
#' Square Confusion Matrix
#' @description  Returns a square confusion matrix
#' @export
#' @param Y A numeric vector for the ground truth labels
#' @param Y_hat A numeric vector for the predicted Labels
#' @return A confusion table
#' @examples
#' squareConfusionTable(Y = sample(1:2, size = 10, replace = TRUE), Y_hat = rep(1, 10))
squareConfusionTable <- function(Y, Y_hat) {
  Y <- factor(Y)
  Y_hat <- factor(Y_hat, levels = levels(Y))
  table(Y, Y_hat)

#' Get Metrics
#' @description  Get all possible task names
#' @export
#' @param task A character string vector, cointaning 'MultClass' or/and 'BinClass' and/or 'Regression'.
#' @return All metrics names for that taks
#' @examples
#' GetMetrics(task = 'MultClass')
#' GetMetrics(task = 'BinClass')
#' GetMetrics(task = 'Regression')
GetMetrics <- function(task){
  if(task == 'MultClass'){

  if(task == 'BinClass'){

  if(task == 'Regression'){

  stop('Invalid task argument')


##### Binnary Classification

#' Binary Classification Metrics
#' @export
#' @description Returns a character string vector containning all binary classification metrics.
#' @return character string vector with all possible binary classification metrics.
#' @examples
#' BinClassMetricsNames()
BinClassMetricsNames <- function(){
  metricsNames <- c('Accuracy',
                    'F1 score',
                    'Log Loss',
                    'AUC' )

#' Accuracy
#' @export
#' @description Returns the Accuracy for a classification problem.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted Labels numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric value corresponding to the Accuracy of a classification problem
#' @examples
#' Y = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' Y_hat = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' Accuracy(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
Accuracy <- function(Y, Y_hat) {
  Acc <- sum(Y == Y_hat) / length(Y)

#' AUC
#' @export
#' @description Returns the Area Under the Curve for a binarry classification problem.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted Labels numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric value corresponding to the AUC of binary classification problem
#' @examples
#' Y = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' Y_hat = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' AUC(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
AUC <- function(Y, Y_hat) {
  rank <- rank(Y_hat)
  nPos <- as.double(sum(Y == unique(Y)[1]))
  nNeg <- as.double(sum(Y == unique(Y)[2]))
  AUC <- (sum(rank[Y == 1]) - nPos * (nPos + 1) / 2) / ((nPos * nNeg))

#' LogLoss
#' @export
#' @description Returns the Logarithmic Loss for classification problem.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted Labels numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric value corresponding to the LogLoss of binary classification problem
#' @examples
#' Y = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' Y_hat = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' LogLoss(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
LogLoss <- function(Y, Y_hat) {
  eps <- 1e-15
  Y_hat <- pmax(pmin(Y_hat, 1 - eps), eps)
  logLoss <- -mean(Y * log(Y_hat) + (1 - Y) * log(1 - Y_hat))

#' BinClassMetricsNames
#' @export
#' @description Returns a binaryResultList with binary classificaiton metrics.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted Labels numeric vector.
#' @param MetricsNames can be found at BinClassMetricsNames()
#' @return A binaryResultList with results
#' @examples
#' Y = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' Y_hat = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' BinClassMetrics(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat, MetricsNames = BinClassMetricsNames())
BinClassMetrics <- function(Y, Y_hat,
                            MetricsNames = BinClassMetricsNames()){
  if(length(unique(Y)) != 2){
    stop('Not binary classification problem !!! \nMore then 2 different types of values in Y vector!!!')

  if(length(Y) != length(Y_hat)){
    stop('Y and Y_hat have different sizes!!!')

  if( any( (unique(Y_hat) %in% unique(Y)) == FALSE) ){
    stop('Invalid values for Y_hat !!!')

  if( any( (MetricsNames %in% BinClassMetricsNames()) == FALSE) ){
    stop('Invalid values for MetricsNames !!!')

  resultList <- list()
  eps <- 1e-15

  ### MICRO
  confusionMatrix <- squareConfusionTable(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
  accuracy <- sum(diag(confusionMatrix) / ( sum(confusionMatrix) + eps))
  precision <- diag(confusionMatrix) / (rowSums(confusionMatrix) + eps)
  recall <- diag(confusionMatrix) / (colSums(confusionMatrix) + eps)
  f1 <- diag(confusionMatrix) / (colSums(confusionMatrix) + eps)
  logLoss <- LogLoss(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
  AUC <- AUC(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

  if("Accuracy" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Accuracy']] <- accuracy

  if("Precision" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Precision']] <- precision

  if("Recall" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Recall']] <- recall

  if("F1" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['F1']] <- f1

  if('Log Loss' %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Log Loss']] <- logLoss

  if("AUC" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['AUC']] <- AUC

  class(resultList) <- append(class(resultList), 'binaryResultList')

