build_design_matrix: Creates an fmri design matrix, including timing files for for...

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build_design_matrixR Documentation

Creates an fmri design matrix, including timing files for for AFNI or FSL.


Creates an fmri design matrix, including timing files for for AFNI or FSL.


  events = NULL,
  signals = NULL,
  tr = NULL,
  center_values = TRUE,
  hrf_parameters = c(a1 = 6, a2 = 12, b1 = 0.9, b2 = 0.9, cc = 0.35),
  baseline_coef_order = -1L,
  baseline_parameterization = "Legendre",
  run_4d_files = NULL,
  run_volumes = NULL,
  drop_volumes = 0L,
  runs_to_output = NULL,
  plot = TRUE,
  write_timing_files = NULL,
  output_directory = "run_timing",
  convolve_wi_run = TRUE,
  high_pass = NULL,
  iti_post = 12,
  ts_multipliers = NULL,
  additional_regressors = NULL



a data.frame that includes a column for the event type (e.g. outcome vs. cue), run number (1:n), trial number (nested within run, 1:x), onset, duration of event


expects a list of list. The first level of lists reflects each signal (e.g. pe vs values). In the second level, BDM expects values and event (e.g. cue vs outcome). Values is a data.frame with run number (1:n), trial (1:x), and signal.


The repetition time of your fMRI sequence in seconds. You must specify this. This is important to specify correctly to get temporal filtering correct.


A logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether to center parameteric regressors prior to convolution. This is usually a good idea to remove collinearity between parametric and task indicator regressors. The default is TRUE.


A named vector of HRF parameters passed to fmri.stimulus internally. The parameters are a1, a2, b1, b2, cc. Equation is (x/d1)^a1 * exp(-(x - d1)/b1) - c * (x/d2)^a2 * exp(-(x - d2)/b2). Defaults and descriptions are: a1 = 6. Controls the time delay to the peak of the positive response a2 = 12. Controls the time delay to the (negative) peak of the undershoot b1 = 0.9. Controls the dispersion (breadth) of the positive response b2 = 0.9. Controls the dispersion (breadth) of the undershoot cc = 0.35. Controls the relative scaling of the positive response versus the undershoot.

Note: These defaults come from Glover 1999.

Note. FSL double gamma has a1 = 6, a2 = 16, cc = 1/6. Not yet sure about b1 and b2.


Default -1 (no baseline). If >= 0, then design will include polynomial trends within each run (e.g. baseline_coef_order = 1 includes both an intercept and a linear trend as regressors)


Defaults to "Legendre". This adds Legendre polynomials up to baseline_coef_order (e.g., 2). The alternative is "orthogonal_polynomials", which uses from the fmri package to add polynomial regressors that are orthgonal to substantive design factors.


Expects a numeric vector containing the number of volumes per run. If just a single number is passed, the function assumes all runs have this number of volumes. This parameter sets the corresponding lengths of convolved regressors so that they match the MR data. Alternatively, you can pass a character vector of relevant NIfTI filenames, one per run, and build_design_matrix will calculate the number of volumes based on the 4th dimension (time) of the fMRI data. Finally, if you do not pass in this argument, build_design_matrix will take a guess that the run should end 12 seconds (or whatever you specifiy for iti_post) after the last event ends: max(onset + duration + iti_post)/tr within each run.


By default, all volumes are retained. If specified, this can be a vector of the number of volumes that will be removed from the beginning of each convolved regressor. If you pass a single number (e.g., 3), this number of volumes will be dropped from each run. This is useful if you have dropped the first n volumes of your MR data, for example to handle problems with steady state magnetization.


A numeric vector of runs to be output. By default, all runs are preserved. This is used to model only a subset such as c(1, 2, 6).


By default (TRUE), build_design_matrix will plot the design matrix in the plot window of your R session. If FALSE, the plot is not displayed, but the ggplot object is still provided in the $design_plot field.


When NULL (the default), the function does not write timing files to disk. This argument accepts a character vector that specifies whether to write "AFNI", "FSL", or "convolved" timing files to disk (in output_directory). AFNI files follow the dmBLOCK convention of TIME*PARAMETER:DURATION for each event. FSL files follow the three-column format of onset, duration, value. And convolved files represent a given signal convolved with the HRF such that the 1-column output is in volumes (i.e., one row per volume).


