
Defines functions find_flagged_data find_flagged apply_flags remove_flags

Documented in apply_flags find_flagged find_flagged_data remove_flags

#' Find results with a particular flag
#' Check the QC_FLAGS table to find results that have been flagged with
#' the given flag code
#' @param cyan_connection a CyAN database connection from \code{connect_cyan}
#' @param flag_code the flag code of interest
#' @param collect a logical indicating whether the query will be pulled into
#' a local tibble using dbplyr::collect. If you are planning on doing further
#' selection or filtering, you may want not want to collect until you're ready
#' @return a table of all results that have been flagged with the specified flag code
#' @export

find_flagged_data <- function(cyan_connection, flag_code, collect = TRUE) {

  FLAG_CODE <- RESULT_ID <- ".dplyr.var"

  flags <- dplyr::tbl(cyan_connection, "QC_FLAGS")
  flags <- dplyr::filter(flags, FLAG_CODE == flag_code)
  flags <- dplyr::pull(flags, RESULT_ID)

  result <- dplyr::tbl(cyan_connection, "RESULT")
  result <- dplyr::filter(result, RESULT_ID %in% flags)
  activity <- dplyr::tbl(cyan_connection, "ACTIVITY")
  location <- dplyr::tbl(cyan_connection, "LOCATION")

  output <- inner_join(result, activity)
  output <- inner_join(output, location)

    output <- collect(output)


#' Find results with a particular flag
#' Check the QC_FLAGS table to find results that have been flagged with
#' the given flag code
#' @param cyan_connection a CyAN database connection from \code{connect_cyan}
#' @param flag_code the flag code of interest
#' @return a vector of result identifiers
#' @export

find_flagged <- function(cyan_connection, flag_code) {

  FLAG_CODE <- RESULT_ID <- ".dplyr.var"

  flags <- dplyr::tbl(cyan_connection, "QC_FLAGS")
  flags <- dplyr::filter(flags, FLAG_CODE == flag_code)
  flags <- dplyr::pull(flags, RESULT_ID)


#' Apply a given flag to results
#' Add flags to the QCFLAGS table as defined in the FLAG_KEY table to a given
#' vector of RESULT_IDs
#' @param cyan_connection a CyAN database connection from \code{connect_cyan}
#' @param flag_code the flag code to apply
#' @param initials initials to tag the flag with
#' @param results the results to apply the flag to
#' @return a logical indicating whether the flags were succesfully written
#' @export

apply_flags <- function(cyan_connection, flag_code, initials, results) {

  FLAG_CODE <- FLAG_ID <- ".dplyr.var"

  defined_flags <- dplyr::tbl(cyan_connection, "FLAG_KEY")
  defined_flags <- pull(defined_flags, FLAG_CODE)

  if(!(flag_code %in% defined_flags))
    stop(paste(flag_code, "not defined in the database"))

  ids <- dplyr::tbl(cyan_connection, "QC_FLAGS")
  ids <- dplyr::pull(ids, FLAG_ID)
  if(length(ids) == 0) {
    max_key <- 0
  } else {
    max_key <- max(ids)

  to_write <- data.frame(
    FLAG_ID = 1:length(results) + max_key,
    RESULT_ID = results,
    FLAG_CODE = rep(flag_code, length(results)),
    INITIALS = rep(initials, length(results)),
    DATETIME_APPLIED = as.character(rep(Sys.time(), length(results)))

  written <- DBI::dbWriteTable(cyan_connection, "QC_FLAGS", to_write, append = TRUE)


#' Remove flags from the QC_FLAGS table
#' Given a flag_code and a vector of result identifiers, remove all the applicable
#' rows from the QC_FLAGS table
#' @param cyan_connection a CyAN database connection from \code{connect_cyan()}
#' @param flag_code the flag code to remove
#' @param results the result identifiers to remove the given flag from
#' @return a numeric vector indicating the number of flags deleted for each result
#' @export

remove_flags <- function(cyan_connection, flag_code, results) {

  affected <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(results))
  for(i in seq_along(results)) {
    statement <- paste("DELETE FROM QC_FLAGS WHERE FLAG_CODE = '",
                       flag_code, "' ",
                       "AND RESULT_ID = ",
                       results[i], ";",
                       sep = "")
    affected[i] <- DBI::dbExecute(cyan_connection, statement)


PatrickEslick/CyAN documentation built on Oct. 2, 2019, 5:50 p.m.