
Defines functions getAppTitle isOnlyDataSearchMode

Documented in getAppTitle isOnlyDataSearchMode

#' Is Only Data SEARCH
#' Checks if "only-data-search mode" is active.
#' @return (logical) TRUE if "only-data-search mode" is active, else FALSE for full version of the app.
#' @export
isOnlyDataSearchMode <- function() {
  Sys.getenv("ISOMEMO_HIDE_MODELLING") != ""

#' Get App Title
#' If the full app is accessible (if Sys.getenv("ISOMEMO_HIDE_MODELLING") == ""),
#' sets the title of the app to "Data search & Spatiotemporal modeling"; and else to
#' "Data search", the modeling feature is hidden in that case.
#' @export
getAppTitle <- function() {
  subTitle0 <- "" #"Pandora & IsoMemo &ensp;"
  subTitle1 <- "Data search"
  version <- packageVersion("DSSM")

  if (isOnlyDataSearchMode()) {
    title <- paste(subTitle0, subTitle1, version)
  } else {
    subTitle2 <- "and Spatiotemporal modeling"
    title <- paste(subTitle0, subTitle1, subTitle2, version)

Pandora-IsoMemo/iso-app documentation built on July 4, 2024, 7:07 p.m.