
Defines functions emptyModelList equivalence designCriterion DiscrimOD

Documented in designCriterion DiscrimOD emptyModelList equivalence

#' Hybrid Algorithm of PSO and L-BFGS for Finding Optimal Discrimination Design
#' Implement the hybridized PSO algorithm to find the optimal discrimination designs
#' for 2 or more than 2 competing models
#' @param MODEL_INFO A list of information of competing models.
#' For details, run \code{emptyModelList()} and see the examples below.
#' @param DISTANCE The function of distance measure. See the example.
#' @param nSupp The integer number fo support points.
#' This number should be larger than or equal to 2.
#' @param dsLower The vector of finite lower bounds of the design space.
#' Its length should be equal to the dimension of design space.
#' @param dsUpper The vector of finite upper bounds of the design space.
#' Its length should be equal to the dimension of design space.
#' @param minWt A small numerical value.  The weight of resulting design should
#' be larger than this value.  This option is useful to avoid a degenerated resulting design.
#' Its default is zero.
#' @param crit_type The name of the case of the discrimination design problem. See details.
#' @param MaxMinStdVals The vector of values of demoninators in the design efficiency
#' calculation for finding max-min discrimination design.
#' @param PSO_INFO The list of PSO parameters generated by \code{getPSOInfo()}.
#' @param LBFGS_INFO The list of L-BFGS parameters generated by \code{getLBFGSInfo()}.
#' @param seed The random seed that controls initial swarm of PSO. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param verbose The logical value controls if PSO would reports the updating progress. The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return An List.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{BESTDESIGN}{ the resulting design in matrix form. Each row is a support point with its weight.
#' The last column is the weights of the support points.}
#' \item{BESTVAL}{ the design criterion value of the resulting design.}
#' \item{GBESTHIST}{ a vector of design citerion values of the global best particle in PSO search history.}
#' \item{CPUTIME}{ the computational time in seconds.}
#' }
#' @details
#' Currently the \code{DiscrimOD} accepts the option \code{crit_type} to be
#' \code{'pair_fixed_true'} or \code{'maxmin_fixed_true'}.
#' If specified \code{crit_type = 'pair_fixed_true'}, the \code{DiscrimOD}
#' searches for the optimal discrimination design for two competing models
#' such as \eqn{T}-optimal design (Atkinson and Fedorov, 1975a) and \eqn{KL}-optimal
#' design (Lopez-Fidalgo et al., 2007).
#' If specified \code{crit_type = 'maxmin_fixed_true'}, the \code{DiscrimOD}
#' searches for the max-min type of optimal discrimination design
#' which is able to simultaneously discriminate among many competing models.
#' For example, the max-min \eqn{KL}-optimal design in Tommasi et al. (2016).
#' @examples
#' # Atkinson and Fedorov (1975a): T-optimal
#' # Two R functions of competing models are given by
#' af1 <- function(x, p) p[1] + p[2]*exp(x) + p[3]*exp(-x)
#' af2 <- function(x, p) p[1] + p[2]*x + p[3]*x^2
#' # Set the model information
#' # The nominla value in 'm1' is 4.5, -1.5, -2.0
#' # For 'm2', we set the parameter space to be [-10, 10]^3 and
#' # the initial guess (for LBFGS) of the rival model parameter is zero vector
#' AF_para_af1 <- c(4.5, -1.5, -2)
#' af_info_12 <- list(
#'   # The first list should be the true model and the specified nominal values
#'   list(model = af1, para = AF_para_af1),
#'   # Then the rival models are listed accordingly. We also need to specify the model space.
#'   list(model = af2, paraLower = rep(-10, 3), paraUpper = rep(10, 3))
#' )
#' # Define the R function for the distance measure in T-optimal criterion
#' # xt is the mean values of the true model
#' # xr is the mean values of the rival model
#' sq_diff <- function(xt, xr) (xt - xr)^2
#' # Initialize PSO and BFGS options
#' PSO_INFO <- getPSOInfo(nSwarm = 32, maxIter = 100)
#' # Find T-optimal design for models af1 and af2
#' af_res_12 <- DiscrimOD(MODEL_INFO = af_info_12, DISTANCE = sq_diff,
#'   nSupp = 4, dsLower = -1, dsUpper = 1, crit_type = "pair_fixed_true",
