
# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and 
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program.  If not, see
#   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

########################### ProcNodes.R ############################

# This file contains functions used to manage procedure nodes.
# Procedure nodes are stored in a data frame, with one row for each node.
# The columns of the data frame are:
# type - Operation, Start, Finish, Binding, Incomplete
# num - a unique number
# name - the label for the node
# value - often this is the same as the name
# return.linked - If TRUE, this means the procedure node has an output data node
#   representing its return value.  This is needed to handle recursive functions
#   correctly.
# time - when the node was created
# snum - the script number the statement is from
# startLine - the line on the script where the statement starts
# startCol - the column of the script where the statement starts
# endLine - the line on the script where the statement ends
# endCol - the line on the script where the statement ends
# ddg.pnum is the number associated with the last procedure node created

#' .ddg.init.proc.nodes initializes the information needed to manage procedure nodes. 
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.init.proc.nodes <- function () {
  .ddg.set("ddg.proc.nodes", .ddg.create.proc.node.rows())
  # Initialize the procedure node counter
  .ddg.set("ddg.pnum", 0)
  .ddg.set("ddg.proc.start.time", .ddg.elapsed.time())
  # Initialize the information about the open start-finish blocks
  .ddg.set ("ddg.starts.open", vector())

#' .ddg.is.proc.type returns TRUE for any type of procedure node.
#' This is used for type-checking.
#' @param type procedure node type.
#' @return true for any type of procedure node
#' @noRd

.ddg.is.proc.type <- function(type) {
  return(type %in% c("Operation", "Start", "Finish", "Binding", "Incomplete"))

#' .ddg.pnum returns the counter used to assign procedure node ids
#' @return the data node id of the last procedure node created
#' @noRd

.ddg.pnum <- function() {
  return (.ddg.get("ddg.pnum"))

#' .ddg.start.proc.time returns the time when the process started
#' @return the time the process started, or 0 if it has not been set yet
#' @noRd

.ddg.start.proc.time <- function() {
  if (.ddg.is.set("ddg.proc.start.time")) return (.ddg.get("ddg.proc.start.time"))
  else return (0)

#' .ddg.elapsed.time returns the time since the script began execution
#' @return the time since the script began execution
#' @noRd

.ddg.elapsed.time <- function(){
  time <- proc.time()
  elapsed <- time[1] + time[2] - .ddg.start.proc.time()
  # time[4] and time[5] are NA under Windows
  # elapsed <- time[1] +time[2] +time[4] +time[5]

#' .ddg.create.proc.node.rows creates a data frame of empty rows to put in the 
#' procedure node table. It is faster to add a bunch of empty rows and update them 
#' than to add one row at a time.
#' @param size the number of rows to add
#' @return a data frame with size rows, with all columns being empty vectors
#' @noRd

.ddg.create.proc.node.rows <- function (size=100) {
  return (data.frame(
          ddg.type = character(size),
          ddg.num = numeric(size),
          ddg.name = character(size),
          ddg.value = character(size),
          ddg.return.linked = logical(size),
          ddg.time = numeric(size),
          ddg.snum = numeric(size),
          ddg.startLine = numeric(size),
          ddg.startCol = numeric(size),
          ddg.endLine = numeric(size),
          ddg.endCol = numeric(size),

#' .ddg.proc.node.table returns the procedure node table
#' @return the procedure node table
#' @noRd

.ddg.proc.node.table <- function() {
  return (.ddg.get("ddg.proc.nodes"))

#' .ddg.proc.nodes returns the filled rows of the procedure node table
#' @return the filled rows of the procedure node table
#' @noRd

.ddg.proc.nodes <- function() {
  ddg.proc.nodes <- .ddg.get("ddg.proc.nodes")
  return (ddg.proc.nodes [ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.num > 0, ])

#' .ddg.proc.node.returned marks the procedure node as being linked 
#' to a return value
#' @param pn the id of the procedure node to mark
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.proc.node.returned <- function(pn) {
  ddg.proc.nodes <- .ddg.proc.node.table()
  ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.return.linked[pn] <- TRUE
  .ddg.set("ddg.proc.nodes", ddg.proc.nodes)

#' .ddg.proc.node.exists returns true if there is a
#' procedure node with the given name
#' @param pname the name of a procedure node to look up
#' @return true if there is a node with the given name
#' @noRd

