModel(Robject, crit = c("ICL", "BIC"), ...)

getBestModel(Robject, crit, ...)

## S3 method for class 'PLNmixturefamily'
getBestModel(Robject, crit = c("ICL", "BIC"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'Networkfamily'
getBestModel(Robject, crit = c("BIC", "EBIC", "StARS"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'PLNnetworkfamily'
getBestModel(Robject, crit = c("BIC", "EBIC", "StARS"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'ZIPLNnetworkfamily'
getBestModel(Robject, crit = c("BIC", "EBIC", "StARS"), ...)



an object with class PLNPCAfamilly ot PLNnetworkfamily


a character for the criterion used to performed the selection. Either "BIC", "ICL", "EBIC", "StARS", "R_squared". Default is ICL for PLNPCA, and BIC for PLNnetwork. If StARS (Stability Approach to Regularization Selection) is chosen and stability selection was not yet performed, the function will call the method stability_selection() with default argument.


additional parameters for StARS criterion (only for PLNnetwork). stability, a scalar indicating the target stability (= 1 - 2 beta) at which the network is selected. Default is 0.9.


Send back an object with class PLNPCAfit or PLNnetworkfit

Methods (by class)

  • getBestModel(PLNPCAfamily): Model extraction for PLNPCAfamily

  • getBestModel(PLNmixturefamily): Model extraction for PLNmixturefamily

  • getBestModel(Networkfamily): Model extraction for PLNnetworkfamily or ZIPLNnetworkfamily

  • getBestModel(PLNnetworkfamily): Model extraction for PLNnetworkfamily

  • getBestModel(ZIPLNnetworkfamily): Model extraction for ZIPLNnetworkfamily


## Not run: 
trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
myPCA <- PLNPCA(Abundance ~ 1 + offset(log(Offset)), data = trichoptera, ranks = 1:4)
myModel <- getBestModel(myPCA)

## End(Not run)

PLN-team/PLNmodels documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 4:01 a.m.