#' round(af_res_12$BESTDESIGN, 3) # The resulting design
#' af_res_12$BESTVAL # The T-optimal criterion value
#' af_res_12$CPUTIME # CPU time
#' # Test optimality by equivalence theorem
#' af_eqv_12 <- equivalence(ngrid = 100, PSO_RESULT = af_res_12, MODEL_INFO = af_info_12,
#'   DISTANCE = sq_diff, dsLower = -1, dsUpper = 1, crit_type = "pair_fixed_true",
#' # Draw the directional derivative curve
#' plot(af_eqv_12$Grid_1, af_eqv_12$DirDeriv, type = "l", col = "blue",
#'   main = "af_res_12", xlab = "x", ylab = "Directional Derivative"); abline(h = 0)
#' points(af_res_12$BESTDESIGN[,1], rep(0, nrow(af_res_12$BESTDESIGN)), pch = 16)
#' # Following above, we add the 3rd model in Atkinson and Fedorov (1975b)
#' af3 <- function(x, p) p[1] + p[2]*sin(0.5*pi*x) + p[3]*cos(0.5*pi*x) + p[4]*sin(pi*x)
#' af_info_13 <- list(
#'   list(model = af1, para = AF_para_af1),
#'   list(model = af3, paraLower = rep(-10, 4), paraUpper = rep(10, 4))
#' )
#' # Find another T-optimal design for models af1 and af3
#' af_res_13 <- DiscrimOD(MODEL_INFO = af_info_13, DISTANCE = sq_diff,
#'   nSupp = 5, dsLower = -1.0, dsUpper = 1.0, crit_type = "pair_fixed_true",
#' # Re-organize model list for finding the max-min T-optimal design
#' af_info_maxmin <- list(af_info_12[[1]], af_info_12[[2]], af_info_13[[2]])
#' # Define the vector of optimal criterion values for efficiency computations
#' af_vals_pair <- c(af_res_12$BESTVAL, af_res_13$BESTVAL)
#' # Search for max-min T-optimal design for discriminating af1, af2 and af3
#' af_res_maxmin <- DiscrimOD(MODEL_INFO = af_info_maxmin, DISTANCE = sq_diff,
#'   nSupp = 5, dsLower = -1, dsUpper = 1, crit_type = "maxmin_fixed_true",
#'   MaxMinStdVals = af_vals_pair, PSO_INFO = PSO_INFO, LBFGS_INFO = LBFGS_INFO,
#'   seed = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
#' round(af_res_maxmin$BESTDESIGN, 3) # The resulting design
#' af_res_maxmin$BESTVAL # The T-optimal criterion value
#' af_res_maxmin$CPUTIME # CPU time
#' # Test optimality by equivalence theorem
#' af_eqv_maxmin <- equivalence(ngrid = 100, PSO_RESULT = af_res_maxmin,
#'   MODEL_INFO = af_info_maxmin, DISTANCE = sq_diff, dsLower = -1, dsUpper = 1,
#'   crit_type = "maxmin_fixed_true", MaxMinStdVals = af_vals_pair,
#' af_eqv_maxmin$alpha # The weight of efficiency values
#' # Draw the directional derivative curve
#' plot(af_eqv_maxmin$Grid_1, af_eqv_maxmin$DirDeriv, type = "l", col = "blue",
#'   main = "af_res_maxmin", xlab = "x", ylab = "Directional Derivative"); abline(h = 0)
#' points(af_res_maxmin$BESTDESIGN[,1], rep(0, nrow(af_res_maxmin$BESTDESIGN)), pch = 16)
#' # Not Run
#' # For other distance measure, here are a few
#' # Heteroscedastic Normal model
#' # heter_norm <- function(xt, xr) {
#' #   var_t <- xt^2
#' #   var_r <- xr^2
#' #   (var_t + (xt - xr)^2)/var_r - log(var_t/var_r)
#' # }
#' # Logistic regression model
#' # logit_diff <- function(xt, xr) {
#' #   exp_t <- exp(xt)
#' #   exp_r <- exp(xr)
#' #   mu_t <- exp_t/(1 + exp_t)
#' #   mu_r <- exp_r/(1 + exp_r)
#' #   mu_t*(log(mu_t) - log(mu_r)) + (1 - mu_t)*(log(1.0 - mu_t) - log(1.0 - mu_r))
#' # }
#' # Gamma regression model
#' # gamma_diff <- function(xt, xr) log(xr/xt) + (xt - xr)/xr
#' @references Atkinson, A. C. and Fedorov, V. V. (1975a). The design of experiments for discriminating between two rival models. Biometrika, 62(1):57-70.
#' @references Atkinson, A. C. and Fedorov, V. V. (1975b). Optimal design: experiments for discriminating between several models. Biometrika, 62(2):289-303.
#' @references Lopez-Fidalgo, J., Tommasi, C., and Trandafir, P. C. (2007). An optimal experimental design criterion for discriminating between non-normal models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 69(2):231-242.
#' @references Tommasi, C., Martin-Martin, R., and Lopez-Fidalgo, J. (2016). Max-min optimal discriminating designs for several statistical models. Statistics and Computing, 26(6):1163-1172.
#' @name DiscrimOD
#' @rdname DiscrimOD
#' @export
DiscrimOD <- function(MODEL_INFO, DISTANCE, nSupp, dsLower, dsUpper, minWt = 0.0, crit_type = "pair_fixed_true", MaxMinStdVals = NULL,
											PSO_INFO = NULL, LBFGS_INFO = NULL, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE, environment, ...) {