.ddg.proc.node.exists <- function(pname) {
  ddg.proc.nodes <- .ddg.proc.node.table()
  matching.nodes <- ddg.proc.nodes[ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.name == pname, ]
  return (nrow(matching.nodes) > 0)

#' .ddg.proc.number gets the number of the nearest preceding
#' procedure node with the matching name
#' @param pname name of procedure node to look for
#' @param find.unreturned.function if true, only return the number if the
#'    procedure has not previously been linked to a return value
#' @return the id of a procedure node matching the name, or 0 if none was found
#' @noRd

.ddg.proc.number <- function(pname, find.unreturned.function=FALSE) {
  #print (paste0("Looking for function ", pname))
  ddg.proc.nodes <- .ddg.proc.node.table()
  if (find.unreturned.function) {
    matching <- ddg.proc.nodes[ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.name == pname & 
                                 !ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.return.linked, ]
  else {
    matching <- ddg.proc.nodes[ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.name == pname, ]
  if (nrow (matching) > 0) {
    return (matching$ddg.num[nrow(matching)])

  # Error message if no match is found.
  #print ("Returning error!")
  error.msg <- paste("No procedure node found for", pname)
  if (.ddg.debug.lib()) print (sys.calls())

#' .ddg.proc.name returns the name of a procedure node. It returns a
#' empty string if no match is found.
#' @param pnum node number in procedure node table.
#' @return name of the procedure node with the given id.  Returns an empty
#' string if there is no node with the given id.
#' @noRd

.ddg.proc.name <- function(pnum) {
  if (pnum < 1 || pnum > .ddg.pnum()) {
    error.msg <- paste("No name found for procedure number", pnum)
    return ("")

#' .ddg.save.debug.proc.nodes writes the procedure nodes to a csv table.  
#' Useful for debugging. The file will be in the debug directory in a file 
#' called procedure-nodes.csv
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.save.debug.proc.nodes <- function () {
  # Save procedure nodes table to file.
  fileout <- paste(.ddg.path.debug(), "/procedure-nodes.csv", sep="")
  ddg.proc.nodes <- .ddg.proc.nodes()
  utils::write.csv(ddg.proc.nodes, fileout, row.names=FALSE)

#' .ddg.record.proc records a new procedure node in the procedure node table
#' @param ptype  the type of the node
#' @param pname the name for the node
#' @param pvalue ???
#' @param ptime elapsed time
#' @param snum the number the script is in (main script = 0)
#' @param pos the starting and ending line and column location of the statement
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.record.proc <- function(ptype, pname, pvalue, ptime, snum=NA, pos=NA) {
  if (!.ddg.is.proc.type (ptype)) {
    print (paste (".ddg.record.proc: bad value for ptype - ", ptype))
  # Increment procedure node counter.
  ddg.pnum <- .ddg.inc("ddg.pnum")
  # If the table is full, make it bigger.
  ddg.proc.nodes <- .ddg.proc.node.table()
  if (nrow(ddg.proc.nodes) < ddg.pnum) {
    ddg.proc.nodes <- .ddg.add.rows("ddg.proc.nodes", .ddg.create.proc.node.rows())
  # Fill in the next row
  ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.type[ddg.pnum] <- ptype
  ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.num[ddg.pnum] <- ddg.pnum
  ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.name[ddg.pnum] <- pname
  ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.value[ddg.pnum] <- pvalue
  ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.time[ddg.pnum] <- ptime
  ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.snum[ddg.pnum] <- snum
  if (is.object(pos) && length(pos@startLine == 1)) {
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.startLine[ddg.pnum] <- pos@startLine
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.startCol[ddg.pnum] <- pos@startCol
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.endLine[ddg.pnum] <- pos@endLine
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.endCol[ddg.pnum] <- pos@endCol
  else if (is.vector(pos) && length(pos) == 4) {
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.startLine[ddg.pnum] <- pos[1]
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.startCol[ddg.pnum] <- pos[2]
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.endLine[ddg.pnum] <- pos[3]
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.endCol[ddg.pnum] <- pos[4]
  else {
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.startLine[ddg.pnum] <- NA
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.startCol[ddg.pnum] <- NA
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.endLine[ddg.pnum] <- NA
    ddg.proc.nodes$ddg.endCol[ddg.pnum] <- NA
  # Save the table
  .ddg.set("ddg.proc.nodes", ddg.proc.nodes)
  if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
    print (paste("Adding procedure node", ddg.pnum, "named", pname))

