
Defines functions login loginServer loginUI

Documented in login loginServer loginUI

#' login UI module
#' Shiny UI Module for use with \link{loginServer}
#' @param id An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the module's server function
#' @param title header title for the login panel
#' @param user_title label for the user name text input
#' @param pass_title label for the password text input
#' @param login_title label for the login button
#' @param login_btn_class bootstrap class for the login button. defaults to "btn-primary"
#' @param error_message message to display after failed login
#' @param additional_ui additional shiny UI element(s) to add below login button. Wrap multiple inside \code{shiny::tagList()}
#' @param cookie_expiry number of days to request browser to retain login cookie
#' @return Shiny UI login panel with user name text input, password text input and login action button.
#' @example inst/shiny-examples/basic/app.R
#' @export
loginUI <- function(id,
                    title = "Please log in",
                    user_title = "User Name",
                    pass_title = "Password",
                    login_title = "Log in",
                    login_btn_class = "btn-primary",
                    error_message = "Invalid username or password!",
                    additional_ui = NULL,
                    cookie_expiry = 7) {
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)

      id = ns("panel"),
      style = "width: 500px; max-width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; padding: 20px;",
        shinyjs::extendShinyjs(text = js_cookie_to_r_code(ns("jscookie"), expire_days = cookie_expiry), functions = c("getcookie", "setcookie", "rmcookie")),
        shinyjs::extendShinyjs(text = js_return_click(ns("password"), ns("button")), functions = c()),
        shiny::tags$h2(title, class = "text-center", style = "padding-top: 0;"),
        shiny::textInput(ns("user_name"), shiny::tagList(shiny::icon("user"), user_title)),
        shiny::passwordInput(ns("password"), shiny::tagList(shiny::icon("unlock-alt"), pass_title)),
          style = "text-align: center;",
          shiny::tags$button(id = ns("button"), type = "button", class = paste("btn", login_btn_class, "action-button"), login_title)
            id = ns("error"),
              style = "color: red; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 5px;",
              class = "text-center"

#' login server module
#' Shiny authentication module for use with \link{loginUI}
#' This module uses shiny's new \link[shiny]{moduleServer} method as opposed to the \link[shiny]{callModule}
#' method used by the now deprecated \link{login} function and must be called differently in your app.
#' For details on how to migrate see the 'Migrating from callModule to moduleServer' section of 
#' \href{https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/modules.html}{Modularizing Shiny app code}.
#' @param id 	An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the module's UI function
#' @param data data frame or tibble containing user names, passwords and other user data. Can be either
#'  a static object or a shiny \link[shiny]{reactive} object
#' @param user_col bare (unquoted) or quoted column name containing user names
#' @param pwd_col bare (unquoted) or quoted column name containing passwords
#' @param sodium_hashed have the passwords been hash encrypted using the sodium package? defaults to FALSE
#' @param log_out [reactive] supply the returned reactive from \link{logoutServer} here to trigger a user logout
#' @param reload_on_logout should app force a session reload on logout?
#' @param cookie_logins enable automatic logins via browser cookies?
#' @param sessionid_col bare (unquoted) or quoted column name containing session ids
#' @param cookie_getter a function that returns a data.frame with at least two columns: user and session
#' @param cookie_setter a function with two parameters: user and session.  The function must save these to a database.
#' @return The module will return a reactive 2 element list to your main application.
#'   First element \code{user_auth} is a boolean indicating whether there has been
#'   a successful login or not. Second element \code{info} will be the data frame provided
#'   to the function, filtered to the row matching the successfully logged in username.
#'   When \code{user_auth} is FALSE \code{info} is NULL.
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @example inst/shiny-examples/basic/app.R
#' @export
loginServer <- function(id, 
                        sodium_hashed = FALSE,
                        log_out = shiny::reactiveVal(),
                        reload_on_logout = FALSE,
                        cookie_logins = FALSE,
                        cookie_setter) {
  # if colnames are strings convert them to symbols
  try_class_uc <- try(class(user_col), silent = TRUE)
  if (try_class_uc == "character") {
    user_col <- rlang::sym(user_col)
  try_class_pc <- try(class(pwd_col), silent = TRUE)
  if (try_class_pc == "character") {
    pwd_col <- rlang::sym(pwd_col)
  if (cookie_logins && (missing(cookie_getter) | missing(cookie_setter) | missing(sessionid_col))) {
    stop("if cookie_logins = TRUE, cookie_getter, cookie_setter and sessionid_col must be provided")
  } else {
    try_class_sc <- try(class(sessionid_col), silent = TRUE)
    if (try_class_sc == "character") {
      sessionid_col <- rlang::sym(sessionid_col)
  data_reactive <- shiny::reactive({
    # if not already reactive, make data reactive
    data_temp <- if (shiny::is.reactive(data)) data else shiny::reactive(data)
    # ensure all text columns are character class
    dplyr::mutate_if(data_temp(), is.factor, as.character)
    function(input, output, session) {
      credentials <- shiny::reactiveValues(user_auth = FALSE, info = NULL, cookie_already_checked = FALSE)
      shiny::observeEvent(log_out(), {
        if (cookie_logins) {

