
Defines functions outputHelpTextCentering helpTextCenteringUI dataCenterUI

dataCenterUI <- function(ns, displayCondition = "input.SplineType == '1'", hideCorrection = FALSE) {
    ns = ns,
    condition = displayCondition,
    selectInput(inputId = ns("centerOfData"),
                label = "Center of data",
                choices = c("0th meridian" = "Europe", "180th meridian" = "Pacific")),
    if (!hideCorrection) {
        ns = ns,
        condition = "input.centerOfData == 'Europe'",
        checkboxInput(inputId = ns("correctionPac"),
                      label = "Border correction for Pacific",
                      value = FALSE)
    } else NULL

helpTextCenteringUI <- function(ns) {
    ns = ns,
    condition = "input.Centering != input.centerOfData",

outputHelpTextCentering <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$helpTextCentering <- renderText({
    if (input$centerOfData != input$Centering) {
      sprintf("The 'Center of data' was set to '%s' for modelling, but 'Map Center' is set to '%s'. Please use the same centering, or keep in mind that modelling and predictions are based on different centers of coordinates.",
              input$centerOfData, input$Centering)
    } else {
Pandora-IsoMemo/iso-app documentation built on July 4, 2024, 7:07 p.m.