Where to output the timing files. By default, the function will output the timing files to a folder called "run_timing" in the current working directory. If such a folder does not exist, it will make a folder in your R session's current working directory.


If TRUE (the default), convolution – and any corresponding mean centering and normalization of the heights of parametric signals – is applied to each run separately. If FALSE, the events across runs are concatenated before convolution is applied (i.e., treating it as one long time series).


By default, NULL. If desired, pass in a number in Hz that specifies the high pass filter cutoff. In this case a FIR-based high-pass filter will be applied to remove any low-frequency fluctuations in the design signals after convolution. This can be useful and necessary if the MRI have been filtered, but the regressors have not. It is important that the frequency content of both MR and design signals matches. Some programs, including FEAT, ensure that equivalent filtering is applied to bot the Y and X sides of this equation, but you should be clear whether your program does so, too. If it doesn't, probably best to use this argument to filter things yourself. For example, 3dDeconvolve only handles filtering via a set of drift (polort) regressors. If you have used another tools such as fslmaths -bptf to filter the data, the polort will not necessarily result in the same removal of drift from regressors as was applied to the MR data.


By default, 12. Assumes 12 volumes after each run. Only necessary to specify if not supplying run_volumes and expecting function to use events information to calculate run_volumes. Wouldn't recommend this, just a default here.


By default, NULL. If specified, expects either a vector of character strings for different .txt files for the time-based regressors OR a list of data.frames (1 df per run). These data.frames contain time series regressors (i.e., having the same length as run_volumes) and can be used as multipliers on a stimulus signal prior to convolution. This is primarily intended for PPI analysis, where the stimulus regressor is multiplied by a time series from a seed/candidate region. To use columns of ts_multiplier, you include a specifier for an element in the signals list: ts_multiplier="vmPFC" where "vmPFC" is column name in ts_multipliers. If you use a list of character vectors (i.e., read from .txt files), make sure that you have headers in the text files that will become the names of the ts_multiplier signals.


By default, NULL. If additional regressors specified, either expects character vector for different .txt files for the additional regressors (1 txt file per run) OR it expects a list of data.frames (1 df per run). These values are tacked onto design_convolved (and not convolved with HRF), so each regressor should be length of the number of run_volumes within that run. If you pass in a vector of .txt files containing additional regressors, these will be read into R, truncated to run_volumes, and column-wise concatenated with substantive regressors.


The function outputs a list containing key aspects of the fMRI design, including the unconvolved and convolved regressors, collinearity diagnostics, the number of volumes modeled in each run, and a plot of the design.

The basic logic of the inputs to build_design_matrix is that task-related fMRI designs are organized around a set of events that occur in time and have a specific duration. Furthermore, for a given event, it could be a 0/1 non-occurrence versus occurrence representation, or the event could be associated with a specific parametric value such as working memory load, reward prediction error, or expected value. These parametric effects are aligned in time with an event, but there may be multiple predictions for a given event. For example, we may align a 0/1 regressor and a reward prediction error the outcome phase of a task.

Thus, the function abstracts timing-related information into events and signals, whether parametric or binary, into the signals.

The events argument expects a data.frame that has, minimally, the following structure:

 > print(events)
     event run trial onset duration
       cue   1     1     4        2
       cue   1     2     7        2
   outcome   1     1     6      0.5
   outcome   1     2   9.5      0.5
       cue   2     1   1.2        2
       cue   2     2    12        2
   outcome   2     1     6      0.5
   outcome   2     2   9.5      0.5

Note that you can tack on other columns to events if it useful to you. Furthermore, if you want to test different durations (e.g., RT-convolved versus fixed duration versus instantaneous), you can add these as additional columns (e.g., duration_1s, duration_instant, etc.). To make use of these in the design, specify the column name in events in the $duration element of a given signal in the signals list. If you do not specify the $duration element in signals, build_design_matrix will assume that the relevant duration is stored in the $duration column of events.

The signals argument expects a list where each element is a given signal that should be aligned with an event and that has some height (e.g., 0/1 or a parametric value) prior to convolution. The signals list should be named by signal and each element should be a list itself, such as the following:

  signals <- list(
    cue=list(event="cue", duration=0, value=1, normalization="none")

The event element specifies the mapping between a given signal and the corresponding timing in the events data.frame. In essence, this is used to merge the event and signal data together. Here, we specify that the cue signal is aligned in time with the cue event.