  stopifnot(nSupp >= 2L, all(is.finite(dsLower)), all(is.finite(dsUpper)),
            length(dsLower) == length(dsUpper), all(dsUpper > dsLower),
            all(names(PSO_INFO) == names(getPSOInfo())),
            crit_type %in% c("pair_fixed_true", "maxmin_fixed_true"))

	MODEL_LIST <- lapply(1:length(MODEL_INFO), function(k) MODEL_INFO[[k]]$model)

  if (crit_type == "maxmin_fixed_true") {
  	if (is.null(MaxMinStdVals)) {
  		stop("Need optimal values for pairwise discrimination in efficiency computations.")
  	if (length(MaxMinStdVals) < (length(MODEL_INFO) - 1)) {
  		stop(paste0("Need ", length(MODEL_INFO) - 1, " values for pairwise discrimination in efficiency computations."))
  } else {
  	if (is.null(MaxMinStdVals)) MaxMinStdVals <- 0

  dSupp <- length(dsLower)

	D_INFO <- getDesignInfo(D_TYPE = "approx", MODEL_INFO = MODEL_INFO, dist_func = DISTANCE,
                          crit_type = crit_type, MaxMinStdVals = MaxMinStdVals,
                          dSupp = length(dsLower), nSupp = nSupp, dsLower = dsLower, dsUpper = dsUpper,
	                        minWt = minWt)

	if (is.null(PSO_INFO)) {
		PSO_INFO <- getPSOInfo(nSwarm = c(32, 32), maxIter = c(100, 100))
		if (verbose) message(paste0("Use the default settings for PSO. See '?getPSOInfo'."))

	if (is.null(LBFGS_INFO)) {
		LBFGS_INFO <- getLBFGSInfo()
		if (verbose) message(paste0("Use the default settings for LBFGS. See '?getLBFGSInfo'."))
	} else if (is.numeric(LBFGS_INFO) && (LBFGS_INFO == 0)) {
		if (verbose) message(paste0("Use NestedPSO, not PSO-QN."))
		stopifnot(length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm) < 2)

	if (!hasArg(environment)) environment <- new.env()

	# Adjust PSO_INFO according to D_INFO
	swarmSetting <- algInfoUpdate(D_INFO)
	PSO_INFO$varUpper <- matrix(swarmSetting$UB, length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm), ncol(swarmSetting$UB), byrow = TRUE)
	PSO_INFO$varLower <- matrix(swarmSetting$LB, length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm), ncol(swarmSetting$UB), byrow = TRUE)
	PSO_INFO$dSwarm <- rep(ncol(swarmSetting$UB), length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm))

	# Find Initial Guess for parameters of rival model
	propGuess <- NULL
	for (i in 1:dSupp) {
	  propGuess <- cbind(propGuess, seq(dsLower[i], dsUpper[i], length = nSupp))
	propGuess <- cbind(propGuess, 1/nSupp)
	UNIFDESIGN_M <- designV2M(propGuess, D_INFO)
	iniGuess <- cppDesignCriterion(PSO_INFO, LBFGS_INFO, D_INFO, MODEL_LIST, 0, environment, UNIFDESIGN_M)
	D_INFO$parasInit <- iniGuess$theta2

	# Start
	cputime <- system.time(
		psoOut <- cppPSO(0, PSO_INFO, LBFGS_INFO, D_INFO, MODEL_LIST, 0, environment, FALSE, verbose)

	if (verbose) message(paste0("CPU time: ", round(cputime, 2), " seconds."))

