Man pages for Pandora-IsoMemo/iso-app
Pandora & IsoMemo spatiotemporal modeling

addFormattedAxisAdd Formatted Axis
addGifAdd GIF
augmentDataAugment Data
centerDataCenter Data
centerEstimateServerCenter Estimate Server
centerEstimateUICenter Estimate UI
centerPlotDataCenter Plot Data
centerXPredCenter XPred
convertLatLongWrapperConvert Lat Long Wrapper
createDuplicateModalCreates a modalDialog for detectDuplicates module
createPchPointsCreate PCH Points
createPchPointsVecCreate PCH Points Vector
customizeLeafletMapCustomize Leaflet Map
dataExplorerServerserver funtion of data explorer module
dataExplorerUIui function of dataExplorer module
datTableCreate data table
detectDuplicatesServerdetectDuplicates module server
detectDuplicatesUIdetectDuplicates module ui
downloadDSSMModelUIDownload DSSM Model UI
drawdraw Interactive Map
drawFittedBoundsDraw Fitted Bounds
drawIconsDraw Icons on Interactive Map
drawTypeDraw Type of Interactive Map
estimateMapEstimates spatial average model with (optional) random...
estimateMap3DEstimates spatio-temporal average model with (optional)...
estimateMap3DKernelEstimates spatio-temporal kernel density model
estimateMapKernelEstimates spatial kernel density model
estimateMapSpreadEstimates spatial spread model (first or latest occurence of...
exportCSVExport to csv
exportFilenameFilename of Export
exportJSONExport to json
exportXLSXExport to xlsx
extractCenterEstimatesExtract Center Estimates
extractChoicesFromIsomemoApiExtract Choices From Isomemo Api
extractGridLengthExtract Grid Length
extractMaskDrawExtract Mask Draw
extractXPredCenterExtract XPred Center
extractZoomFromLongRangeExtract Zoom From Long Range
filled.contour2Filled Countour 2 Wrapper for contour plot
filterCoordCircleFilter Coord Circle
filterCoordRectangleFilter Coord Rectangle
filterCoordSquareFilter Coord Square
filterTFilter Time
findDuplicatesFinds duplicates in data using user specified similarity...
formatTimeCourseServerFormat Time Course Server
formatTimeCourseUIFormat Time Course UI
generateGifGenerate GIF
getAppTitleGet App Title
getCoordCenterGet Coord Center
getDefaultCoordColumnGet Default Coord Column
getDefaultZErrorGet Default Z Error
getDefaultZMaxGet Default Z Max
getDefaultZMinGet Default Z Min
getFileExtGet File Ext
getFileNameGet File Name
getFullCoordGridGet Full Coord Grid
getHelpGet Text for Help Panel in Shiny App
getHrefTagGet Href
getHTMLFromPathGet HTML from path
getPColorGet Point Color
getPointSizeGet Point Size
getPointSymbolsGet Point Size
getZvaluesGet Z Values
getZValuesKernelGet Z Values Kernel
getZValuesMapDiffGet Z Values Map Diff
getZValuesMapSimGet Z Values Map Sim
interactiveMapserver funtion of interactive map module
interactiveMapUIui function of interactiveMap module
isOnlyDataSearchModeIs Only Data SEARCH
jitter_latlongJitter latitude and longitude coordinates
leafletExportserver funtion of leaflet map export module
leafletExportButtonui function of leaflet map export module
leafletPointSettingsServerserver funtion of leaflet point settings module
leafletPointSettingsUIui function of leaflet point settings module
leafletSettingsserver funtion of leaflet settings module
leafletSettingsUIui function of leaflet settings module
length_of_degreeLength of a degree of latitude or longitude
locationFieldsServerLocation Fields Server
locationFieldsUILocation Fields UI
mapDiffserver function of model Results module
mapSectionServerMap Section Server
mapSectionUIMap Section UI
mapSimserver function of model Results module
modelLinkUIui function to display a download link
modelResults2Dserver function of model Results module
modelResults2DKernelserver function of model Results module
modelResults2DKernelUIui function of modelResults2DKernel module
modelResults2DUIui function of modelResults2D module
modelResults3Dserver function of model Results module
modelResults3DKernelserver function of model Results module
modelResults3DKernelUIui function of modelResults3DKernel module
modelResults3DUIui function of modelResults3D module
modelResultsAssignserver function of model Results module
modelResultsAssignUIui function of modelResultsAssignR module
modelResultsDiffUIui function of modelResultsDiffSim module
modelResultsSimUIui function of modelResultsDiffSim module
modelResultsSpreadserver function of model Results module
modelResultsSpreadUIui function of modelResultsSpread module
nameFileName File
numericInputLatAndLongServerNumeric Input Lat And Long Server
numericInputLatAndLongUINumeric Input Lat And Long UI
plotDSPlots difference or similarity map
plotMapPlots map of a spatial average or spread model from...
plotMap3DPlots time slice map of a spatio-temporal model from...
plotTimeCoursePlots time course map of a spatio-temporal model from...
pointColourServerserver funtion of leaflet point settings module
pointColourUIui function of leaflet point settings module
pointSizeServerserver funtion of leaflet point settings module
pointSizeUIui function of leaflet point settings module
pointSymbolServerserver function of leaflet point symbol settings module
pointSymbolUIui function of leaflet point symbol settings module
prepareDatePrepare Date
putNewLatLongToBeginPut Lat Long To Begin
removeDataOutsideRestrictionRemove Data Outside Restriction
removeOldIconsRemove Old Icons
reSourcesInstalledCheck Availability for ReSources package
savedMapsExportButtonSaved Maps Export Button
savedMapsExportServerSaved Maps Export Server
savedMapsTabserver function of saved maps module
savedMapsTabUIui function of saved maps module
selectClusterGroupingSelect Cluster Grouping
setColorLegendSet Colour Legend
shiftDataToDefaultRestrictionShift Data To Default Restriction
showIDPopupShow a popup at the given location
skinSkin helper functions
sliderAndNumericInputServerSlider And Input Server
sliderAndNumericInputUISlider And Input UI
startApplicationStart Application
timeAndMapSectionServerTime And Map Section Server
timeAndMapSectionUITime And Map Section UI
updateDataOnLeafletMapUpdate Data On Map
writeGraphicsWrite Graphics
zScaleServerZ Scale Server
zScaleUIZ Scale UI
Pandora-IsoMemo/iso-app documentation built on July 4, 2024, 7:07 p.m.