The duration element can be:

  1. A single number, in which case this fixed duration is used for all events

  2. A name of the column to be used in the events data.frame (e.g., "duration_rtshift")

  3. Omitted altogether, in which case build_design_matrix will default to the "duration" column of events.

The value element can be a single number (e.g., 1) in which case this height is used for all corresponding occurrences of a given event. Most commonly, a fixed value is useful for modeling a 'taskness' regressor, which captures a 0/1 representation of whether an event is occurring at a given moment in time. In conventional task-reated fMRI, this task indicator representation is then convolved with the HRF to model expected BOLD activity due to the occurrence of an event. Alternatively, value can be a data.frame containing $run, $trial, and $value columns that specify the height of the regressor at each trial. This specification is more useful for a parametric regressor, as in model-based fMRI. Here is an example:

  signals <- list(
    pe=list(event="outcome", normalization="none", convmax_1=TRUE,
      value=c(0, 10.2, -11.1, 6, 2.4, 1.5)

Here, the parametrically varying prediction error signal will be aligned at the "outcome" event, have a duration copied from the $duration column of events, and will have parametrically varying heights (e.g., 10.2 at trial 2) prior to convolution. Note that the value data.frame need not have an entry for every trial in the run. For example, if a given signal is only relevant or only occurs for some "outcome" events, the trial column might be something like c(2, 6, 10), indicating that the parametric modulator is only modeled at those trials. This is achieved by joining events with the relevant signal using trial as a key.

The $normalization element handles the normalization of the HRF for each regressor. This can be:

  1. durmax_1: pre-convolution, normalize the HRF max to 1.0 for long events (15+ sec) such that height of HRF is modulated by duration of event but maxes at 1. This is identical to dmUBLOCK(0).

  2. evtmax_1: pre-convolution, normalize the HRF max to 1.0 for each stimulus regardless of duration. This is identical to dmUBLOCK(1).

  3. none: No normalization of the HRF is performed prior to convolution.

The optional $convmax_1 element handles rescaling the convolved regressor to a maximum height of 1.0. If TRUE for a given signal, the convolved regressor will be divided by its max, leading to a max of 1.0 across both runs (assuming convolve_wi_run is TRUE) and subjects. This may be useful for scaling the regression coefficients in voxelwise regression across subjects. For example, if the parametric signal captures similar dynamics within subjects over the experiment, but the scaling varies substantially between subjects, convmax_1 can help to place the betas on an equivalent scale across subjects (assuming the MR data are also scaled similarly between subjects).

The optional $demean_convolved element handles whether to demean a convolved regressor.

The optional $beta_series element handles whether to convert a given signal into a set of regressors, one per event. This results in a wide design matrix in which the beta series regressors each reflect a single convolved event. All other signal arguments apply such as HRF normalization. $beta_series defaults to FALSE.

The optional ts_multipliers element can be added to a given signal in order to multiply the event in the design by a continuous time series such as an ROI. This is primarily used to compute interaction terms between events in the design and activity in a given region in order to examine connectivity using a psychophysiological interaction (PPI) approach. The build_design_matrix function will mean center the time series prior to multiplying it by the relevant design regressor, then convolve the result with the HRF. Thus, it is typical to provide a *deconvolved* time series to ts_multipliers, though some packages (e.g., FSL) don't typically use deconvolution in this way.

Finally, the optional add_deriv element determines whether the temporal derivative of a regressor is added to the design matrix after convolution. Following FSL, the derivatives are computed by a first-order difference and are then residualized for other regressors in the matrix. That is, the derivatives are orthogonalized with respect to substantive regressors. By default, derivatives are not added, but if TRUE for a given signal, this will be added to the convolved design matrix.

This function was adapted from the fitclock package ( to allow for more general creation of design matrices for fMRI analyses.


A list of containing different aspects of the design matrix:

  • $design: A runs x signals list containing events before convolution. Each element is a 2-D matrix containing, minimally, "trial", onset", "duration", and "value" columns. Onsets and durations are specified in seconds, consistent with FSL's 3-column format. Within each matrix, the onset, duration and value of the signal is specified.

  • $design_convolved: The convolved design matrices for each run. Each element in the list contains a run. Within each design matrix, each column contains a regressor, encompassing substantive regressors, additional signals, and polynomial baseline regressors, if specified. Each row reflects the predicted value for each volume.

  • $design_unconvolved: The unconvolved design matrices for each run. Same structure as $design_convolved, but prior to convolution with the HRF.