	BESTDESIGN <- designM2V(psoOut$GBest, D_INFO)

	list(BESTDESIGN = BESTDESIGN, BESTVAL = -psoOut$fGBest, GBESTHIST = -psoOut$fGBestHist,
	     CPUTIME = cputime)

#' Function of criterion value computing
#' Computes the discrimination design criterion value
#' @param DESIGN1 matrix. The approximate design.
#' @param MODEL_INFO list of information of competing models.
#' For details, run \code{emptyModelList()} and see the instruction below.
#' @param DISTANCE function. The R/C++ function of distance measure.
#' For T-optimal design, the function is the squared difference of two models means.
#' @param dsLower vector. The finite lower bounds of the design space.
#' Its length should be equal to the dimension of design space.
#' @param dsUpper vector. The finite upper bounds of the design space.
#' Its length should be equal to the dimension of design space.
#' @param crit_type string. The name of the case of the discrimination design problem.
#' The default is 'pair_fixed_true'.
#' @param MaxMinStdVals vector. The values of demoninators in the design efficiency calculation for finding max-min discrimination design.
#' @param PSO_INFO list. PSO and BFGS options.
#' @return An List.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{cri_val}{ the design criterion value of the resulting design in the PSO result or the given design.}
#' \item{theta2}{ a matrix of the parameters of each input model that result the design criterion value.}
#' }
#' @name designCriterion
#' @rdname designCriterion
#' @export
designCriterion <- function(DESIGN1, MODEL_INFO, DISTANCE, dsLower, dsUpper, crit_type = "pair_fixed_true", MaxMinStdVals = NULL,
														PSO_INFO = NULL, LBFGS_INFO = NULL, environment, ...) {

	stopifnot(all(is.finite(dsLower)), all(is.finite(dsUpper)),
            length(dsLower) == length(dsUpper), all(dsUpper > dsLower))

	nSupp <- nrow(DESIGN1)
	dSupp <- ncol(DESIGN1) - 1
	MODEL_LIST <- lapply(1:length(MODEL_INFO), function(k) MODEL_INFO[[k]]$model)

	if (is.null(MaxMinStdVals)) MaxMinStdVals <- 0
	D_INFO <- getDesignInfo(D_TYPE = "approx", MODEL_INFO = MODEL_INFO, dist_func = DISTANCE,
                          crit_type = crit_type, MaxMinStdVals = MaxMinStdVals, minWt = .0,
                          dSupp = length(dsLower), nSupp = nSupp, dsLower = dsLower, dsUpper = dsUpper)

	if (is.null(PSO_INFO)) { PSO_INFO <- getPSOInfo(nSwarm = c(32, 32), maxIter = c(100, 100)) }

	if (is.null(LBFGS_INFO)) {
		LBFGS_INFO <- getLBFGSInfo()
	} else if (is.numeric(LBFGS_INFO) && (LBFGS_INFO == 0)) {

	if (!hasArg(environment)) environment <- new.env()

	# Adjust PSO_INFO according to D_INFO
	swarmSetting <- algInfoUpdate(D_INFO)
	PSO_INFO$varUpper <- matrix(swarmSetting$UB, length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm), ncol(swarmSetting$UB), byrow = TRUE)
	PSO_INFO$varLower <- matrix(swarmSetting$LB, length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm), ncol(swarmSetting$UB), byrow = TRUE)
	PSO_INFO$dSwarm <- rep(ncol(swarmSetting$UB), length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm))

	# Find Initial Guess for parameters of rival model
	propGuess <- NULL
	for (i in 1:dSupp) {
	  propGuess <- cbind(propGuess, seq(dsLower[i], dsUpper[i], length = nSupp))
	propGuess <- cbind(propGuess, 1/nSupp)
	UNIFDESIGN_M <- designV2M(propGuess, D_INFO)
	iniGuess <- cppDesignCriterion(PSO_INFO, LBFGS_INFO, D_INFO, MODEL_LIST, 0, environment, UNIFDESIGN_M)
	D_INFO$parasInit <- iniGuess$theta2