        if (reload_on_logout) {
        } else {
          shiny::updateTextInput(session, "password", value = "")
          credentials$user_auth <- FALSE
          credentials$info <- NULL
        if (cookie_logins) {
          if (credentials$user_auth) {
            shinyjs::hide(id = "panel")
          } else if (credentials$cookie_already_checked) {
            shinyjs::show(id = "panel")
        } else {
          shinyjs::toggle(id = "panel", condition = !credentials$user_auth)
      if (cookie_logins) {
        # possibility 1: login through a present valid cookie
        # first, check for a cookie once javascript is ready
        shiny::observeEvent(shiny::isTruthy(shinyjs::js$getcookie()), {
        # second, once cookie is found try to use it
        shiny::observeEvent(input$jscookie, {
          credentials$cookie_already_checked <- TRUE
          # if already logged in or cookie missing, ignore change in input$jscookie
            credentials$user_auth == FALSE,
            is.null(input$jscookie) == FALSE,
            nchar(input$jscookie) > 0
          cookie_data <- dplyr::filter(cookie_getter(), {{sessionid_col}} == input$jscookie)
          if (nrow(cookie_data) != 1) {
          } else {
            # if valid cookie, we reset it to update expiry date
            .userid <- dplyr::pull(cookie_data, {{user_col}})
            .sessionid <- randomString()
            cookie_setter(.userid, .sessionid)
            cookie_data <- utils::head(dplyr::filter(cookie_getter(), {{sessionid_col}} == .sessionid, {{user_col}} == .userid))
            credentials$user_auth <- TRUE
            credentials$info <- dplyr::bind_cols(
              dplyr::filter(data_reactive(), {{user_col}} == .userid),
              dplyr::select(cookie_data, -{{user_col}})
      # possibility 2: login through login button
      shiny::observeEvent(input$button, {
        # check for match of input username to username column in data
        row_username <- which(dplyr::pull(data_reactive(), {{user_col}}) == input$user_name)
        if (length(row_username)) {
          row_password <- dplyr::filter(data_reactive(), dplyr::row_number() == row_username)
          row_password <- dplyr::pull(row_password, {{pwd_col}})
          if (sodium_hashed) {
            if (!rlang::is_installed("sodium")) {
              rlang::check_installed("sodium", reason = "to decrypt passwords hashed by sodium.")
            password_match <- sodium::password_verify(row_password, input$password)
          } else {
            password_match <- identical(row_password, input$password)
        } else {
          password_match <- FALSE
        # if user name row and password name row are same, credentials are valid
        if (length(row_username) == 1 && password_match) {
          credentials$user_auth <- TRUE
          credentials$info <- dplyr::filter(data_reactive(), {{user_col}} == input$user_name)
          if (cookie_logins) {
            .sessionid <- randomString()
            cookie_setter(input$user_name, .sessionid)
            cookie_data <- dplyr::filter(dplyr::select(cookie_getter(), -{{user_col}}), {{sessionid_col}} == .sessionid)
            if (nrow(cookie_data) == 1) {
              credentials$info <- dplyr::bind_cols(credentials$info, cookie_data)
        } else { # if not valid temporarily show error message to user
          shinyjs::toggle(id = "error", anim = TRUE, time = 1, animType = "fade")
          shinyjs::delay(5000, shinyjs::toggle(id = "error", anim = TRUE, time = 1, animType = "fade"))
      # return reactive list containing auth boolean and user information

#' login server module (deprecated)
#' Deprecated. Use \link{loginServer} instead.
#' Shiny authentication module for use with \link{loginUI}
#' Call via \code{shiny::callModule(shinyauthr::login, "id", ...)}
#' This function is now deprecated in favour of \link{loginServer} which uses shiny's new \link[shiny]{moduleServer} 
#' method as opposed to the \link[shiny]{callModule} method used by this function. 
#' See the \link{loginServer} documentation For details on how to migrate.
#' @usage NULL
#' @param input shiny input
#' @param output shiny output
#' @param session shiny session
#' @param data data frame or tibble containing usernames, passwords and other user data
#' @param user_col bare (unquoted) column name containing usernames
#' @param pwd_col bare (unquoted) column name containing passwords
#' @param sodium_hashed have the passwords been hash encrypted using the sodium package? defaults to FALSE
#' @param hashed Deprecated. shinyauthr now uses the sodium package for password hashing and decryption. If you have previously hashed your passwords with the digest package to use with shinyauthr please re-hash them with sodium for decryption to work.
#' @param algo Deprecated
#' @param log_out [reactive] supply the returned reactive from \link{logout} here to trigger a user logout
#' @param sessionid_col bare (unquoted) column name containing session ids
#' @param cookie_getter a function that returns a data.frame with at least two columns: user and session
#' @param cookie_setter a function with two parameters: user and session.  The function must save these to a database.
#' @param reload_on_logout should app force reload on logout?
#' @return The module will return a reactive 2 element list to your main application.
#'   First element \code{user_auth} is a boolean indicating whether there has been
#'   a successful login or not. Second element \code{info} will be the data frame provided
#'   to the function, filtered to the row matching the successfully logged in username.
#'   When \code{user_auth} is FALSE \code{info} is NULL.
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' user_credentials <- shiny::callModule(
#'   login,
#'   id = "login",
#'   data = user_base,
#'   user_col = user,
#'   pwd_col = password,
#'   log_out = reactive(logout_init())
#' )
#' }
#' @export
login <- function(input,
                  sodium_hashed = FALSE,
                  log_out = NULL,
                  reload_on_logout = FALSE) {
  .Deprecated(msg = paste0("'shinyauthr::login' is deprecated. Use 'shinyauthr::loginServer' instead.\n", 
                           "See ?shinyauthr::loginServer for information on how to switch."))
  if (!missing(hashed)) {
      paste("in shinyauthr::login module call. Argument hashed is deprecated. shinyauthr now uses", 
            "the sodium package for password hashing and decryption.", 
            "If you had previously hashed your passwords with the digest package to use with shinyauthr,", 
            "please re-hash them with sodium and use the sodium_hashed argument instead for decryption to work."),
      call. = FALSE

