
#' @include S4classes.R

#' Get hits for query
#' Get hits for queries, optionally with s-attribute values.
#' If the `character` vector provided by `query` is named, these names will be
#' reported in the `data.table` that is returned rather than the queries.
#' If `freq` is `TRUE`, the `data.table` returned in the DT-slot will
#' deliberately include the subsets of the `partition`/`corpus` with no hits
#' (query is NA, count is 0).
#' @param query A `character` vector (optionally named, see details) with one or
#'   more queries.
#' @param cqp Either a `logical` value (`TRUE` if query is a CQP query), or a
#'   function to check whether `query` is a CQP query or not.
#' @param check A `logical` value, whether to check validity of CQP query using
#'   `check_cqp_query`.
#' @param s_attribute A `character` vector of s-attributes that will be
#'   used to breakdown counts for matches for query/queries.
#' @param decode A `logical` value, whether to decode s-attributes. If `FALSE`,
#'   the `integer` values of strucs are reported in the table with matches.
#' @param p_attribute A `character` vector stating a p-attribute.
#' @param size A `logical` value, whether to report the size of subcorpus.
#' @param freq A `logcial` value, whether to report relative frequencies.
#' @param fill A `logical` value, whethet to report counts (optionally
#'   frequencies) for combinations of s-attributes where not matchers occurr.
#' @param .Object A length-one `character` vector with a corpus ID, a
#'   `partition` or `partition_bundle` object
#' @param mc A `logical` value, whether to use multicore.
#' @param progress A `logical` value, whether to show progress bar.
#' @param verbose A `logical` value, whether to output messages.
#' @param ... Further arguments (used for backwards compatibility).
#' @return A `hits` class object.
#' @seealso See the documentation of the `hits` class
#'   (\code{\link{hits-class}}) for details.
#' @rdname hits
#' @exportMethod hits
setGeneric("hits", function(.Object, ...) standardGeneric("hits"))

#' @rdname hits
#' @examples
#' use(pkg = "RcppCWB", corpus = "REUTERS")
#' # get hits for corpus object
#' y <- corpus("REUTERS") %>% hits(query = "oil")
#' y <- corpus("REUTERS") %>% hits(query = c("oil", "barrel"))
#' y <- corpus("REUTERS") %>% hits(query = "oil", s_attribute = "places", freq = TRUE)
#' # specify corpus by corpus ID
#' y <- hits("REUTERS", query = "oil")
#' y <- hits("REUTERS", query = "oil", s_attribute = "places", freq = TRUE)
#' # get hits for partition
#' p <- partition("REUTERS", places = "saudi-arabia", regex = TRUE)
#' y <- hits(p, query = "oil", s_attribute = "id")
#' # get hits for subcorpus
#' y <- corpus("REUTERS") %>%
#'   subset(grep("saudi-arabia", places)) %>%
#'   hits(query = "oil")
setMethod("hits", "corpus", function(.Object, query, cqp = FALSE, check = TRUE, s_attribute, p_attribute = "word", size = FALSE, freq = FALSE, decode = TRUE, fill = FALSE, mc = 1L, verbose = TRUE, progress = FALSE, ...){
  if (is.logical(mc)) if (mc) mc <- getOption("polmineR.cores") else mc <- 1L
  if (!missing(s_attribute)){
    if (length(decode) == 1L){
      decode <- rep(decode, times = length(s_attribute))
    } else {
      if (length(decode) != length(s_attribute))
        stop("Length of vectors or argument `decode` and `s_attribute` differ")
  if ("sAttribute" %in% names(list(...))){
      when = "0.8.7", 
      what = "hits(sAttribute)",
      with = "hits(s_attribute)"
    s_attribute <- list(...)[["sAttribute"]]
  if ("pAttribute" %in% names(list(...))){
      when = "0.8.7", 
      what = "hits(pAttribute)",
      with = "hits(p_attribute)"
    p_attribute <- list(...)[["pAttribute"]]
  if (missing(s_attribute)){
    dt <- count(
      .Object = .Object,
      query = query, cqp = cqp, check = check, p_attribute = p_attribute,
      freq = freq, mc = mc, verbose = verbose, progress = progress, ...
    if (!is.null(names(query))){
      if (any(nchar(names(query)) == 0L))
        stop("if query is a named vector, all queries need to be named")
      q <- unname(setNames(names(query), unname(query))[dt[["query"]]])
      dt[, "query" := q]
    retval <- as(as(.Object, "corpus"), "hits")
    retval@stat <- dt
    retval@corpus <- .Object@corpus
    retval@query <- query
  if (!is.null(s_attribute))
    stopifnot(all(s_attribute %in% s_attributes(.Object)))
  rngs <- ranges(
    query = query, cqp = cqp, p_attribute = p_attribute,
    mc = mc, progress = progress
  DT <- as.data.table(rngs)

