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#' SlalomModel C++ class
#' @description
#' A C++ class for SlalomModel models.
#' @param Y_init matrix of expression values
#' @param pi_init G x K matrix with each entry being the prior
#' probability for a gene g being active for factor k.
#' @param X_init matrix of initial factor states (N x K)
#' @param W_init G x K matrix of initial weights
#' @param prior_alpha numeric vector of length two giving prior values
#' for the gamma hyperparameters of the precisions
#' @param prior_epsilon numeric vector of length two giving prior values
#' for the gamma hyperparameters of the residual variances
#' @return
#' an object of the SlalomModel class
#' @useDynLib slalom, .registration=TRUE, .fixes="Rcpp_"
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @exportClass Rcpp_SlalomModel
#' @name SlalomModel
#' @aliases SlalomModel
PMBio/slalom documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:26 p.m.