
Defines functions posterior_params thin_chain thin_bpwpm

Documented in posterior_params thin_bpwpm thin_chain

    # Series of utility functions to evaluate the MCMC chain for the bpwpm model
#' Puntual Posterior Estimation of bpwpm Parameters
#' Given a model output by the function \code{\link{bpwpm_gibbs}}, it thins
#' down the chain and makes puntual estimation for the parameters, given a type
#' of estimation. This parameter object can later be used to calculate the
#' F matrix and other results.
#' @param bpwpm an object of the class bpwpm
#' @param thin A thinning parameter for the MCMC Chain
#' @param burn_in A burn in parameter for the MCMC Chain
#' @param type The type of punctual estimation for the parameters. Options
#' include: mean, mode or median.
#' @return An object of the class bpwpm_params that contains:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\eqn{\beta}}{The posterior estimation for \eqn{\beta}}
#'   \item{\eqn{w}}{The posterior estimation for w's on each dimention}
#'   \item{\eqn{\tau}}{The corresponding nodes}
#'   \item{F}{The final F matrix}
#'   \item{M}{M parameter}
#'   \item{J}{J parameter}
#'   \item{K}{K parameter}
#'   \item{d}{number of dimentions}
#'   \item{indep_terms}{Logical}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples (model, 2, 2000, 'mean') (model, 0, 0, 'median')
posterior_params <- function(bpwpm, thin, burn_in, type = 'mean'){

    if(class(bpwpm) != 'bpwpm'){
        error("Object not of class bpwpm")

    if(type == 'mean'){func <- mean}
    else if(type == 'mode'){func <- mode}
    else if(type == 'median'){func <- median}
    else{error("Incorrect type of parameter estimation")

    # Fist the model is thinned down
    thined_model <- thin_bpwpm(bpwpm, thin = thin, burn_in = burn_in)

    # Estimation for beta
    estimated_betas <- sapply(thined_model$betas, func)

    # Estimation for w
    estimated_w <- lapply(seq(1:length(thined_model$w)), function(x){
        sapply(thined_model$w[[x]], func)})
    estimated_w <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(estimated_w), ncol = length(estimated_w)))
    colnames(estimated_w) <- paste("w_", seq(1,dim(estimated_w)[2]), sep = "")

    estimated_F <- calculate_F(bpwpm$Phi,estimated_w, d = bpwpm$d)

    params <- list(betas = estimated_betas,
                   w = estimated_w,
                   tau = bpwpm$tau,
                   estimated_F = estimated_F,
                   M = bpwpm$M,
                   J = bpwpm$J,
                   K = bpwpm$K,
                   d = bpwpm$d,
                   indep_terms = bpwpm$indep_terms)
    class(params) <- 'bpwpm_params'



#' Thin MCMC Chain
#' Thins and eliminates the burn in period of the Gibbs Chain.
#' @param mcmc_chain An MCMC Chain matrix. (draws * number of params)
#' @inheritParams posterior_params
#' @return The thinned down version of the MCMC chain
#' @export
#' @examples (beta, 2, 2000)
thin_chain <- function(mcmc_chain, thin, burn_in){

    draws <- dim(mcmc_chain)[1]

    if(burn_in > draws){stop("Burn In parameter too large")

    return(mcmc_chain[seq(1, floor((draws - burn_in)/(thin + 1))) + burn_in, ])


#' Thinning of a BPWPM
#' Thins all of the MCMC chains of a bpwpm and returns an object of the same
#' type
#' @param bpwpm A bpwpm object created by \code{\link{bpwpm_gibbs}}
#' @inheritParams posterior_params
#' @return An object of the same kind of the bpwpm but thinned down
#' @export
thin_bpwpm <- function(bpwpm, thin, burn_in){

    if(class(bpwpm) != 'bpwpm'){
        error("Object not of class bpwpm")

    bpwpm_model_copy <- bpwpm
    bpwpm_model_copy$betas <- thin_chain(bpwpm$betas, thin = thin, burn_in = burn_in)
    bpwpm_model_copy$w <- lapply(bpwpm$w, thin_chain, thin = thin, burn_in = burn_in)

PaoloLuciano/bpwpm documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:25 p.m.