  credentials <- shiny::reactiveValues(user_auth = FALSE, info = NULL, cookie_already_checked = FALSE)

  shiny::observeEvent(log_out(), {

    if (reload_on_logout) {
    } else {
      shiny::updateTextInput(session, "password", value = "")
      credentials$user_auth <- FALSE
      credentials$info <- NULL

    if (credentials$user_auth) {
      shinyjs::hide(id = "panel")
    } else if (credentials$cookie_already_checked) {
      shinyjs::show(id = "panel")

  users <- dplyr::enquo(user_col)
  pwds <- dplyr::enquo(pwd_col)

  if (missing(cookie_getter) | missing(cookie_setter) | missing(sessionid_col)) {
    cookie_getter <- default_cookie_getter(dplyr::as_label(users), "session_id")
    cookie_setter <- default_cookie_setter
    sessionids <- "session_id"
  } else {
    sessionids <- dplyr::enquo(sessionid_col)

  # ensure all text columns are character class
  data <- dplyr::mutate_if(data, is.factor, as.character)

  # possibility 1: login through a present valid cookie
  # first, check for a cookie once javascript is ready
  shiny::observeEvent(shiny::isTruthy(shinyjs::js$getcookie()), {
  # second, once cookie is found try to use it
  shiny::observeEvent(input$jscookie, {
    credentials$cookie_already_checked <- TRUE

    # if already logged in or cookie missing, ignore change in input$jscookie
      credentials$user_auth == FALSE,
      is.null(input$jscookie) == FALSE,
      nchar(input$jscookie) > 0

    cookie_data <- dplyr::filter(cookie_getter(), !!sessionids == input$jscookie)

    if (nrow(cookie_data) != 1) {
    } else {
      # if valid cookie, we reset it to update expiry date
      .userid <- dplyr::pull(cookie_data, !!users)
      .sessionid <- randomString()


      cookie_setter(.userid, .sessionid)

      cookie_data <- utils::head(dplyr::filter(cookie_getter(), !!sessionids == .sessionid, !!users == .userid))

      credentials$user_auth <- TRUE
      credentials$info <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        dplyr::filter(data, !!users == .userid),
        dplyr::select(cookie_data, -!!users)

  # possibility 2: login through login button
  shiny::observeEvent(input$button, {

    # check for match of input username to username column in data
    row_username <- which(dplyr::pull(data, !!users) == input$user_name)

    if (length(row_username)) {
      row_password <- dplyr::filter(data, dplyr::row_number() == row_username)
      row_password <- dplyr::pull(row_password, !!pwds)
      if (sodium_hashed) {
        if (!rlang::is_installed("sodium")) {
          rlang::check_installed("sodium", reason = "to decrypt passwords hashed by sodium.")
        password_match <- sodium::password_verify(row_password, input$password)
      } else {
        password_match <- identical(row_password, input$password)
    } else {
      password_match <- FALSE

    # if user name row and password name row are same, credentials are valid
    if (length(row_username) == 1 && password_match) {
      .sessionid <- randomString()

      cookie_setter(input$user_name, .sessionid)

      cookie_data <- dplyr::filter(dplyr::select(cookie_getter(), -!!users), !!sessionids == .sessionid)

      credentials$user_auth <- TRUE
      credentials$info <- dplyr::filter(data, !!users == input$user_name)

      if (nrow(cookie_data) == 1) {
        credentials$info <- dplyr::bind_cols(credentials$info, cookie_data)
    } else { # if not valid temporarily show error message to user
      shinyjs::toggle(id = "error", anim = TRUE, time = 1, animType = "fade")
      shinyjs::delay(5000, shinyjs::toggle(id = "error", anim = TRUE, time = 1, animType = "fade"))

  # return reactive list containing auth boolean and user information
PaulC91/shinyauthr documentation built on March 9, 2024, 7:10 a.m.