  for (i in seq_along(s_attribute)){
    strucs <- cl_cpos2struc(
      corpus = .Object@corpus, registry = .Object@registry_dir,
      s_attribute = s_attribute[i], cpos = DT[["cpos_left"]]
    if (!s_attr_has_values(s_attribute[i], x = .Object)) decode[i] <- FALSE
    if (decode[i]){
      s_attr_values <- cl_struc2str(
        corpus = .Object@corpus, registry = .Object@registry_dir,
        s_attribute = s_attribute[i], struc = strucs
      ) |>
        as.nativeEnc(from = .Object@encoding)
      DT[, eval(s_attribute[i]) := s_attr_values]
    } else {
      DT[, eval(s_attribute[i]) := strucs]
  TF <- DT[, .N, by = c(eval(c("query", s_attribute))), with = TRUE]
  setnames(TF, old = "N", new = "count")
  if (fill){
    # Using s_attributes() requires decoding s-attributes and is potentially not
    # the fastest solution, but it ensures that only combinations that do occurr
    # are reported
    s_attr_dt <- s_attributes(.Object = .Object, s_attribute = s_attribute, unique = TRUE)
    .fn <- function(.SD){
      dt <- .SD[s_attr_dt, on = s_attribute]
      dt[, "count" := ifelse(is.na(dt[["count"]]), 0L, dt[["count"]])]
    TF <- TF[, .fn(.SD), by = "query", .SDcols = c(s_attribute, "count")]
  if (freq) size <- TRUE
  if (size){
    if (verbose) cli_progress_step("getting sizes")
    .message("getting sizes", verbose = verbose)
    SIZE <- size(.Object, s_attribute = s_attribute)
    setkeyv(TF, cols = s_attribute)
    TF <- TF[SIZE]
    if (isFALSE(fill)) TF <- TF[!is.na(TF[["query"]])]
    TF[, "count" := ifelse(is.na(TF[["count"]]), 0L, TF[["count"]])]
    if (verbose) cli_progress_done()
    if (freq){
      if (verbose) cli_progress_step("calculate frequencies")
      TF[, "freq" := TF[["count"]] / TF[["size"]]]
      if (verbose) cli_progress_done()
  retval <- as(as(.Object, "corpus"), "hits")
  retval@stat = TF
  retval@corpus = .Object@corpus
  retval@query = query

#' @rdname hits
setMethod("hits", "character", function(.Object, query, cqp = FALSE, check = TRUE, s_attribute, p_attribute = "word", size = FALSE, freq = FALSE, decode = TRUE, mc = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, progress = FALSE, ...){
    .Object = corpus(.Object),
    query = query,
    cqp = cqp,
    check = check,
    s_attribute = s_attribute,
    p_attribute = p_attribute,
    size = size,
    freq = freq,
    decode = decode,
    mc = mc,
    verbose = verbose,
    progress = progress,

#' @rdname hits
setMethod("hits", "subcorpus", function(.Object, query, cqp = FALSE, check = TRUE, s_attribute, p_attribute = "word", size = FALSE, freq = FALSE, fill = FALSE, decode = TRUE, mc = FALSE, progress = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...){

#' @rdname hits
setMethod("hits", "partition", function(.Object, query, cqp = FALSE, check = TRUE, s_attribute, p_attribute = "word", size = FALSE, freq = FALSE, fill = FALSE, decode = TRUE, mc = FALSE, progress = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){
    .Object = as(.Object, "subcorpus"),
    query = query,
    cqp = cqp,
    check = check,
    s_attribute = s_attribute,
    p_attribute = p_attribute,
    size = size, 
    freq = freq,
    fill = fill,
    decode = decode,
    mc = mc, 
    progress = progress,

#' @rdname hits
setMethod("hits", "partition_bundle", function(
  .Object, query, cqp = FALSE, check = TRUE, p_attribute = getOption("polmineR.p_attribute"), s_attribute, size = TRUE, freq = FALSE,
  mc = getOption("polmineR.mc"), progress = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...
  if ("pAttribute" %in% names(list(...))) p_attribute <- list(...)[["pAttribute"]]

