
Marker gene changelog

Marker Genes


This update fixes an issue with missing NCBI ids in the previous versions. It is also created using the latest gene annotations from Gemma, causing other minor changes.

For a complete list of genes added or removed from the "Combined" gene list see this file.

Below is the number of genes added or removed from all cell types across brain regions

| | added| removed| Total genes in final list| |:----------------------|-----:|-------:|-------------------------:| |Astrocyte | 26| 18| 428| |Ependymal | 1| 2| 68| |Microglia | 38| 38| 845| |Microglia_activation | 5| 7| 183| |Microglia_deactivation | 8| 13| 278| |Noradrenergic | 5| 1| 137| |Oligo | 21| 18| 438| |Purkinje | 1| 0| 49| |Pyramidal | 6| 1| 73| |ForebrainCholin | 1| 6| 103| |BrainstemCholin | 2| 0| 41| |Basket | 1| 0| 8| |CerebGranule | 1| 0| 13| |Golgi | 0| 1| 29| |GabaPV | 2| 0| 32| |Gluta | 1| 0| 11| |Endothelial | 8| 8| 191| |GabaRelnCalb | 1| 1| 24| |GabaVIPReln | 3| 2| 50| |OligoPrecursors | 7| 7| 211| |GabaSSTReln | 0| 2| 53| |SpinalCordCholinergic | 3| 1| 130| |Spiny | 1| 0| 75| |Dopaminergic | 2| 2| 60|


Edit: In May 2018, we have decided that the genes should be ordered the same way in both symbol files and NCBI id files. The NCBI id lists have been changed accordingly. Version number is not changed since the genes that are included are the same.

This update introduces minor fixes to the gene list due to the following factors

For a complete list of genes added or removed from the "Combined" gene list see this file.

Below is the number of genes added or removed from all cell types across brain regions

| | added| removed| Total genes in final list| |:----------------------|-----:|-------:|-------------------------:| |Astrocyte | 13| 19| 426| |Microglia | 37| 25| 844| |Microglia_activation | 6| 5| 187| |Microglia_deactivation | 12| 8| 279| |Noradrenergic | 2| 4| 135| |Oligo | 18| 9| 435| |ForebrainCholin | 4| 0| 106| |BrainstemCholin | 1| 1| 40| |Basket | 1| 1| 7| |Bergmann | 8| 2| 71| |CerebGranule | 0| 5| 12| |Golgi | 4| 1| 30| |Purkinje | 2| 1| 48| |DentateGranule | 1| 0| 22| |GabaPV | 0| 1| 30| |GabaRelnCalb | 1| 0| 24| |GabaVIPReln | 1| 0| 49| |GabaSSTReln | 1| 0| 55| |SpinalCordCholinergic | 1| 0| 128| |Spiny | 1| 2| 74| |Ependymal | 1| 0| 68| |Dopaminergic | 1| 2| 60|


Initial version submitted with paper

PavlidisLab/neuroExpressoAnalysis documentation built on Aug. 23, 2022, 7:42 a.m.