
#' @include get_RLum.R set_RLum.R length_RLum.R names_RLum.R

#' Class `"RLum.Results"`
#' Object class contains results data from functions (e.g., [analyse_SAR.CWOSL]).
#' @name RLum.Results-class
#' @docType class
#' @slot data
#' Object of class [list] containing output data
#' @note
#' The class is intended to store results from functions to be used by
#' other functions. The data in the object should always be accessed by the
#' method `get_RLum`.
#' @section Objects from the Class:
#' Objects can be created by calls of the form `new("RLum.Results", ...)`.
#' @section Class version: 0.5.2
#' @author
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @seealso [RLum-class], [plot_RLum], [merge_RLum]
#' @keywords classes methods
#' @examples
#' showClass("RLum.Results")
#' ##create an empty object from this class
#' set_RLum(class = "RLum.Results")
#' ##use another function to show how it works
#' ##Basic calculation of the dose rate for a specific date
#'  dose.rate <-  calc_SourceDoseRate(
#'    measurement.date = "2012-01-27",
#'    calib.date = "2014-12-19",
#'    calib.dose.rate = 0.0438,
#'    calib.error = 0.0019)
#' ##show object
#' dose.rate
#' ##get results
#' get_RLum(dose.rate)
#' ##get parameters used for the calcualtion from the same object
#' get_RLum(dose.rate, data.object = "parameters")
#' ##alternatively objects can be accessed using S3 generics, such as
#' dose.rate$parameters
#' @md
#' @export
  Class = "RLum.Results",
  slots = list(data = "list"),
  contains = "RLum",
  prototype = list (data = list())

# as() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##COERCE RLum.Results >> list AND list >> RLum.Results
#' as() - RLum-object coercion
#' for `[RLum.Results-class]`
#' **[RLum.Results-class]**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  **from** \tab **to**\cr
#'   `list` \tab `list`\cr
#' }
#' Given that the [list] consists of [RLum.Results-class] objects.
#' @md
#' @name as
setAs("list", "RLum.Results",
            originator = "coercion",
            data = from)

setAs("RLum.Results", "list",

# show() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Results
#' Show structure of `RLum.Results` object
#' @keywords internal
#' @md
#' @export
          signature(object = "RLum.Results"),
          function(object) {
            ##data elements
            temp.names <- names(object@data)

            if (length(object) > 0) {
              temp.type <- sapply(1:length(object@data),
                                  function(x) {
                                    paste("\t .. $", temp.names[x],
                                          " : ",
                                          sep = "")
            } else{
              temp.type <- paste0("\t .. $", temp.names, " : ", is(object@data)[1])

            temp.type <- paste(temp.type, collapse = "\n")

            ##print information
            cat("\n [RLum.Results-class]")
            cat("\n\t originator: ", object@originator, "()", sep = "")
            cat("\n\t data:", length(object@data))
            cat("\n", temp.type)
            cat("\n\t additional info elements: ", length(object@info),"\n")


# set_RLum() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Results
#' Construction method for an RLum.Results object.
#' @param class [`set_RLum`]; [character] **(required)**:
#' name of the `RLum` class to create
#' @param originator [`set_RLum`]; [character] (*automatic*):
#' contains the name of the calling function (the function that produces this object);
#' can be set manually.
#' @param .uid [`set_RLum`]; [character] (*automatic*):
#' sets an unique ID for this object using the internal C++ function `create_UID`.
#' @param .pid [`set_RLum`]; [character] (*with default*):
#' option to provide a parent id for nesting at will.
#' @param data [`set_RLum`]; [list] (*optional*):
#' a list containing the data to
#' be stored in the object
#' @param info [`set_RLum`]; [list] (*optional*):
#' a list containing additional info data for the object
#' @return
#' **`set_RLum`**:
#' Returns an object from the class [RLum.Results-class]
#' @md
#' @export
          signature = signature("RLum.Results"),

                   data = list(),
                   info = list()) {

            ##create new class
            newRLumReuslts <- new("RLum.Results")

