
Defines functions mt_deviations

Documented in mt_deviations

#' Calculate deviations from idealized trajectory.
#' Calculate the idealized trajectory and the perpendicular deviations of the
#' actual trajectory from it for each logged position.
#' The idealized trajectory is defined as the straight line connecting the start
#' and end point of the actual trajectory (e.g., Freeman & Ambady, 2010). The 
#' deviation for each position is calculated as the perpendicular deviation of 
#' the actual trajectory from the idealized trajectory.
#' If a deviation occurs above the direct path, this is denoted by a positive 
#' value. If it occurs below the direct path, this is denoted by a negative 
#' value. This assumes that the complete movement in the trial was from bottom 
#' to top (i.e., the end point has a higher y-position than the start points). In
#' case the movement was from top to bottom, \code{mt_deviations} 
#' automatically flips the signs. Note that the second dimension specified in 
#' \code{dimensions} is used for determining all this.
#' @inheritParams mt_time_normalize
#' @param dimensions a character vector specifying the two dimensions in the
#'   trajectory array that contain the mouse positions. By default 
#'   (\code{c("xpos","ypos")}), the x- and y-positions are used.
#' @param start_ideal an optional vector specifying the start position (see
#'   Example). If specified, this position will be used as the starting point of
#'   the idealized trajectory (instead of the actual starting point).
#' @param end_ideal an optional vector specifying the end position (see
#'   Example). If specified, this position will be used as the end point of the
#'   idealized trajectory (instead of the actual end point).
#' @param prefix an optional character string that is added as a prefix to the 
#'   to be created new trajectory dimensions.
#' @return A mousetrap data object (see \link{mt_example}) where the positions 
#'   of the idealized trajectory (by default called \code{xpos_ideal} and 
#'   \code{ypos_ideal}) and the perpendicular deviations of the actual 
#'   trajectory from the idealized trajectory (by default called 
#'   \code{dev_ideal}) have been added as additional variables to the trajectory
#'   array. If the trajectory array was provided directly as \code{data}, only 
#'   the trajectory array will be returned.
#' @references Freeman, J. B., & Ambady, N. (2010). MouseTracker: Software for
#'   studying real-time mental processing using a computer mouse-tracking
#'   method. \emph{Behavior Research Methods, 42}(1), 226-241.
#' @seealso \link{mt_measures} for calculating per-trial
#'   mouse-tracking measures.
#' @examples
#' # Calculate deviations from idealized trajectory
#' # (straight line connecting the start and end point of each trial)
#' mt_example <- mt_deviations(mt_example)
#' # Calculate deviations from idealized trajectory with
#' # constant start and end points across trials
#' mt_example <- mt_deviations(mt_example,
#'   start_ideal=c(0,0), end_ideal=c(-665,974))
#' @author
#' Pascal J. Kieslich
#' Felix Henninger
#' @export
mt_deviations <- function(
  use="trajectories", save_as=use,
  verbose=FALSE) {
    stop("For dimensions, exactly two trajectory dimensions have to be specified.")
  # Extract trajectories and labels
  trajectories <- extract_data(data=data,use=use)
  points_ideal <- paste0(prefix,dimensions,"_ideal")
  dev_ideal <- paste0(prefix,"dev_ideal")

  # Create new array with added columns for the new variables
  deviations <- mt_add_variables(trajectories,
  # Calculate number of logs
  nlogs <- mt_count(deviations,dimensions=dimensions[[1]])
  # Calculate deviations
  for (i in 1:nrow(deviations)){
    current_points <- deviations[i, 1:nlogs[i], dimensions]
    # Determine straight line (idealized trajectory)
    current_points_ideal <- points_on_ideal(
    # Calculate distance of each point on the curve from straight line
    # (cf. Pythagoras, some time ago)
    current_dev_ideal <- sqrt(rowSums((current_points_ideal-current_points)^2))
    # Flip signs for points below the idealized straight line
    flip_dimension <- 2
    to_flip_dev_ideal <- current_points_ideal[,flip_dimension]>current_points[,flip_dimension]
    current_dev_ideal[to_flip_dev_ideal] <- -current_dev_ideal[to_flip_dev_ideal]
    # If last point of actual trajectory is below the first point, flip all points
      current_dev_ideal <- -(current_dev_ideal)
    # Add idealized positions and deviations to array
    deviations[i,1:nlogs[i],points_ideal] <- current_points_ideal
    deviations[i,1:nlogs[i],dev_ideal] <- current_dev_ideal 
    if (verbose){
      if (i %% 100 == 0) message(paste(i,"trials finished"))
  if (verbose){
    message(paste("all",i,"trials finished"))
  return(create_results(data=data, results=deviations, use=use, save_as=save_as))
PascalKieslich/mousetrap documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 9:26 p.m.