
Defines functions skim_dist

Documented in skim_dist

#' Skim Distance UFM function
#' This function allows you to skim distances between OD (km) from UFS files into R. Note it needs UFC/O
#' @param file The file to read.
#' @param remove_ufm when set to TRUE it will remove the interim ufm files
#' @param clean_up when TRUE removes the VDU, KEY and LPL files
#' @keywords read, ufs, distance
#' @export
#' @examples
#' skim_dist("file.UFS")

skim_dist <- function(file,
					remove_ufm = TRUE, clean_up = TRUE){
  SATLOOK <- file.path(get_xexes(),"$SATLOOK.exe")
	command <- paste(dQuote(SATLOOK),
					# Added commas
					paste0("'", file, "'"),
					"M 28",
					# Output file


	x <- read_ufm("out.UFM")
	names(x) <- c("origin", "destination", "uc", "distance")

	# Remove interim file
	if (remove_ufm) {

	# Clean up garbage files
	if (clean_up) {
		#file.remove(list.files(pattern = "*.VDU"))
		file.remove(paste0(dirname(file), "/", stringr::str_sub(basename(file),0,-4), "LPL"))
R-AECOM/SaturnR documentation built on Nov. 26, 2022, 2:46 p.m.