##### MultClass Classification
#' Multi Class Classification Metrics
#' @export
#' @description Returns a character string vector containning all multi class classification metrics.
#' @return character string vector with all possible multi class classification metrics.
#' @examples
#' MultiClassMetricsNames()
MultiClassMetricsNames <- function(){
  metricsNames <- c('Accuracy Macro',
                    'Accuracy Micro',
                    'Precision Macro',
                    'Precision Micro',
                    'Recall Macro',
                    'Recall Micro',
                    'F1 Macro',
                    'F1 Micro')

#' MultiLogLoss
#' @export
#' @description Returns the Logarithmic Loss for multi class classification problem.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted Labels numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric value corresponding to the LogLoss of binary classification problem
#' @examples
#' Y = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' Y_hat = sample(x = c(1,2), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#' MultiLogLoss(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
MultiLogLoss <- function(Y, Y_hat) {
  if (is.matrix(Y) == FALSE) {
    Y <- model.matrix(~ 0 + ., data.frame(as.character(Y)))
  eps <- 1e-15
  n <- nrow(Y_hat)
  Y_hat <- pmax(pmin(Y_hat, 1 - eps), eps)
  multiLogLoss <- (-1 / n) * sum(Y * log(Y_hat))

#' MultClassMetrics
#' @export
#' @description Returns a multiClassResultList with multi class classificaiton metrics.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted Labels numeric vector.
#' @param MetricsNames Metrics names, avilable can be found with MultiClassMetricsNames() .
#' @return A multiClassResultList with results
#' @examples
#' Y = sample(x = c(1,2, 3), size = 20, replace = TRUE)
#' Y_hat = sample(x = c(1, 2, 3), size = 20, replace = TRUE)
#' MultClassMetrics(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat, MetricsNames = MultiClassMetricsNames())
MultClassMetrics <- function(Y, Y_hat,

  if(length(Y) != length(Y_hat)){
    stop('Y and Y_hat have different sizes!!!')

  if( any( (unique(Y_hat) %in% unique(Y)) == FALSE) ){
    stop('Invalid values for Y_hat !!!')

  if( any( (MetricsNames %in% MultiClassMetricsNames()) == FALSE) ){
    stop('Invalid values for MetricsNames !!!')

  resultList <- list()
  eps <- 1e-15

  ### MICRO
  confusionMatrix <- squareConfusionTable(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
  macroAccuracy <-  mean(sum(diag(confusionMatrix)) / sum(confusionMatrix))
  macroPrecision <-  mean(diag(confusionMatrix) / (rowSums(confusionMatrix) + eps))
  macroRecall <-  mean(diag(confusionMatrix) / (colSums(confusionMatrix) + eps))
  macroF1 <- mean((2 * macroPrecision * macroRecall) / (macroPrecision + macroRecall + eps))

  ### MACRO
  nObs <- sum(confusionMatrix)
  nVars <- nrow(confusionMatrix) # number of classes
  nObsPerClass <- apply(confusionMatrix, 1, sum)
  nPredPerClass <- apply(confusionMatrix, 2, sum)
  oneVsAll <- lapply(1 : nVars,
                       result = c(confusionMatrix[i,i],
                                  nObsPerClass[i] - confusionMatrix[i,i],
                                  nPredPerClass[i] - confusionMatrix[i,i],
                                  nObs-nObsPerClass[i] - nPredPerClass[i] + confusionMatrix[i,i])
                       return( matrix(result, nrow = 2, byrow = T) )
  microConfusionMatrix <- Reduce('+', oneVsAll)
  microTruePositive <- microConfusionMatrix[1, 1]
  microFalseNegative <- microConfusionMatrix[2, 1]
  microFalsePositive <- microConfusionMatrix[1, 2]
  microTrueNegative <- microConfusionMatrix[2, 2]

  microAccuracy <- (microTruePositive + microTrueNegative) / (sum(microConfusionMatrix) + eps)
  microPrecision <- (microTruePositive) / (microTruePositive + microFalsePositive + eps)
  microRecall <- (microTruePositive) / (microTruePositive + microFalseNegative + eps)
  microAccuracy <- (microTruePositive + microTrueNegative) / (sum(microConfusionMatrix) + eps)
  microF1 <- (2 * microPrecision * microRecall) / (microPrecision + microRecall + eps)

  if("Accuracy Macro" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Accuracy Macro']] <- macroAccuracy

  if("Accuracy Micro" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Accuracy Micro']] <- microAccuracy

  if("Precision Macro" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Precision Macro']] <- macroPrecision

  if("Precision Micro" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Precision Micro']] <- microPrecision

  if("Recall Macro" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Recall Macro']] <- macroRecall

  if("Recall Micro" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['Recall Micro']] <- microRecall

  if("F1 Macro" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['F1 Macro']] <- macroF1

  if("F1 Micro" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[['F1 Micro']] <- microF1

  class(resultList) <- append(class(resultList), 'multiClassResultList')

#' Regression Metrics
#' @export
#' @description Returns a character string vector containning all regression metrics.
#' @return character string vector with all possible regression metrics.
#' @examples
#' RegressionMetricsNames()
RegressionMetricsNames <- function(){
  metricsNames <- c('R2',
                    'Explained Variance Score',
                    'Mean Error',
                    'Mean Absolute Error',
                    'Mean Squared Error',
                    'Root Mean Squared Error',
                    'Normalized Root Mean Squared Error',
                    'Coefficient of Variation Root Mean Squared Error',
                    'Median Absolute Erro')

