
#-loading the file listed within the string and is printing out the file name, which is "mtx"
#-is displaying the dimensions of the matrix. There are 21201 rows and 42 columns
  # rownames are genes, colnames are samples.
  # is our gene of interest in the matrix?
grep("WBC19", rownames(mtx), value=TRUE, 
  #- grep returns the WBC19 vector. this is done by telling R to search in the rownames of the matrix. "value=TRUE" allows you to get the vector, rather than the position of where it occured (rows, columns). "" allows you to ignore the case of the vector so it won't be case sensitive
  # extract the vector of expression values, then explore them
wbc19.vector <- mtx["ATWBC19",] 
#sets the vector for wbc19 by setting values within the matrix and align with the row name "ATWBC19" from the previous line
# returns the minumum, lower-hinge, median, upper-hinge, and maximum values (there are 42 values) for the wbc19 vector.
# what do you see?  what possibilities does it suggest?
#^ there are no wbc19 samples between 7-9 of the matrix
#^ the first 24 samples range around 6 while the last 18 range around 10
   # now look at another gene of interest, FRD3
grep("FRD3", rownames(mtx), value=TRUE,
#grep returns the FRD3 vector from the rownames in the matrix."value=TRUE" allows you to get the vector, rather than the position of where it occured (rows, columns). "" allows you to ignore the case of the vector so it won't be case sensitive
  # extract the vector of expression values, then explore them
frd3.vector <- mtx["FRD3",] 
#sets the vector for frd3 by setting values within the matrix and align with the row name "FRD3" from the previous line
# returns the minumum, lower-hinge, median, upper-hinge, and maximum values (there are 42 values) for the frd3 vector.
plot(frd3.vector)   #
#different pattern from wbc19?
#^the plot for frd3 is more linear and indicates a relationship
#^ as the sample positions/index increase, the matrix values decrease
#^ all samples range between 6.9-9.4
  # trena uses two techniques for identifying regulatory TF candidates
  #   1) tf is a transcription factor, and has plausible binding site in a regulatory region
  #   2) tf and targetGene are strongly correlated, or strongly anti-correlated in expression
  # the first step in this is to identify arabidopsis transcription factor genes
  # geneontology is a good approach.  read up!
# and then look at this:

# plot WBC19 expression - and this time use covariate data to color the points
tbl.cov <- read.table("experimentalVariables.tsv", sep="\t", header=TRUE,

# plot all samples with the same color, same solid dot
plot(wbc19.vector, main="WBC19 expression", col="red", pch=16)

# recall the covariate column names in preparation for coloring by zinc treatment: -, +, ++
zincTreatmentColor <- rep("black", nrow(tbl.cov)) <- which(tbl.cov$zinc == "+") <- which(tbl.cov$zinc == "++")
zincTreatmentColor[] <- "pink"
zincTreatmentColor[] <- "red"
plot(wbc19.vector, main="WBC19 expression", pch=16, col=zincTreatmentColor)

# now color by Root/Shoot tissue differences
tissueColor <- rep("black", nrow(tbl.cov))
tissue.root <- which(tbl.cov$tissue == "Root")
tissue.shoot <- which(tbl.cov$tissue == "Shoot")
tissueColor[tissue.root] <- "brown"
tissueColor[tissue.shoot] <- "#2E8925"
plot(wbc19.vector, main="WBC19 expression", pch=16, col=tissueColor)

# what pch (point character) values are available?
max <- 25
plot(1:max, pch=1:max)

# set shape to either  16 (solid dot) or 7 (an x in a rectangle)
genetics.shape <- rep(16, nrow(tbl.cov))
mutants <- which(tbl.cov$genetics == "Mut")
genetics.shape[mutants] <- 7

plot(wbc19.vector, main="WBC19 expression", col=tissueColor, pch=genetics.shape)
PriceLab/TrenaProjectArabidopsisRoot documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 10:42 p.m.