
# An example of exSTRa usage, for known STR expansion disorder loci

## ---- strexpansion_prepare

# data.table() # handy if closer inspection of internal tables is required

# Read score data and file with loci information
str_score <- read_score (
  file = system.file("extdata", "HiSeqXTen_WGS_PCR_2.txt", package = "exSTRa"), 
  #database = "data/repeat_disorders.xlsx", # for more control, use object from exstra_db_read() instead
  database = "../disease_repeats/repeat_disorders_2017_05_18.xlsx",
  groups.regex = c(control = "^WGSrpt_0[24]$", case = ""), # here, matches on successive patterns override previous matches # (TODO: maybe should be reversed?)
  filter.low.counts = TRUE


## ---- Plotting STR score ----
# Plot all loci:
# plot(str_score)

# restrict to only three interesting loci, for simplicity here:
( str_score_three <- str_score[c("HD", "SCA6", "FRDA")] )

# Plot the HD locus only:

# With custom colours:
plot(str_score, "HD", sample_col = c("WGSrpt_10" = "red", "WGSrpt_12" = "blue"))
# Add legend:

# For many loci, plot to a file
# Most options not shown here should be passed onto plot.exstra_score() (equivalent to plot() on str_score)
# Without a file.base or directory, should just plot many ECDFs to the R device
# also can take mfrow or mfcol (not both) to place plots in an nr-by-nc array
exstra_mass_plot(str_score, dir = "PLACEHOLDER", file.base = "HiSeqXTen_WGS_PCR_2")

( rbinding <- rbind_score_list(list(str_score[, 5], str_score[, 10])) )

## ---- Performing tests for expansions ----
# here, the brackets mean the object is shown
(Ts <- T_test(str_score))
# or
(tsum <- tsum_test(str_score))
# output example (not implemented):
# exSTRa T := sum of two sample t-tests
#                  Raw           Bonferroni (sic) correction 
# N_p_0.0001:      8             5
# N_p_0.001:       4             6
# N_p_0.01:        20            5
# N_p_0.05:        45            10
# N_p_remainder:   280           320
# data: str_score
# N_samples = 18
# N_loci = 21
# N_statistics = 378 - N_NA = 370
# trim = 0.2
# alternative hypotheses: subject sample has a larger allele than background samples

summary(tsum) # maybe? Not sure what this would do. 
#Maybe indication of significance? Samples that are significant? 
# summarise each locus?
# ideas for options:
summary(tsum, fdr = 0.05)  # by false discovery rate
summary(tsum, p = 0.05)    # by raw p-value
summary(tsum, p_bf = 0.05) # by p-value with bonferroni correction

# if you have positive controls, then if these are specified in
# str_score$samples$pos_control as:
# "LOC" or "LOC1,LOC2,...": where LOC is the locus of a diagnosed expansion in that patient  
#                           Use a comma delimited list for more than one locus
# str_score$samples$neg_control
# "-": confirmed as a negative control for all loci, or can refer to a specific list for
#     all samples str_score$negative_control_loci
# "LOC" or "LOC1,LOC2,...": where LOC[#] are negatively tested loci
# NA for unknown samples
# ROC curves, AUC:
# restricting to common SCAs and the similar Freidrich (sic) ataxia, likely to have been tested in SCA patients
tsum_performance(tsum, neg_loci = c( "DRPLA", "SCA1", "SCA2", "SCA3", "SCA6", "SCA7", "SCA17", "FRDA"))
PiotrPython/exSTRa documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:40 p.m.