  corpus_id <- unique(unlist(lapply(.Object@objects, function(x) x@corpus)))
  if (length(corpus_id) > 1L)
    stop("partiton_bundle not derived from one corpus")
  corpus_obj <- corpus(corpus_id)
  s_attribute_strucs <- unique(unlist(
    lapply(.Object@objects, slot, "s_attribute_strucs")
  stopifnot(length(s_attribute_strucs) == 1L)
  # combine strucs and partition names into an overall data.table
  .message("preparing struc table", verbose = verbose)
  struc_dt <- data.table(
    struc = unlist(lapply(.Object@objects, function(x) x@strucs)),
    partition = unlist(
      lapply(.Object@objects, function(x) rep(x@name, times = length(x@strucs)))
  # perform counts
  .message("now performing counts", verbose = verbose)
  if (any(is.na(query)))
    stop("Please check your queries - there is an NA among them!")
  .fn <- function(q, corpus_obj, ...) {
    m <- cpos(
      .Object = corpus_obj,
      p_attribute = p_attribute,
      query = q, cqp = cqp,
      check = check,
      verbose = verbose
    if (!is.null(m)) data.table(m)[, query := q] else NULL
  count_dt_list <- blapply(
    f = .fn,
    corpus_obj = corpus_obj,
    mc = mc, progress = progress, verbose = FALSE
  count_dt <- rbindlist(count_dt_list)
  .message("finalizing tables", verbose = verbose)
  if (nrow(count_dt) > 0L){
    strucs <- cl_cpos2struc(
      corpus = corpus_id,
      registry = corpus_obj@registry_dir,
      s_attribute = s_attribute_strucs, cpos = count_dt[["V1"]]
    count_dt[, "struc" := strucs, with = TRUE][, "V1" := NULL][, "V2" := NULL]
    dt <- unique(struc_dt)[count_dt, on = "struc"] # merge
    nas <- which(is.na(dt[["partition"]]) == TRUE)
    if (missing(s_attribute)) s_attribute <- NULL
    for (s_attr in s_attribute){
      values <- cl_struc2str(
        corpus = corpus_id, registry = corpus_registry_dir(corpus_id),
        s_attribute = s_attr, struc = dt[["struc"]]
      ) |>
        as.nativeEnc(from = .Object@encoding)
      dt[, (s_attr) := values]
    if (length(nas) > 0) dt <- dt[-nas] # remove hits that are not in partition_bundle
    tf <- dt[, .N, by = c(c("partition", "query"), s_attribute)]
    setnames(tf, old = "N", new = "count")
    if (freq) size <- TRUE
    if (size) tf[, size := sapply(.Object@objects, function(x) x@size)[tf[["partition"]]]]
    if (freq) tf[, freq := count / size]
  } else {
    tf <- data.table(partition = character(), query = character(), N = integer())
    if (size) tf[, "size" := integer()]
    if (freq) tf[, "freq" := numeric()]
  new("hits", stat = tf, corpus = corpus_id)

#' @param x A `hits` object.
#' @param size A non-negative integer giving the number of items to choose.
#' @rdname hits_class
setMethod("sample", "hits", function(x, size){
  if (size > nrow(x@stat)){
    warning("size exceeds nrow of the data.table of the hits object")
    size <- nrow(x@stat)
    dt = x@stat[sample(1L:nrow(x@stat), size = size)],
    corpus = x@corpus,
    registry_dir = x@registry_dir,
    data_dir = x@data_dir,
    info_file = x@info_file,
    template = x@template,
    query = x@query

#' @rdname hits
setMethod("hits", "context", function(.Object, s_attribute = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...){
  if ("sAttribute" %in% names(list(...))) s_attribute <- list(...)[["sAttribute"]]

  ctxtMin <- .Object@cpos[which(.Object@cpos[["position"]] == 0)]
  .message("compressing data.table", verbose = verbose)
  .makeCpos <- function(.SD){
      cpos_left = min(.SD[["cpos"]]),
      cpos_right = max(.SD[["cpos"]])
  DT <- ctxtMin[, .makeCpos(.SD), by = "match_id"]
  .message("adding s_attributes", verbose = verbose)
  for (x in s_attribute){
    strucs <- cl_cpos2struc(
      corpus = .Object@corpus, registry = .Object@registry_dir,
      s_attribute = x, cpos = DT[["cpos_left"]]
    str <- cl_struc2str(
      corpus = .Object@corpus, registry = .Object@registry_dir,
      s_attribute = x, struc = strucs
    DT[, eval(x) := str]
    stat = DT,
    corpus = .Object@corpus,
    registry_dir = .Object@registry_dir,
    data_dir = .Object@data_dir,
    info_file = .Object@info_file,
    template = .Object@template,
    query = .Object@query

#' @rdname hits
setMethod("hits", "remote_corpus", function(.Object, ...){
  ocpu_exec(fn = "hits", corpus = .Object@corpus, server = .Object@server, restricted = .Object@restricted, .Object = as(.Object, "corpus"), ...)

#' @rdname hits
setMethod("hits", "remote_subcorpus", function(.Object, ...){
  ocpu_exec(fn = "hits", corpus = .Object@corpus, server = .Object@server, restricted = .Object@restricted, .Object = as(.Object, "subcorpus"), ...)
PolMine/polmineR documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 8:07 a.m.