makeEcoregionDT: Make the 'ecoregion' table

makeEcoregionDTR Documentation

Make the ecoregion table


This function creates a table containing pixel-wise ecoregion codes and whether they are "active" (have biomass > 0) or not for simulation. Unlike ecoregionProducer, this function creates the ecoregion table from pixel information contained in pixelCohortData


makeEcoregionDT(pixelCohortData, speciesEcoregion)



The full cohortData data.table


A data.table with species-ecoregion-specific species trait values. Ecoregion refers to "ecolocation", a categorical variable grouping sites with similar biophysical characteristics. The table should have at least the following columns: speciesCode and ecoregionGroup, character representation of species and ecoregion groups respectively, maxB the maximum biomass for the species in a given 'ecoregion', maxANPP the maximum aboveground net primary productivity and SEP the species establishment probability. May contain columns inflationFactor (used to adjust maxB) and mANPPproportion (used to calculate maxANPP).


A data.table with ecoregion codes and their active status per pixelID.

PredictiveEcology/LandR documentation built on June 7, 2024, 4:16 p.m.