
Defines functions pac.resid

Documented in pac.resid

#' @title Pac-Man Residual Function
#' @description A visualization technique in R for regression analysis results, specifically residual values, based on a restricted
#' radial coordinate system. It provides a broad view perspective on the performance of regression models, and supports
#' most model inputs.
#' @param x,y Numeric data
#' @param title Figure title
#' @param taxis Vector with the first entry being the axis label and the second entry being units
#' @param model An object for which the extraction of model residuals is meaningful.
#' @param color1 Color value as string or rgb
#' @param standardize Boolean to standardize the residual value
#' @return Pac-Man residual plot
#' @keywords regression visualization
#' @import plotrix circlize
#' @importFrom graphics par text mtext rect abline plot
#' @importFrom stats coef lm nls resid predict sigma rstandard median
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
#' @examples
#' data("cars")
#' x <- cars$dist
#' y <- cars$speed
#' pac.resid(x,y, 'Example 2',
#'             c("Temperature",'degC'),
#'             color1="lightblue",
#'             standardize=TRUE)
#' @export
pac.resid <- function(x, y, title, taxis, model = lm(y ~ x, data = data.frame(x,y)), color1 = "gold", standardize = FALSE) {
    # Revert margin settings back to default after exit
    oldpar <- par(mar = par()$mar, oma = par()$oma)

    tunit <- unit_format(taxis[2])

    # residual quanities from the regression model
    if (standardize == TRUE) {
        residual <- abs(rstandard(model))
    } else {
        residual <- abs(resid(model))
    # sequence used for angular position
    t <- linMap(x, 40, 320)
    r <- linMap(residual, 1, 0)

    # Angular axis label positions
    lp = linMap(seq.int(min(x), max(x)), 40, 320)
    # Angular axis labels
    ln = rev(seq.int(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE)))

    # 6 equal divisions
    divl  <- seq.int(round(min(residual, na.rm = TRUE), 1), round(max(residual, na.rm = TRUE),1), length.out = 6)
    divs  <- seq.int(round(min(abs(r), na.rm = TRUE), 1), round(max(abs(r), na.rm = TRUE),1), length.out = 6)
    n <- divs[6]/10

    # Plots the residual against an angular position
    par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0), cex = 0.9)
    m = 12
    polar.plot(0, labels = "", show.grid = FALSE, show.grid.labels = FALSE,show.radial.grid = FALSE)
    title(paste("\n\n", title, sep = ""), outer = TRUE)
    # Generates 'tick marks' for angular axis
    # Major tick marks
    for (i in seq(1,length(lp), length.out=m)){
      polar.plot(c(0, divs[6] + n/2), c(lp[i], lp[i]), lwd = 1, rp.type = "p", line.col = "Black",add = TRUE)
    ## Minor tick marks
    for (i in seq(1, length(lp))) {
        polar.plot(c(0, divs[6] + n/4), c(lp[i], lp[i]), lwd = 1, rp.type = "p", line.col = "Black",add = TRUE)
    # Generates angular labels (w/ units) and axis title
    for (i in seq.int(1,length(lp),length.out=m)) {
        text <- sprintf("%.1f", round(ln[i], 1))
        if (i <= round(length(lp)/2,0)) {
            arctext(text, middle = (lp[i] * pi)/(180), radius = divs[6] + n, clockwise = FALSE)
        }else {
            arctext(text, middle = (lp[i] * pi)/(180), radius = divs[6] + n, clockwise = TRUE)
    arctext(paste(taxis[1], paste(tunit$unit, "]", sep=""), sep=" ["), middle = 0, radius = divs[6] + n, clockwise = TRUE)

    # Draws the circles and the labels
    for (i in 6:1) {
        if ((i%%2) == 0) {
            color <- color1
        } else {
            color <- "White"
        draw.circle(0, 0, radius = divs[i], col = color)
    draw.sector(40, -40, col="white")
    for (i in 6:1){
      rlab <- mean(c(abs(divs[i + 1]), abs(divs[i])))
      text(rlab, 0, srt=0, labels = bquote(.(divl[i + 1]) * sigma))
      draw.sector(-1, -40, rou1=divs[i], rou2=divs[i])
    # Draws the label space
    polar.plot(c(0, divs[6]), c(min(t), min(t)), lwd = 1, rp.type = "p", line.col = "black",
        add = TRUE)
    polar.plot(c(0, divs[6]), c(max(t), max(t)), lwd = 1, rp.type = "p", line.col = "black",
        add = TRUE)
    #Plots the data
    polar.plot(r, t, rp.type = "s", point.col = "black", point.symbols = 16,add = TRUE)

    text(mean(c(abs(divs[3 + 1]), abs(divs[3]))), par("usr")[1] + 0.55 * diff(par("usr")[1:2]), srt=0, labels="Residual Values")
PharaohCola13/pacviz documentation built on March 15, 2023, 8:11 a.m.