
Defines functions plot.bpwpm plot_chains plot_hist plot.bpwpm_prediction plot_each_F plot_2D plot_2D_data plot_2D_proj plot_3D_proj plot_ergodic_mean

Documented in plot_2D plot_2D_data plot_2D_proj plot_3D_proj plot.bpwpm plot.bpwpm_prediction plot_chains plot_each_F plot_ergodic_mean plot_hist

# Plot Functionality for package bpwpm

#' Generic bpwpm plotting
#' Once a bpwpm has been run using the function \code{\link{bpwpm_gibbs}}, the
#' chains can be plotted and hence evaluated. This generic function builds sets
#' of plots for each parameter of the model, \eqn{\beta}, \eqn{w_1}, \eqn{w_2},
#' etc.
#' @param object of the class bpwpm
#' @param n number of draws to plot
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to the functions
#' @return a series of line plots and histograms
#' @export
#' @examples (model1, 1000), (model2, 2000)
plot.bpwpm <- function(object, n = 100, ...){

    if(!('bpwpm' %in% class(object))){
        error("Object not of the class bpwpm")

    # Betas
    p <- plot_chains(object$betas, n, title = "Betas")
    readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to view next plot")
    p <- plot_hist(object$betas, n, title = "Betas")

    for(i in seq(1, length(object$w))){
        readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to view next plot")
        p <- plot_chains(object$w[[i]], n, title = paste("w_",i))
        readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to view next plot")
        p <- plot_hist(object$w[[i]], n, title = paste("w_",i))




#' Plot MCMC Chains
#' Plots the last n draws of an MCMC chain
#' @inheritParams plot.bpwpm
#' @param mcmc_chain An MCMC Chain matrix. (draws * number of params)
#' @param title Title for the plot
#' @return A ggplot2 lines plot
#' @export
#' @examples plot_chains(betas), plot_chains(w_j, 1000)
plot_chains <- function(mcmc_chain, n = 100, title = ""){

    dim_mcmc <- dim(mcmc_chain)
    n <- min(n, dim_mcmc[1])

    mcmc_temp <- tidyr::gather(mcmc_chain[seq(dim_mcmc[1] - n + 1,dim_mcmc[1]),],
                               key = Parameters)

    ggplot2::ggplot(mcmc_temp, aes(x = rep(seq(1,n),dim_mcmc[2]),
                                   y = value, group = Parameters,
                                   colour = Parameters)) +
             geom_line() + xlab("Index") + ylab("Value") + ggtitle(title)


#' Plot MCMC Chains histograms
#' Plot the parameters to test for convergence
#' @inheritParams plot.bpwpm
#' @inheritParams plot_chains
#' @return A histogram for the n draws and parameters of the chain
#' @export
plot_hist <- function(mcmc_chain, number = 100, title = "", ...){

    dim_mcmc <- dim(mcmc_chain)
    n <- min(number, dim_mcmc[1])

    beta_temp <- tidyr::gather(mcmc_chain[seq(dim_mcmc[1] - n + 1,dim_mcmc[1]),],
                               key = Parameters)

    ggplot2::ggplot(beta_temp, aes(x = value, fill = Parameters)) +
        geom_histogram(..., position = "dodge") + xlab("Value") +



#' Generic function for plotting bpwpm_predictions objects
#' Once a model has been run and evaluated, a prediction can be made using the
#' function \code{\link{predict.bpwpm}}. The Input \code{X} and output \code{Y}
#' are saved and can be plotted against the final PWP expansion for the model.
#' @param object of the class bpwpm_prediction
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return a series of plots from ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples (train_set_prediciton),
#'  (test_set_prediciton)
plot.bpwpm_prediction <- function(object, ...){

    if(!('bpwpm_prediction' %in% class(object))){
        error("Object not of the class bpwpm_prediction")

    plot_each_F(object$Y, object$X, object$bpwpm_params)


