
Defines functions fnScoreHist

Documented in fnScoreHist

#' Histogram of student assessment scores with optional boxplot and background shading by grade ranges
#' @description fnScoreHist creates a histogram of scores. Optional arguments draw a boxplot above the histogram and shade the plot background according to supplied grade boundaries.
#' The output from fnScoreHist is a ggplot object which can then be saved or customised as needed.
#' See Examples for more details.
#' @usage fnScoreHist(x,lo=0,hi=100,gradeScheme="",gradeBounds=c(),main="",ylab="Frequency (N students)",plotBox=TRUE,pcScore=TRUE)
#' @param x A vector of assessment scores (usually percentages but may exceed 100 or be negative).
#' @param lo Minimum value for plotting the x axis, best given as an appropriate multiple of 10 because the axis labels are spaced in tens. If min(x)<lo then lo is adjusted downwards (in multiples of 10)
#' @param hi Maximum value for plotting the x axis, If max(x)>hi then hi is adjusted upwards (in multiples of 10)
#' @param gradeScheme A character string giving the first letter of the grades, ordered from lowest to highest. e.g. "UBSE" or "FP". Letters other than U, B, S, E, F or P will be displayed but not shaded. If gradeScheme is not specified then the background will be unshaded
#' @param gradeBounds A numeric vector of grade thresholds. e.g. c(40,50,60). NOTE: length(gradeBounds) must equal nchar(gradeScheme) - 1, otherwise the background will be unshaded
#' @param main Title for the plot, if required.
#' @param ylab Label for the y axis.
#' @param plotBox If TRUE (the default) adds a boxplot with mean point above the histogram.
#' @param pcScore If TRUE (the default) changes the x axis label from "Score" to "Score (%)".
#' @note
#' This function uses \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} for the underlying graphics.
#' @import ggplot2 psychometricsPSMD
#' @return A ggplot object which can be saved or customised as needed.
#' @examples 
#' library("ggplot2")
#' library("psychometricsPSMD")
#' Basic Usage (examples employ randomly generated data so the resulting plots are variable)
#' 	fnScoreHist(x=rnorm(86,30,10),lo=-10,hi=80,gradeScheme="UBSE",gradeBounds=c(20,25,45))
#' Ability to accommodate NA values and to adjust lo and hi (set to 0 and 80 in this example) to fit data
#' 	fnScoreHist(x=c(-1,2,rnorm(86,30,10),65,93,100,NA),lo=0,hi=80,gradeScheme="USE",gradeBounds=c(18.25,45.62))
#' If length(gradeBounds) not equal to nchar(gradeScheme) - 1 then no background shading is carried out
#' 	fnScoreHist(x=rnorm(86,30,10),gradeScheme="FP",gradeBounds=c(18.25,25.62))
#' Scores need not be percentages and the boxplot can be removed
#' 	fnScoreHist(x=rnorm(86,150,20),lo=100,hi=200,gradeScheme="FP",gradeBounds=c(135),plotBox=FALSE,pcScore=FALSE)
#' Grade boundaries falling outside the lo-hi interval will cause the shading and grade labelling to fail
#' 	fnScoreHist(x=rnorm(86,150,20),lo=100,hi=200,gradeScheme="US",gradeBounds=c(55),pcScore=FALSE)
#' 	fnScoreHist(x=rnorm(86,150,20),lo=50,hi=200,gradeScheme="US",gradeBounds=c(55),pcScore=FALSE)
#' Outputs a ggplot object, which can them be editted as necessary.
