generate_spm_mat: Uses an object from build_design_matrix to generate a...

View source: R/generate_spm_mat.R

generate_spm_matR Documentation

Uses an object from build_design_matrix to generate a corresponding SPM GLM design matrix.


Uses an object from build_design_matrix to generate a corresponding SPM GLM design matrix.


  ts_files = NULL,
  output_dir = "spm_out",
  hpf = 100,
  hrf_derivs = "none",
  nifti_tmpdir = tempdir(),
  cleanup_tmp = FALSE,
  condition_contrasts = TRUE,
  unit_contrasts = TRUE,
  effects_of_interest_F = TRUE,
  spm_execute_setup = FALSE,
  spm_execute_glm = FALSE,
  spm_execute_contrasts = FALSE,
  concatenate_runs = FALSE,
  generate_qsub = TRUE,
  execute_qsub = FALSE,
  spm_path = "/gpfs/group/mnh5174/default/lab_resources/spm12"



The object (of class 'bdm') generated by build_design_matrix. In particular, the function uses the $design and $run_niftis elements to extract relevant regressors and information about the NIfTI files to analyze.


A character vector of nuisance text files – one per run – to be added as covariates in SPM's multi_reg field.


The path where SPM scripts and outputs should go for this design matrix. The path can be relative or absolute, but will be converted to absolute internally using normalizePath().


The high-pass filter cutoff (in seconds) used to remove low frequencies prior to analysis. Default: 100


Whether to include derivatives of the regressors in the model to capture HRF variation. Options are: "none", "time" (temporal derivative), "time_dispersion" (temporal and dispersion derivatives). Default: "none"


Where to place uncompressed NIfTIs for analysis (SPM doesn't handle .nii.gz)


Whether to remove uncompressed .nii files after completing this function


Whether to setup contrasts for each condition. In multi-run data, these contrasts will represent the condition average across all runs (e.g., [ .5, .5 ] for 2 runs). Default: TRUE


Whether to estimate a unit-height contrast for every regressor in the design. This essentially includes a diagonal matrix in the contrast specification. Default: FALSE


Whether to include a single F test contrast with all regressors of interest. Useful in adjusting VOIs for nuisance regressors. Default: TRUE


Whether to run the GLM setup script in MATLAB, creating SPM.mat. Default: FALSE


Whether to run the GLM after creating SPM.mat. This could take a while! Default: FALSE


Whether to compute contrasts after GLM is complete. Depends on spm_execute_glm. Default: FALSE


Whether to convert multi-run data into a single concatenated session. This will execute spm_fmri_concatenate after the GLM setup is complete. This script computes run-specific whitening and high-pass filters while keeping a single concatenated time series. This is useful as a preamble to DCM, which often uses concatenated time series. Default: FALSE


Whether to create a qsub PBS script for running MATLAB scripts for design matrix creation and estimation. Default: TRUE


Whether to submit the PBS script create by generate_qsub to the cluster using the qsub command. Default: FALSE


The path to an spm12 directory. This will be included in MATLAB scripts to ensure that spm is found.


Whether to estimate contrasts for the run-specific intercepts in the design. Note that this qualifies condition_contrasts and unit_contrasts, but does nothing on its own.


This function is intended to setup a first-level (subject) fMRI GLM analysis in SPM12. It accepts an object from build_design_matrix and uses the contents of this object to setup timing and HRF settings (including parametric modulation) for all regressors.

At this point, the function is not very flexible in terms of allowing custom tweaks to each field. It is mostly intended to setup the necessary SPM structures to support DCM, which depends on an SPM.mat file. I discovered the spm12r package recently, which has a lot of flexibility for setting up a first-level model. In the future, we may wish to adapt the code below to use this instead.


A list containing the MATLAB syntax/scripts for GLM setup, execution, and contrast estimation


Michael Hallquist

PennStateDEPENdLab/dependlab documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 4:48 a.m.