            ##fill object
            newRLumReuslts@originator <- originator
            newRLumReuslts@data <- data
            newRLumReuslts@info <- info
            newRLumReuslts@.uid <- .uid
            newRLumReuslts@.pid <- .pid


# get_RLum() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Results
#' Accessor method for RLum.Results object. The argument data.object allows
#' directly accessing objects delivered within the slot data. The default
#' return object depends on the object originator (e.g., `fit_LMCurve`).
#' If nothing is specified always the first `data.object` will be returned.
#' Note: Detailed specification should be made in combination with the originator slot in the
#' receiving function if results are pipped.
#' @param object [`get_RLum`]; [RLum.Results-class] (**required**):
#' an object of class [RLum.Results-class] to be evaluated
#' @param data.object [`get_RLum`]; [character] or [numeric]:
#' name or index of the data slot to be returned
#' @param info.object [`get_RLum`]; [character] (*optional*):
#' name of the wanted info element
#' @param drop [`get_RLum`]; [logical] (*with default*):
#' coerce to the next possible layer (which are data objects, `drop = FALSE`
#' keeps the original `RLum.Results`
#' @return
#' **`get_RLum`**:
#' Returns:
#' 1. Data object from the specified slot
#' 2. [list] of data objects from the slots if 'data.object' is vector or
#' 3. an [RLum.Results-class] for `drop = FALSE`.
#' @md
#' @export
  signature = signature("RLum.Results"),
  definition = function(object, data.object, info.object = NULL, drop = TRUE) {
    ##if info.object is set, only the info objects are returned
    if (!is.null(info.object)) {
      if (info.object %in% names(object@info)) {

      } else {
        ##check for entries
        if (length(object@info) == 0) {
          warning("[get_RLum()] This 'RLum.Results' object has no info ",
                  "objects, NULL returned)", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          warning("[get_RLum()] Invalid 'info.object' name, valid names are: ",
                  paste(names(object@info), collapse = ", "),
                  call. = FALSE)

    } else{
      if (!missing(data.object)) {
        ##CASE1: data.object is of type 'character'
        if (is(data.object, "character")) {
          #check if the provided names are available
          if (all(data.object %in% names(object@data))) {
            ##account for multiple inputs
            if (length(data.object) > 1) {
              temp.return <- sapply(data.object, function(x) {

            } else{
              temp.return <- list(data.object = object@data[[data.object]])

          } else {
            stop("[get_RLum()] unknown 'data.object', valid names are: ",
                 paste(names(object@data), collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)

        ##CASE2: data.object is of type 'numeric'
        else if (is(data.object, "numeric")) {
          ##check if index is valid
          if (max(data.object) > length(object@data)) {
            stop("[get_RLum] 'data.object' index out of bounds!")

          } else if (length(data.object) > 1) {
            temp.return <- lapply(data.object, function(x) {

          } else {
            temp.return <- list(object@data[[data.object]])


          ##restore names as that get los with this method
          names(temp.return) <-

        ##CASE3: data.object is of an unsupported type
          stop("[get_RLum] 'data.object' has to be of type character or numeric!", call. = FALSE)

        ##the CASE data.object is missing
      } else{
        ##return always the first object if nothing is specified
        temp.return <- object@data[1]


      ##CHECK whether an RLum.Results object needs to be produced ...
      ##This will just be the case if the funtion havn't returned something before
      if (drop) {
        ##we need to access the list here, otherwise we get unexpected behaviour as drop = TRUE
        ##should always return the lowest possible element here

      } else{
          originator = object@originator,
          data = temp.return

# length_RLum() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Results
#' Returns the length of the object, i.e., number of stored data.objects
#' @return
#' **`length_RLum`**
#' Returns the number of data elements in the `RLum.Results` object.
#' @md
#' @export


# names_RLum() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn RLum.Results
#' Returns the names data.objects
#' @return
#' **`names_RLum`**
#' Returns the names of the data elements in the object.
#' @md
#' @export
R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 8 a.m.