#' Coefficient of Determination - R2
#' @export
#' @description Returns the Coefficient of determination R2 score for regression.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Y <- runif(100)
#' Y_hat <- Y + 0.2*runif(100)
#' R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

#' MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
R2 <- function(Y, Y_hat){
  R2_score <- 1 - ( sum((Y - Y_hat)**2)  / sum((Y - mean(Y))**2) )

#' Explained Variance Score
#' @export
#' @description Returns the explained variance score for regression.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Y <- runif(100)
#' Y_hat <- Y + 0.2*runif(100)
#' R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

#' MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
ExplainedVarianceScore <- function(Y, Y_hat){
  EVS <- 1 - ( var(Y - Y_hat) / var(Y) )

#' Mean Error
#' @export
#' @description Returns the mean error score for regression.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Y <- runif(100)
#' Y_hat <- Y + 0.2*runif(100)
#' R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

#' MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
MeanError <- function(Y, Y_hat){
  ME <- mean(Y-Y_hat)

#' Mean Absolute Error
#' @export
#' @description Returns the mean absolute error score for regression.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Y <- runif(100)
#' Y_hat <- Y + 0.2*runif(100)
#' R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

#' MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
MeanAbsoluteError <- function(Y, Y_hat){
  MAE <- mean(abs(Y-Y_hat))

#' Mean Square Error
#' @export
#' @description Returns the mean square error score for regression.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Y <- runif(100)
#' Y_hat <- Y + 0.2*runif(100)
#' R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

#' MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
MeanSquaredError <- function(Y, Y_hat){
  MSE <- mean( (Y-Y_hat)**2 )

#' Root Mean Square Error
#' @export
#' @description Returns the root mean square error score for regression.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Y <- runif(100)
#' Y_hat <- Y + 0.2*runif(100)
#' R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

#' MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
RootMeanSquaredError <- function(Y, Y_hat){
  RMSE <- mean( sqrt((Y-Y_hat)**2) )

#' Normalized Root Mean Square Error
#' @export
#' @description Returns the normalized root mean square error score for regression.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Y <- runif(100)
#' Y_hat <- Y + 0.2*runif(100)
#' R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

#' MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError <- function(Y, Y_hat){
  NRMSE <- mean( sqrt((Y-Y_hat)**2) ) / (max(Y) - min(Y))

#' Coefficient of Variation Root Mean Square Error
#' @export
#' @description Returns the coefficient of variation of the root mean square error score for regression.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Y <- runif(100)
#' Y_hat <- Y + 0.2*runif(100)
#' R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

#' MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError <- function(Y, Y_hat){
  CVRMSE <- mean( sqrt((Y-Y_hat)**2) ) / (mean(Y))

#' Median Absolute Error
#' @export
#' @description Returns the median absolute error score for regression.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Y <- runif(100)
#' Y_hat <- Y + 0.2*runif(100)
#' R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
#' CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

#' MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
MedianAbsoluteError <- function(Y, Y_hat){
  MedianAE <- median( abs(Y - Y_hat) )

#' Regression Metrics
#' @export
#' @description Returns a regResultList with regression metrics.
#' @param Y Ground truth numeric vector.
#' @param Y_hat Predicted values numeric vector.
#' @param MetricsNames Metrics names, avilable can be found with RegressionMetricsNames() .
#' @return A regResultList with results
#' @examples
#' Y = runif(100)
#' Y_hat = Y + 0.5*runif(100)
#' RegMetrics(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat, MetricsNames = RegressionMetricsNames())
RegMetrics <- function(Y, Y_hat,

  resultList <- list()
  if(length(Y) != length(Y_hat)){
    stop('Y and Y_hat have different sizes!!!')

  if( any( (MetricsNames %in% RegressionMetricsNames()) == FALSE) ){
    stop('Invalid values for MetricsNames !!!')

  if("R2" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[["R2"]]  <- R2(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

  if("Explained Variance Score" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[["Explained Variance"]]  <- ExplainedVarianceScore(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

  if("Mean Error" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[["Mean Error"]]  <- MeanError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

  if("Mean Absolute Error" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[["Mean Absolute Error"]]  <- MeanAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

  if("Mean Squared Error" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[["Mean Squared Error"]]  <- MeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

  if("Root Mean Squared Error" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[["Root Mean Squared Error"]]  <- RootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

  if("Normalized Root Mean Squared Error" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[["Normalized Root Mean Squared Error"]]  <- NormalizedRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

  if("Coefficient of Variation Root Mean Squared Error" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[["Coefficient of Variation Root Mean Squared Error"]]  <- CoefficientVariationRootMeanSquaredError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)

  if("Median Absolute Erro" %in% MetricsNames){
    resultList[["Median Absolute Error"]]  <- MedianAbsoluteError(Y = Y, Y_hat = Y_hat)
  class(resultList) <- append(class(resultList), 'multiClassResultList')
PauloCirino/MLAT documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:22 p.m.