#' 	plotExample<-fnScoreHist(x=rnorm(86,50,15),gradeScheme="US",gradeBounds=c(44))
#' 	plotExample  # plot output
#' 	plotExample+ggtitle("Example Distribution of Assessment Scores") # plot output plus title
#' @source Written by Martin Roberts (psychometrics@plymouth.ac.uk)
#' @export
fnScoreHist<-function(x,lo=0,hi=100,gradeScheme="",gradeBounds=c(),main="",ylab="Frequency (N students)",plotBox=TRUE,pcScore=TRUE){
    # Written by: Martin Roberts
    # Last updated: 01/09/2017
    if(min(x)<lo) {lo<-10*floor(min(x)/10)}	# If min(x)<lo then lo is adjusted accordingly (in multiples of 10)
    if(max(x)>hi) {hi<-10*ceiling(max(x)/10)}	# If max(x)>hi then hi is adjusted accordingly (in multiples of 10)
    maxfreq<-max(hist(x,breaks=seq(lo,hi,1),plot=FALSE)$counts)	# maxfreq is the height of the tallest bar in the histogram
    gradeLabels<-strsplit(gradeScheme,"")[[1]]	#Converts the gradeScheme string into a vector of single characters
    plotGrades<-(Ngrades>0 & Ngrades==length(gradeBounds)+1) 	# If TRUE, background is shaded according to grade boundaries
    if(plotGrades) {rectsGB<-data.frame(xstart=c(lo,gradeBounds), xend=c(gradeBounds,hi+1), Grade=gradeLabels)} # Dataframe of x coordinates to draw shaded rectangle
    rectsBox<-data.frame(xstart=boxplot.stats(x)$stats[-5], xend=boxplot.stats(x)$stats[-1], ystart=c(maxfreq*1.1,maxfreq*1.05,maxfreq*1.05,maxfreq*1.1),
                         yend=c(maxfreq*1.1,maxfreq*1.15,maxfreq*1.15,maxfreq*1.1))	# Dataframe of x,y coordinates to draw boxplot
    outliers<-boxplot.stats(x)$out 	#Vector of x coordinates to add outliers to boxplot
    ggplot() + 
        theme_psmd() + 
        theme(panel.grid.major=element_blank(),panel.grid.minor=element_blank(),panel.border=element_blank(),axis.line.x=element_blank(),axis.ticks.length=unit(4,"pt")) +
        scale_x_continuous(name=paste("Score",if(pcScore){" (%)"}),breaks=seq(lo,hi,10),limits=c(lo,hi+1),expand=c(0,0)) +
        annotate(geom="segment",x=seq(lo,hi+1,1),xend=seq(lo,hi+1,1),y=0,yend=-0.1) +  # Adds minor ticks
        scale_y_continuous(name=ylab,breaks=seq(0,maxfreq,ifelse(maxfreq>20,10*ceiling(maxfreq/100),2)),expand=c(0,0)) +	
        {if(plotGrades) geom_rect(data=rectsGB,aes(xmin=xstart,xmax=xend,ymin=0,ymax=maxfreq*1.24,fill=Grade),fill=gradeCols,col="grey40",alpha=0.5)} +
        {if(plotGrades) annotate(geom="text",x=(rectsGB$xstart + rectsGB$xend)/2, y=rep(maxfreq*1.2,Ngrades),label=gradeLabels,col=gradeCols,alpha=0.75,size=6,fontface=2)} +
        geom_histogram(data=xdf,aes(xdf),breaks=seq(lo,hi+1,1),col="black",fill=ifelse(plotGrades,"grey40","maroon"),na.rm=TRUE,closed="right") +
        theme(axis.line=element_line(colour="black")) +
        labs(title=main) +
        {if(plotBox) geom_rect(data=rectsBox,aes(xmin=xstart,xmax=xend,ymin=ystart,ymax=yend),fill=ifelse(plotGrades,"grey80","maroon"),col="grey20",size=1)} +
        {if(plotBox) geom_point(data=data.frame(x=outliers,y=rep(maxfreq*1.1,length(outliers))),aes(x=x,y=y),shape=8,col="grey20",size=1.5)} +
        {if(plotBox) geom_point(data=data.frame(x=mean(x),y=maxfreq*1.1),aes(x=x,y=y),shape=9,col="grey10",size=3)} +
        {if(plotBox) geom_point(data=data.frame(x=lo,y=maxfreq*1.16),aes(x=x,y=y),shape=1,col="black",size=0)}
PSMD-Psychometrics/TestMR documentation built on May 3, 2019, 3:36 p.m.