
##     metaclipR.loadeR Construct a directed graph for loadeR output provenance description
##     Copyright (C) 2018 Predictia (http://www.predictia.es)
##     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##     (at your option) any later version.
##     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##     GNU General Public License for more details.
##     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#' @title Directed metadata graph construction for loadeR outputs 
#' @description Build a directed metadata graph from loadeR outputs, that are subsets (and possibly 
#' aggregations and/or climate indices) of Datasets.
#' @param package loading climate4R package. Default to \code{"loadeR"} (but see argument \code{fun})
#' @param version package version 
#' @param graph A previously initialized metaclipR output list ($graph + $parentnodename). 
#' @param fun function name. Default to \code{"loadGridData"}, but other loading functions are accepted, namely 
#' loadStationData from package \pkg{loadeR}, \code{loadECOMS}, from package \pkg{loadeR.ECOMS} or \code{loadValueStations}
#'  and \code{loadValuePredictions} from package \pkg{R.VALUE}.
#' @param arg.list arg.list. See details
#' @param index.name Xharacter string (default to "none"). In case of using loadGridData, it exists the possibility of
#' applying filters to monthly aggregations, leading to specific climate indices with particular names.
#'  Some of these are instances of the ds:ClimateIndex class (e.g. "SU", for the ETCCDI index 'summer days'). 
#'  An overview of already existing indices see \code{knownClassIndividuals("ClimateIndex")}.
#' @param output A climate4R grid, resulting from the application of the specified \code{fun} function. 
#' The name of the grid is passed as a character string
#' @details This function takes as reference the semantics defined in the Data Source and Transformation ontology
#' defined in the Metaclip Framework (\url{http://metaclip.predictia.es/}).
#' @return A named list with the updated graph in element \code{graph} and the terminal node in \code{parentnodename},
#' needed for linking subsequent operations.
#' \strong{Argument list}
#' A list of arguments passed to \code{fun} is required. The different 
#' arguments are explained in the the help menu of the corresponding functions.
#' The following list need to be specified. The default values are also indicated:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{var = NULL}
#' \item \code{lonLim = NULL}
#' \item \code{latLim = NULL} 
#' \item \code{season = NULL}
#' \item \code{members = NULL} 
#' \item \code{years = NULL} 
#' }
#' @references 
#' \href{http://http://metaclip.predictia.es/}{The METACLIP web page at Predictia}
#' \href{http://www.meteo.unican.es/en/climate4r}{Climate4R page at University of Cantabria}
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph add_vertices add_edges 
#' @importFrom transformeR getShape getSeason getRefDates getGrid
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @author D. San Martín, J. Bedia
#' @family subsetting

metaclipR.loadeR <- function(package = "loadeR",
                             version = "1.4.0",
                             fun = NULL,
                             arg.list = NULL,
                             index.name = "none",
                             output = NULL) {
    orig.nodes.command <- c()
    # Data subsetting
    graph <- metaclipR.DatasetSubset(graph = graph, output = output, disable.command = TRUE)
    orig.nodes.command <- c(orig.nodes.command, graph$parentnodename)
    graph <- graph$graph
    # Encode Index calculation
    if ("condition" %in% names(arg.list) && "threshold" %in% names(arg.list) && !is.null(arg.list$threshold) && !is.null(arg.list$condition)) {
        # Climate index node
        nodename <- paste("ClimateIndex", randomName(), sep = ".")
        # Instance definition
        instance <- ifelse(index.name %in% knownClassIndividuals("ClimateIndex"), index.name, "ClimateIndex")
        graph <- add_vertices(graph,
                              nv = 1,
                              name = nodename,
                              label = instance,
                              className = paste0("ds:", instance))
        graph <- add_edges(graph,
                           c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, tail(orig.nodes.command, 1)),
                             getNodeIndexbyName(graph, nodename)),
                           label = "ds:hadClimateIndexCalculation")    
        orig.nodes.command <- c(orig.nodes.command, nodename)
    } # else if { -- encode aggregations of udg datasets, whose original temporal resolution is known  }
    # ARGUMENT - COMMAND METADATA ----------------------------------------------
    graph <- metaclip.graph.Command(graph, package, version, fun, arg.list,
                                    origin.node.name = orig.nodes.command)
    return(list("graph" = graph,
                "parentnodename" = tail(orig.nodes.command, 1)))
Predictia/metaclipR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 6:07 a.m.