#' .ddg.proc.node creates a procedure node.
#' @param ptype type of procedure node.
#' @param pname name of procedure node.
#' @param pvalue (optional) value of procedure node.
#' @param functions.called vector of names of functions called in this procedure node
#' @param cmd the DDGStatement corresponding to this procedure node
#' @param scriptNum (optional) - the number of the script that the operation is in
#' @param startLine (optional) - the line that the operation starts on
#' @param startCol (optional) - the column that the operation starts on
#' @param endLine (optional) - the line that the operation ends on
#' @param endCol (optional) - the column that the operation ends on
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.proc.node <- function(ptype, pname, pvalue="", functions.called=NULL, 
    cmd = NULL, scriptNum=NA, startLine=NA, startCol=NA, endLine=NA, endCol=NA) {
  if (!.ddg.is.proc.type (ptype)) {
    print (paste (".ddg.proc.node: bad value for ptype - ", ptype))
  if (!is.null(cmd)) {
    snum <- cmd@script.num
    pos <- cmd@pos
  else if (!is.na(scriptNum)){
    snum <- scriptNum
    pos <- c(startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol)
  else {
    snum <- NA
    pos <- NA
  # Record start & finish information
  if (ptype == "Start") {
    ddg.starts.open <- .ddg.get ("ddg.starts.open")
    ddg.starts.open <- c(ddg.starts.open, pname)
    .ddg.set ("ddg.starts.open", ddg.starts.open)
  else if (ptype == "Finish") {
    ddg.starts.open <- .ddg.get ("ddg.starts.open")
    num.starts.open <- length(ddg.starts.open)
    if (num.starts.open > 0) {
      last.start.open <- ddg.starts.open[num.starts.open]
      if (num.starts.open > 1) {
        ddg.starts.open <- ddg.starts.open[1:num.starts.open-1]
      else {
        ddg.starts.open <- vector()
      .ddg.set ("ddg.starts.open", ddg.starts.open)
      if (last.start.open != pname) {
        .ddg.insert.error.message("Start and finish nodes do not match")
    else {
        "Attempting to create a finish node when there are no open blocks")
  .ddg.set("ddg.last.proc.node.created", paste(ptype, pname))
  ptime <- .ddg.elapsed.time()
  # Record in procedure node table
  .ddg.record.proc(ptype, pname, pvalue, ptime, snum, pos)
  # If any functions are called in this procedure node, process them.
  if( !is.null(functions.called) && !is.na(functions.called)) {
    pfunctions <- .ddg.get.function.info(functions.called)

    # append the function call information to function nodes
    .ddg.add.to.function.table (pfunctions)
    # Create input data edges for non-locals used.
    nonlocals.used <- .ddg.get.nonlocals.used (pfunctions)
    if (!is.null (nonlocals.used) && length (nonlocals.used) > 0) {
      nonlocals.used[sapply(nonlocals.used, is.null)] <- NULL

      create.use.edge <- function (var) {
        if (is.null(var) || length(var) == 0) return ()
        # Make sure there is a node we could connect to.
        scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var)
        # Only create an edge if a matching data node exists.
        # If there is no matching data node, then we will 
        # assume this was actually a local.
        if (.ddg.data.node.exists(var, scope)) {
          .ddg.data2proc(var, scope)
      sapply (nonlocals.used, create.use.edge)
    # Create a data node and output data edge for each
    # non-local set in the function.
    nonlocals.set <- .ddg.get.nonlocals.set (pfunctions)
    if (!is.null (nonlocals.set) && length (nonlocals.set) > 0) {
      nonlocals.set[sapply(nonlocals.set, is.null)] <- NULL
      nonlocals.set <- unique(unlist(nonlocals.set))
      sapply (nonlocals.set, .ddg.save.var)
      sapply (nonlocals.set, .ddg.lastproc2data)
  if (.ddg.debug.lib()) print(paste("proc.node:", ptype, pname))
ProvTools/RDataTracker documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:29 a.m.