#' Plots each dimention f(x)
#' With the posterior \code{w} parameters calculated from the Gibbs run, and
#' \code{\link{posterior_params}}, a Final F matrix can be calculated. and
#' hence, ploted against every Input X to see how does the PWP expansion looks
#' like for the specified set of parameters.
#' @param Y A vector of binary response. Can be encoded as either a factor
#' vector or as a numeric one.
#' @param X A data frame or matrix containing the original Inputs for the model.
#' @param F_mat The F matrix calculated via \code{\link{calculate_F}} or
#' alternativly you can pass it the parameters calculated by function
#' \code{\link{posterior_params}}
#' @return d plots for each dimention created using ggplot2
#' @export
plot_each_F <- function(Y, X, F_mat){

    if(class(F_mat) == "bpwpm_params"){

        if(dim(X)[1] == dim(F_mat$estimated_F)[1]){
            cat("Old F is being used")
            F_mat <- F_mat$estimated_F
            cat("Calculating new F")
            M <- F_mat$M
            J <- F_mat$J
            K <- F_mat$K
            d <- F_mat$d
            tau <- F_mat$tau
            Phi <- calculate_Phi(X,M,J,K,d,tau, indep_terms = F_mat$indep_terms)
            F_mat <- calculate_F(Phi, F_mat$w, d)

    d <- dim(X)[2]

    if(class(Y) == "numeric" | class(Y) == "integer"){
        Y <- as.factor(Y)

    for(i in seq(1:d)){
        p <- ggplot2::qplot(x = X[,i],  y = F_mat[,i+1],
                            color = Y) +
            xlab(paste("X_",i, sep = "")) +
            ylab(paste("F_",i,"(X_",i,")",sep = ""))
        if(i != (d+1)){
            readline(prompt="Press [enter] to view next plot")

# Methods for ploting 2D Graphs

#' Wrapper Function for 2D Input Plots
#' To better understand the model, we can visualize it, however due to universal
#' limitations, plots are only availabe for X inputs of 2 dimentions. ie: only
#' two factors included on the regresion.
#' @param Y A response vector of size n
#' @param X An input matrix of size n*2.
#' @param bpwpm_params an object of the class bpwpm_params of bpwpm_prediction
#' created by the functions \code{\link{posterior_params}} or
#' \code{\link{predict.bpwpm}} respectively that contains all the info about the
#' posterior parametres of the model.
#' @param n Thinness of grid for 2D and 3D projectction
#' @param alpha numeric - level of transparency for 2D projection
#' @param f_of_0 Logical if If the constant function 0 is to be plotted
#' @return A series of 3 plots to help ilustrate the model
#' @export
plot_2D <- function(Y, X, bpwpm_params, n = 10, alpha = 0.6, f_of_0 = TRUE){

    # Sanitizing Inputs
    if(dim(X)[2] != 2){
        error("Only a 2D plot can be made. X matrix has diferent dimensions")

    if(class(Y) == "numeric"){
        Y <- factor(Y)

    if(class(X) == "matrix"){
        X <- data.frame(X)

    if(length(Y) != dim(X)[1]){
        error("Y and X have a diferent number of observations")

    # To simplify stuff
    if(class(bpwpm_params) == 'bpwpm_prediction'){
        bpwpm_params <- bpwpm_params$bpwpm_params
    }else if(class(bpwpm_params) != 'bpwpm_params'){
        error("bpwpm_params or bpwpm_prediction objects requiered to print the plots")

    # Normal Data
    p <- plot_2D_data(Y,X)
    readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to view next plot")
    p <- plot_2D_proj(Y, X, bpwpm_params, n, alpha)
    readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to view next plot")
    p <- plot_3D_proj(X, bpwpm_params, n - 5, f_of_0)



#' Scatter Plot of 2D data
#' Scatter plot to visualize the data and it's corresponding groups.
#' @inheritParams plot_2D
#' @return A ggplot2 scatter plot
#' @export
#' @examples (Y = rbinom(100, 1, 4), X = cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100)))
plot_2D_data <- function(Y,X){

    if(dim(X)[2] != 2){
        error("Only a 2D plot can be made. X matrix has diferent dimensions")

    if(class(Y) == "numeric"){
        Y <- factor(Y)

    if(class(X) == "matrix"){
        X <- data.frame(X)

    ggplot2::ggplot(data = X, aes(x = X[, 1], y = X[ ,2], col = Y)) +
        geom_point() + xlab("X_1") + ylab("X_2")