	# Compute the criterion value
	DESIGN1_M <- designV2M(DESIGN1, D_INFO)
	cri_1 <- cppDesignCriterion(PSO_INFO, LBFGS_INFO, D_INFO, MODEL_LIST, 0, environment, DESIGN1_M)
	rownames(cri_1$theta2) <- paste0("model_", 1:length(MODEL_INFO))

  return(list(cri_val = -cri_1$val, theta2 = cri_1$theta2))

#' Equivalence theorem for discrimination design
#' Computes the values of directional derivative function on an user-defined grid and
#' returns its maximal value.
#' @param DESIGN1 matrix.
#' @param PSO_RESULT list.
#' @param ngrid integer. The default is 100.
#' @param IFPLOT logical.
#' @param MODEL_INFO list of information of competing models. For details, run \code{emptyModelList()} and see the instruction below.
#' @param DISTANCE function.
#' @param dsLower vector. The finite lower bounds of the design space. Its length should be equal to the dimension of design space.
#' @param dsUpper vector. The finite upper bounds of the design space. Its length should be equal to the dimension of design space.
#' @param crit_type string. The name of the case of the discrimination design problem. The default is 'pair_fixed_true'.
#' @param MaxMinStdVals vector. The values of demoninators in the design efficiency calculation for finding max-min discrimination design.
#' @param PSO_INFO list. PSO and BFGS options.
#' @return An List.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Grid_1}{ a vector of grid points on the design space.  For 2-D case, this vector is the grid of the first dimension.}
#' \item{Grid_2}{ a vector of grid points on the second dimension of the 2-D design space.  For 1_d case, this output can be ignored.}
#' \item{DirDeriv}{ a vector (1-D case) or a matrix (2-D case) of the directional derivative function values on the grid points.}
#' \item{MAX_DD}{ the maximal value of the directional derivative function in \code{DirDeriv}.}
#' \item{alpha}{ a vector of weights of efficiency values that satisfies the equivalence theorem for max-min optimal discrimination design.}
#' }
#' @name equivalence
#' @rdname equivalence
#' @export
equivalence <- function(DESIGN = NULL, PSO_RESULT = NULL, ngrid = 100, IFPLOT = FALSE,
												MODEL_INFO, DISTANCE, dsLower, dsUpper, crit_type = "pair_fixed_true",
												MaxMinStdVals = NULL, PSO_INFO = NULL, LBFGS_INFO = NULL,
												ALPHA_PSO_INFO = NULL, environment, ...) {

	stopifnot(all(is.finite(dsLower)), all(is.finite(dsUpper)),
            length(dsLower) == length(dsUpper), all(dsUpper > dsLower))


	nSupp <- nrow(DESIGN)
	dSupp <- ncol(DESIGN) - 1

	MODEL_LIST <- lapply(1:length(MODEL_INFO), function(k) MODEL_INFO[[k]]$model)

	if (!hasArg(environment)) environment <- new.env()

	if (is.null(MaxMinStdVals)) MaxMinStdVals <- 0
	D_INFO <- getDesignInfo(D_TYPE = "approx", MODEL_INFO = MODEL_INFO, dist_func = DISTANCE,
                          crit_type = crit_type, MaxMinStdVals = MaxMinStdVals, minWt = .0,
                          dSupp = length(dsLower), nSupp = nSupp, dsLower = dsLower, dsUpper = dsUpper)

	if (is.null(PSO_INFO)) { PSO_INFO <- getPSOInfo(nSwarm = c(32, 32), maxIter = c(100, 100)) }

	if (is.null(LBFGS_INFO)) {
		LBFGS_INFO <- getLBFGSInfo()
	} else if (is.numeric(LBFGS_INFO) && (LBFGS_INFO == 0)) {

	# Adjust PSO_INFO according to D_INFO
	swarmSetting <- algInfoUpdate(D_INFO)
	PSO_INFO$varUpper <- matrix(swarmSetting$UB, length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm), ncol(swarmSetting$UB), byrow = TRUE)
	PSO_INFO$varLower <- matrix(swarmSetting$LB, length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm), ncol(swarmSetting$UB), byrow = TRUE)
	PSO_INFO$dSwarm <- rep(ncol(swarmSetting$UB), length(PSO_INFO$nSwarm))

	# Find Initial Guess for parameters of rival model
	propGuess <- NULL
	for (i in 1:dSupp) {
	  propGuess <- cbind(propGuess, seq(dsLower[i], dsUpper[i], length = nSupp))
	propGuess <- cbind(propGuess, 1/nSupp)
	UNIFDESIGN_M <- designV2M(propGuess, D_INFO)
	iniGuess <- cppDesignCriterion(PSO_INFO, LBFGS_INFO, D_INFO, MODEL_LIST, 0, environment, UNIFDESIGN_M)
	D_INFO$parasInit <- iniGuess$theta2