  • $collin_raw: A list containing information about the collinearity of regressors before convolution. At the highest level of the list, each element contains a run. At the second level of the list, the first element contains the correlation matrix of the regressors and the second element provides the variance inflation factor (VIF) associated with each regressor. Example: design$collin_raw$run1$vif

  • $collin_convolve: A list containing information about collinearity of the convolved regressors, including substantive signals, additional regressors, and polynomial regressors. Follows the same structure as $collin_raw.

  • $concat_onsets: A list containing concatenated event onset times for each signal. Each signal is an element of the list containing a vector of all onset times across runs. That is, the total time of run1 is added to onsets of run2 to support a combined analysis of all runs, which is common in AFNI (e.g., using -concat or multiple files to -input).

  • $run_volumes: A vector containing the total number of volumes modeled for each run.

  • $design_plot: A ggplot object showing the design matrix. This is generated by visualize_design_matrix.


Michael Hallquist

Alison Schreiber


## Not run: 

  #basic convolved design matrix
  d <- build_design_matrix(events = example_events, signals = example_signals, tr=1.0, plot=FALSE)

  data(example_nuisrun1) #load demo additional signals

  #design matrix with 0,1,2 polynomial baseline regressors and a set of additional regressors
  #this does not contain a 'taskness' regressor for cue or outcome
  dnuis <- build_design_matrix(events = example_events, signals = example_signals, tr=1.0,
    additional_regressors = list(example_nuisrun1, example_nuisrun2), baseline_coef_order = 2)

  #tweak the design to add temporal derivatives for both ev and pe
  example_signals$pe$add_deriv <- TRUE
  example_signals$ev$add_deriv <- TRUE

  #also use the evtmax_1 normalization method for both parametric signals
  example_signals$pe$normalization <- "evtmax_1"
  example_signals$ev$normalization <- "durmax_1"

  #finally, add a taskness regressor for cue and outcome
  example_signals$cue_evt <- list(value=1, event="cue", normalization="none")
  example_signals$outcome_evt <- list(value=1, event="outcome", normalization="none")

  #include up to quadratic drift terms in the design, drop 3 volumes from the beginning,
  #and write timing files in AFNI, FSL, and convolved formats (to the "run_timing" directory).
  d_modified <- build_design_matrix(events = example_events, signals = example_signals, tr=1.0,
    baseline_coef_order=2, drop_volumes=3, write_timing_files = c("convolved", "AFNI", "FSL"))

  #show unconvolved design
  plot(visualize_design_matrix(concat_design_runs(d_modified, convolved=FALSE)))

  #beta series approach for cues: 1 regressor per cue event
  example_signals$cue_evt$beta_series <- TRUE
  example_signals$ev <- NULL
  example_signals$pe <- NULL

  d_beta <- build_design_matrix(events = example_events, signals = example_signals, tr=1.0, plot=FALSE,
    baseline_coef_order=2, drop_volumes=3, write_timing_files = c("convolved", "FSL"))

  #PPI example

  events <- rbind(
    data.frame(event="cue", run=1, trial=1:5, onset=c(5, 20, 50, 100, 150), duration=4),
    data.frame(event="cue", run=2, trial=1:5, onset=c(15, 35, 60, 90, 105), duration=4)

  signals <- list(
      data.frame(run=1, trial=1:5, value=1:5),
      data.frame(run=2, trial=1:5, value=1:5)
    ), event="cue", normalization="none"),
    cue_evt=list(value=1, event="cue", normalization="none"),
    cue_evt_ppi=list(value=1, event="cue", normalization="none", ts_multipliers="vs")

  forppi1 <- simTSrestingstate(nscan=328, base=1, TR=1, SNR=6)
  forppi2 <- simTSrestingstate(nscan=242, base=1, TR=1, SNR=6)
  test_ppi <- list(run1=data.frame(vs=forppi1), run2=data.frame(vs=forppi2))

  #In PPI, the time series itself should typically be included as a regressor
  d <- build_design_matrix(events = events, signals = signals, tr=0.5, center_values=TRUE,
                write_timing_files = c("convolved", "AFNI", "FSL"),
                drop_volumes = 0, baseline_coef_order = 2, run_volumes = c(328, 242),
                ts_multipliers = test_ppi, additional_regressors = test_ppi)

## End(Not run)

PennStateDEPENdLab/dependlab documentation built on Dec. 14, 2024, 7:12 a.m.