
Defines functions pasteListArgumentAndItsName extractValuesWithNames displayPopupWithSummary summaryPopups

Documented in summaryPopups

pasteListArgumentAndItsName <- function(argumentName, list, sep) {
  paste(argumentName, list[argumentName], sep = sep)

#' @importFrom raster extract
extractValuesWithNames <- function(polygons, spatialPoints, extractedValues) {
  extracted <- polygons %>% extract(spatialPoints) # nolint

  if (!is.null(extractedValues)) {
    extracted <- extracted[extractedValues]

  names(extracted) %>% sapply(pasteListArgumentAndItsName,
                              list = extracted, sep = ": ")

#' @importFrom leaflet addPopups clearPopups
#' @importFrom sp SpatialPoints
#' @importFrom raster crs extract
displayPopupWithSummary <- function(x, y, proxy, raster, polygons,
                                    rasterValueLabel = "Raster value: %s",
                                    extractedValues = NULL) {
  spatialPointFromClick <- SpatialPoints(cbind(x, y), proj4string = crs(polygons))

  valueExtractedFromRaster <- extract(raster, spatialPointFromClick)

  rasterInformation <- if (!is.na(valueExtractedFromRaster)) {
    paste(sprintf(rasterValueLabel, valueExtractedFromRaster), "<br>")
  } else {

  polygonInformation <- paste(
    extractValuesWithNames(polygons, spatialPointFromClick, extractedValues),
    collapse = "<br>"

  popupContent <- paste0(rasterInformation, polygonInformation, "<br>",
                         "Lat/Long: ", round(y, 4), ", ", round(x, 4))

  proxy %>% clearPopups() %>% addPopups(x, y, popup = popupContent) # nolint

#' Summary popups (shiny module)
#' Add popups with polygon and raster summaries on a leaflet map.
#' @note This is a server-only module with no UI component.
#' @template input
#' @template output
#' @template session
#' @param proxy            Leaflet proxy which manages a connected leaflet map.
#' @param click            Reactive value with click on shape input from leaflet map.
#' @param rast             Reactive value with raster to summarize by.
#' @param poly             Reactive value with current polygon on the map.
#' @param rasterValueLabel String with description of raster value. Uses \code{sprintf},
#'                         so must include exactly one \code{\%s} in order to display raster value.
#'                         Default is a string \code{"Raster value: \%s"}.
#' @param extractedValues List of attributes from \code{SpatialPolygonDataFrame}
#'                        which should be included in popup summary.
#'                        When \code{NULL} (default) all attributes are included.
#' @return None. Invoked for the side-effect of creating a shiny observer.
#' @author Mateusz Wyszynski
#' @export
#' @importFrom shiny observe
#' @importFrom sp SpatialPoints
#' @importFrom raster crs extract
#' @importFrom leaflet addPopups clearPopups
#' @rdname summaryPopups
summaryPopups <- function(input, output, session, proxy, click, rast, poly,
                          rasterValueLabel = "Raster value: %s", extractedValues = NULL) {
    req(click(), poly(), rast())

    displayPopupWithSummary(x = click()$lng, y = click()$lat, proxy = proxy,
                            raster = rast(), polygons = poly(),
                            rasterValueLabel = rasterValueLabel,
                            extractedValues = extractedValues)
PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.shiny documentation built on Nov. 11, 2019, 7:12 p.m.