#' Plot 2D projection of the Model
#' 2D projection of both the inputs and the posterior regions of classification.
#' Usefull to evaluate the corresponding binary outcomes.
#' Instead of plotting the corresponding conotur of the 3D function plotted by
#' \code{\link{plot_3D_proj}}. The projection function is mapped to it's
#' corresponding binary output and plotted behind the regular data.
#' @inheritParams plot_2D
#' @return A ggplot2 scatter plot
#' @export
plot_2D_proj <- function(Y, X, bpwpm_params, n = 15, alpha = 0.6){

    if(dim(X)[2] != 2){
        error("Only a 2D plot can be made. X matrix has diferent dimensions")

    if(class(Y) == "numeric"){
        Y <- factor(Y)

    if(class(X) == "matrix"){
        X <- data.frame(X)

    mins <- apply(X, 2, min)
    maxs <- apply(X, 2, max)

    linspace <- expand.grid(X1 = seq(mins[1] - 0.2, maxs[1] + 0.2, by = 1/n),
                            X2 = seq(mins[2] - 0.2, maxs[2] + 0.2, by = 1/n))

    linspace$Y <- model_projection(new_X = linspace,
                                   bpwpm_params = bpwpm_params)

    linspace$Y<-  as.factor(as.integer(linspace$Y >= 0))
    linspace$a <- rep(alpha, times = dim(linspace)[1])

    data <- data.frame(cbind(X,Y), a = rep(1, times = dim(X)[1]))
    colnames(data) <- c("X1","X2","Y","a")

    data <- data.frame(rbind(data,linspace))

    ggplot2::ggplot(data = data) +
        geom_point(aes(x = X1, y = X2, col = Y, alpha = a), show.legend = FALSE) +
        xlab("X_1") + ylab("X_2")



#' Plots the 3D representation of the projection function
#' Given the set of parmeters and the input data in 2D, this function calculates
#' and plots the wireframe on a 3D linear space defined by the input matrix X.
#' @inheritParams plot_2D
#' @return a 3D WireFrame Lattice Plot
#' @export
plot_3D_proj <- function(X, bpwpm_params, n, f_of_0 = TRUE){

    if(dim(X)[2] != 2){
        error("Only a 2D plot can be made. X matrix has diferent dimensions")

    mins <- apply(X, 2, min)
    maxs <- apply(X, 2, max)

    linspace <- expand.grid(X1 = seq(mins[1], maxs[1], by = 1/n),
                            X2 = seq(mins[2], maxs[2], by = 1/n))

    linspace$f <- model_projection(linspace,
                                   bpwpm_params = bpwpm_params)


        m <- dim(linspace)[1]
        linspace$g <- rep(1, times = m)

        # Building the 0 gridspace
        linspace <- rbind(linspace, data.frame(X1 = linspace[,1], X2 = linspace[,2]
                                               ,f = rep(0, times = m),
                                               g = rep(0, times = m)))

    lattice::wireframe(f ~ X1 * X2, data = linspace, group = g,
                       drape = TRUE,
                       aspect = c(1,1),
                       main = paste("3D plot for: M = ", bpwpm_params$M,
                                    ", J = ", bpwpm_params$J, ", K = ", bpwpm_params$K),
                       frame.plot = FALSE,
                       colorkey = FALSE,
                       scales = list(arrows = FALSE))
    # col.groups = rgb(c(255,0,0), c(0,255,0), alpha = 70,maxColorValue = 255),
    # col.regions = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))(50))
    # at = 0, col.regions = c("red", "blue"))


#' Plot Ergodic Mean
#' Plots the Ergodic Mean of an object of class \code{bpwpm}
#' @inheritParams plot.bpwpm
#' @inheritParams thin_chain
#' @return A series of plots for the ergodic mean of the parameters
#' @export
#' @examples (model1, 0, 0)
plot_ergodic_mean <- function(object, thin = 0, burn_in = 0, ...){

    if(!('bpwpm' %in% class(object))){
        error("Object not of the class bpwpm")

    thin_object <- thin_bpwpm(object, thin, burn_in)
    # Plots the whole erg
    n <- dim(thin_object$betas)[1]
    em_temp <- ergodic_mean(thin_object$betas)
    p <- plot_chains(data.frame(em_temp), n, title = "Betas - Ergodic Mean")

    for(i in seq(1, length(thin_object$w))){
        readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to view next plot")

        em_temp <- ergodic_mean(thin_object$w[[i]])
        p <- plot_chains(data.frame(em_temp), n, title = paste("w_",i," - Ergodic Mean", sep = ""))
PaoloLuciano/BPWPM documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:20 p.m.