knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=7, fig.height=5, 
                      comment=NA, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
# No figure margins
par(mar=rep(0, 4))

inForm writes a variety of image files in JPEG and TIFF format. This tutorial shows how to read the image files in R.

The R packages tiff and jpeg provide functions readTIFF and readJPEG which read image data into R matrices. phenoptr expands on these with read_components and read_maps which read multiple images and extract useful metadata from the Image Description fields.

A variety of functions can display image data including plot.raster, ggplot2::annotation_raster and EBImage::display.

Coordinate systems

A few items to note:

Each of these items easily causes confusion; be careful and verify your work!

Reading and displaying color images

Color (RGB) images output from inForm, such as the composite image and segmentation images, can be read directly using tiff::readTIFF() or jpeg::readJPEG(). For example,

path <- system.file("extdata", "sample", 
                   package = "phenoptr")
img <- jpeg::readJPEG(path)

Color images are read as 3D arrays. They can be displayed by converting to a raster.

snippet <- as.raster(img[800:1000, 1200:1500,])

EBImage::display will display an array in a web browser. RGB images are shown as three grayscale planes unless converted to an EBImage::Image first. EBImage::display shows the first coordinate horizontally and the second coordinate vertically so the image must be flipped to display in the expected orientation.

img_transposed <- aperm(img, c(2, 1, 3))
EBImage::display(EBImage::Image(img_transposed, colormode='Color'))

Reading and displaying component data

inForm saves component data as multiple 32-bit floating-point images within a single TIFF file. Images smaller than 2K by 2K pixels are saved in "strip" format and may be read by tiff::readTIFF(). Larger images are saved in "tiled" format which is not supported by readTIFF(). Single fields from Vectra Polaris, Vectra 3 and Mantra are all smaller than 2K by 2K and may be read by these functions; larger fields may not read. Install the PerkinElmer fork of the tiff package to support tiled images and remove this limitation.

phenoptr::read_components() is a wrapper around readTIFF() which reads the individual component images from a component_data.tif file. It keeps the full-resolution component images, extracts the component names from the image descriptions, and returns a named list of image matrices.

Component data may be displayed using plot.raster or EBImage::display. See the next section for examples of displaying grayscale images such as these.

Reading and displaying segmentation maps

inForm saves segmentation maps (nuclear segmentation, etc.) as multiple 16-bit grayscale images within a single TIFF file. Most segmentation images are label images, where each object is represented by a region whose value is the object number. The membrane map is a binary image where the presence of membrane is indicated with a "1" value.

phenoptr::read_maps() is a wrapper around readTIFF() which reads map files. It returns a named list of integer-valued matrices. The list names reflect the content of the individual images, e.g. Nucleus, Cytoplasm, etc.

map_path <- system.file("extdata", "sample",
   "Set4_1-6plex_[16142,55840]_binary_seg_maps.tif", package = "phenoptr")
maps <- phenoptr::read_maps(map_path)

The Nucleus label image contains values for background (0) and each Cell ID.

nucleus <- maps[['Nucleus']]
range(phenoptr::sample_cell_seg_data$`Cell ID`)

Label images may be displayed with plot.raster or EBImage::display (which requires swapping axes).

nucleus_snippet <- nucleus[800:1000, 1200:1500]
plot(as.raster(nucleus_snippet, max=max(nucleus_snippet)))

Plotting image data

Images have the origin (0, 0) at the top left. This is consistent with the Cell X Position and Cell Y Position columns of an inForm cell seg table but it is reversed (in $y$) from the usual plotting conventions. If you plot images and points together, you will have to reverse one or the other.

Here is an example using ggplot2. The $y$-axis is reversed using ggplot2::scale_y_reverse() and the image is then un-reversed by negating its $y$ limits.

csd <- phenoptr::sample_cell_seg_data
csd <- subset(csd, `Cell X Position`>=600 & `Cell X Position`<=750 &
              `Cell Y Position`>=400 & `Cell Y Position`<=500)
ggplot(data=csd, aes(`Cell X Position`, `Cell Y Position`, color=Phenotype)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(600, 750)) + 
  scale_y_reverse(limits=c(500, 400)) +
  annotation_raster(snippet, 600, 750, -400, -500) +
  geom_point(size=2) + coord_equal() +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("CK+"="cyan", "CD8+"="yellow",
                              "other"="blue", "CD68+"="magenta", 

PerkinElmer/phenoptr documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:01 a.m.