	# Compute for the equivalence theorem
	CRIT_VAL <- cppDesignCriterion(PSO_INFO, LBFGS_INFO, D_INFO, MODEL_LIST, 0, environment, DESIGN_M)
	PARA_SET <- CRIT_VAL$theta2

	ALPHA <- 0
	if (crit_type == "maxmin_fixed_true") {
		#message("Looking for best weight...")
		# Find the weight vector first
		ALPHA_INFO <- getDesignInfo(D_TYPE = "maxmin_eqv_wt", MODEL_INFO = MODEL_INFO, dist_func = DISTANCE,
                          	 		crit_type = crit_type, MaxMinStdVals = MaxMinStdVals, minWt = .0,
                             		dSupp = length(dsLower), nSupp = nSupp, dsLower = dsLower, dsUpper = dsUpper)
		if (is.null(ALPHA_PSO_INFO)) { ALPHA_PSO_INFO <- getPSOInfo(nSwarm = 64, maxIter = 200) }
		swarmSetting <- algInfoUpdate(ALPHA_INFO)
		ALPHA_PSO_INFO$varUpper <- matrix(swarmSetting$UB, length(ALPHA_PSO_INFO$nSwarm), ncol(swarmSetting$UB), byrow = TRUE)
		ALPHA_PSO_INFO$varLower <- matrix(swarmSetting$LB, length(ALPHA_PSO_INFO$nSwarm), ncol(swarmSetting$UB), byrow = TRUE)
		ALPHA_PSO_INFO$dSwarm <- rep(ncol(swarmSetting$UB), length(ALPHA_PSO_INFO$nSwarm))

		dimnames(DESIGN) <- NULL
		EXTERNAL_LIST <- list(DESIGN = as.matrix(DESIGN[,-ncol(DESIGN)], nSupp, dSupp), CRIT_VAL = -CRIT_VAL$val)

		tmp <- getLBFGSInfo()
		ALPHA <- designM2V(psoOut$GBest, ALPHA_INFO)

	equiv <- cppEquivalence(D_INFO, MODEL_LIST, -CRIT_VAL$val, PARA_SET, ALPHA, environment, ngrid)

	if (crit_type == "maxmin_fixed_true") { equiv$alpha <- ALPHA }


#' Create An Empty Model List
#' Run \code{emptyModelList()} for instruction of model settings.
#' @param N_model Integer. The numebr of competing models including the true model. The default value is 2.
#' @return An List.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{True}{ a list of informaiton of true model.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{model}{ the model formula. Input the R function or xPtr function pointer generated by \code{cxxfunction} in the \code{inline} package.}
#' \item{para}{ the nominal values of parameeters. Input a vector of parameter values.}
#' }
#' \item{Rival\code{k}}{ a vector of grid points on the second dimension of the 2-D design space.  For 1_d case, this output can be ignored.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{model}{ the model formula. Input the R function or xPtr function pointer generated by \code{cxxfunction} in the \code{inline} package.}
#' \item{paraLower}{ the lower bound of teh parameters in the k-th rival model. Input a vector of lower bound values.}
#' \item{paraUpper}{ the upper bound of teh parameters in the k-th rival model. Input a vector of upper bound values.}
#' \item{paraInit}{ the initial guess of parameters for the LBFGS algorithm. Input a vector of parameter values.}
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' emptyModelList()  # True model and one rival model
#' emptyModelList(3) # True model and two rival models
#' emptyModelList(5) # True model and four rival models
#' @name emptyModelList
#' @rdname emptyModelList
#' @export
emptyModelList <- function(N_model = 2) {
	out <- lapply(1:N_model, function(k) {
		if (k == 1) list(model = 'R or C++ Function for True Model', para = 'Nominal Values of Parameters in True Model')
		else list(model = paste0('R or C++ Function for Rival ', k-1),
							paraLower = paste0('Lower Bound of Parameter Space for Rival ', k-1),
							paraUpper = paste0('Upper Bound of Parameter Space for Rival ', k-1))
	names(out) <- c("True", paste0("Rival", 1:(N_model - 1)))
PingYangChen/DiscrimOD documentation built on Jan. 30, 2022, 5:25 p.m.