
Defines functions points2nearestcell

Documented in points2nearestcell

#' Move occurrences to the nearest raster cell with data
#' Move point occurrences falling in raster cells without data (i.e. NA) to the nearest raster cell with data.
#' @export
#' @import raster
#' @import sp
#' @importFrom class knn1
#' @importFrom graphics segments
#' @param locs A SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame.
#' @param ras \code{Raster*} object.
#' @param layer Integer. For RasterStack and RasterBrick objects, layer to use.
#' @param move Logical. Change coordinates of points to those of the nearest raster cells?
#' @param distance Numeric (optional). Maximum distance to move points. Point coordinates are only changed if the distance to the nearest raster cell is below \code{distance}.
#' @param showchanges Logical. Print table with old and new coordinates.
#' @param showmap Logical. Show map with original and new coordinates?
#' @param leaflet Logical. If TRUE, show leaflet map instead of static map.
#' @return A SpatialPointsDataFrame (with corrected coordinates if move is TRUE).
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/SEEG-Oxford/seegSDM/blob/master/man/nearestLand.Rd} and \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27562076/if-raster-value-na-search-and-extract-the-nearest-non-na-pixel} and \url{http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26652629/extracting-a-value-from-a-raster-for-a-specific-point-based-on-the-closest-cell/26688361#26688361} and \url{https://rdrr.io/cran/spatstat/man/nearest.raster.point.html}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(acaule)
#' locs <- locs2sp(acaule)
#' ras <- getData('worldclim', var = 'tmin', res = 10)
#' check.coords <- points2nearestcell(locs, ras)
#' }

points2nearestcell <- function(locs = NULL, ras = NULL, layer = 1,
                               move = TRUE, distance = NULL,
                               showchanges = TRUE, showmap = TRUE, leaflet = FALSE) {

  miss <- point_in_cell(locs, ras, layer)

  ## if there are NA cells...

  if (sum(miss) > 0) {

    coord.miss <- sp::coordinates(locs[miss, ])  # points without data
    if (nlayers(ras) > 1) ras <- raster::raster(ras, layer)
    cells.notNA <- raster::rasterToPoints(ras, spatial = TRUE)  # get coordinates of cells with data
    coord.ras <- sp::coordinates(cells.notNA)
    cell.id <- factor(seq_len(nrow(coord.ras)))

    # find the nearest raster cell for each point with missing data
    nearest.cell <- class::knn1(coord.ras, coord.miss, cell.id)

    new.coords <- matrix(coord.ras[nearest.cell, ], ncol = 2)
    colnames(new.coords) <- c("longitude_new", "latitude_new")

    if (!is.null(distance)){

      # calculate distances between old and new coordinates
      distances <- raster::pointDistance(coord.miss, new.coords,
                            lonlat = raster::isLonLat(locs))
      # if distance below threshold, accept, otherwise keep old coordinates
      x <- ifelse(distances < distance, new.coords[,1], coord.miss[,1])
      y <- ifelse(distances < distance, new.coords[,2], coord.miss[,2])
      new.coords <- cbind(longitude_new = x, latitude_new = y)


    if (isTRUE(move)) {   # assign new coordinates to those points
      locs@coords[miss, ] <- new.coords

    if (isTRUE(showchanges)) {

      coords <- data.frame(coord.miss, new.coords)
      distances <- round(raster::pointDistance(coord.miss, new.coords,
                                 lonlat = raster::isLonLat(locs)))
      moved <- apply(coords, 1, function(x){
        !isTRUE(identical(x[1], x[3]) & identical(x[2], x[4]))
      coords <- cbind(coords, distances, moved)
      message(sum(moved), " out of ", nrow(coords), " points have been moved.")

    if (isTRUE(showmap)) {

      if (isTRUE(leaflet)) {

        map <- occmap(new.coords, proj = proj4string(locs), bg = "leaflet", pcol = "black")
        map <- occmap(coord.miss, proj = proj4string(locs), bg = "leaflet",
                      add = TRUE, leaflet.base = map, pcol = "red")

      } else {

        occmap(new.coords, ras, pcol = "black",
               legend = FALSE,
               main = "Points moved to nearest raster cell",
               ext = raster::extent(rbind(coord.miss, new.coords))*1.1)
        occmap(coord.miss, pcol = "red", add = TRUE, ras = ras)
        segments(coord.miss[, 1], coord.miss[, 2],
                 new.coords[, 1], new.coords[, 2])



  } else message("All points fall within a raster cell")


Pakillo/rSDM documentation built on Oct. 15, 2020, 3:20 a.m.