
Defines functions get_meta_data

Documented in get_meta_data

#' List of study-specific metadata
#' Summary by study can be returned via \code{\link{get_meta_data}}
#' @format A list with 4 entries:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{file_locations}{list of file locations, with a vector of studies
#'   for each of \code{gsm_soft}, \code{gsm_supp_files}, \code{gse_supp_files},
#'   \code{immport}, \code{custom}, \code{not_available}}
#'   \item{id_to_gsm_mapping_info}{list of mapping info for studies which have
#'   data in the GSE and need additional info to map back to the GSM per sample.
#'   Includes: \code{gsm_needs_map}, \code{use_gsm_description},
#'   \code{use_gsm_index_2}, \code{id_regex_map_list}}
#'   \item{illumina_manifest_files}{List with one entry per study which
#'   has an illumina manifest file}
#'   \item{gsm_table_var_name}{list of raw values column name for gsm-based data}
#' }

# ----- format for return from get_meta_data: -----
# list(
#   raw_file_location = "gsm|gse|gsm_supp_files|immport|custom",
#   id_to_gse_mapping_info = NULL | list(
#     study_id_term = "description|title",
#     gsm_map_index = 1|2,
#     id_regex_map = NULL | list(
#       old = "regex",
#       new = "regex"
#     )
#   ),
#   platform = "affymetrix|illumina|RNAseq",
#   illumna_manifest_file = NULL | "filepath",
#   gsm_table_var_name = NULL | "Value"
# )

#' Get Meta Data
#' Get meta data about how to process matrices within a study or
#' how a matrix was processed.
#' @details Details such as \code{file_location} must be added manually
#' to the \code{\link{meta_data_list}} object for new matrices. See
#' \href{https://www.notion.so/rglab/HIPCMatrix-meta_data_list-0e501a51551843b78f68806f1d705ec1}{internal Notion documentation}
#' for more details on how to update.
#' @param study study accession
#' @param gef gene expression files. Only required for SDY1529.
#' @param fas_id Feature Annotation Set ID (from FeatureAnnotationSet table).
#' If not provided, will attempt to derive based on study. Must be provided
#' if study has not already been processed.
#' @param baseUrl Base URL to pull feature annotation info from.
#' @return List of meta data detailing how to process matrix. Includes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{file_location}{Source for raw files. Options are \code{gsm_soft}:
#' in data returned with \code{GEOquery::getGEO()}, \code{gsm_supp_files}:
#' supplementary files in sample entry (GSM), \code{gse_supp_files}:
#' supplementary files in experement entry (GSE), \code{immport}: raw files
#' provided from ImmPort, \code{custom}: somewhere else (generally provided
#' by immport as they wait for an update to make its way to GEO/ImmPort)}
#' \item{platform}{Sequencing platform: Either Affymetrix, Illumina, Stanford
#' (custom platform), or NA (RNA-seq). TODO: Add more descriptive identifier
#' for RNA-seq}
#' \item{id_to_gse_mapping_info (optional)}{Mapping info for data found in GSE
#' to map ids to GSM (see \href{https://github.com/RGLab/HIPCMatrix/blob/main/data-raw/meta_data_list.R}{source}
#' for more details)}
#' \item{custom_file_info (optional)}{Details on where to find custom file for
#' when \code{file_location == "custom"}}
#' \item{illumina_manifest_file (optional)}{Path to manifest file for studies with Illumina
#' idat files that need bgx manifest files.}
#' \item{gsm_table_var_name (optional)}{Custom list of raw values column name for gsm-based data}
#' }
#' @export
get_meta_data <- function(study,
                          gef = NULL,
                          fas_id = NULL,
                          baseUrl = "https://datatools.immunespace.org") {

  # ----- Create custom meta_data list for study -----

  meta_data <- list()

  # Set File location
  if (study == "SDY1529") {
    meta_data$file_location <- ifelse((0 %in% unique(gef$study_time_collected)),
  } else {
    file_location <- names(meta_data_list$file_locations)[
      vapply(meta_data_list$file_locations, function(location) study %in% location,
        FUN.VALUE = TRUE
    if (length(file_location) != 1) {
      stop("Could not determine location of input files.")
    meta_data$file_location <- file_location

  # Set custom file info
  meta_data$custom_file_info <- meta_data_list$custom_file_info[[study]]

  # Set mapping info (Will be NULL if no mapping needed)
  if (study %in% meta_data_list$id_to_gsm_mapping_info$gsm_needs_map) {
    meta_data$id_to_gse_mapping_info <- list(
      study_id_term = ifelse(study %in% meta_data_list$id_to_gsm_mapping_info$use_gsm_description, "description", "title"),
      gsm_map_index = ifelse(study %in% meta_data_list$id_to_gsm_mapping_info$use_gsm_index_2, 2, 1),
      id_regex_map = meta_data_list$id_to_gsm_mapping_info$id_regex_map_list[[study]]

  # Set platform (derive from fas_id)

  # **platform**: sequencing platform (Affymetrix, Illumina, or 'NA', aka RNAseq)
  if (is.null(fas_id)) {
    meta_data$platform <- unique(Rlabkey::labkey.selectRows(
      baseUrl = baseUrl,
      folderPath = paste0("Studies/", study),
      schemaName = "assay.ExpressionMatrix.matrix",
      queryName = "Runs",
      colNameOpt = "fieldname",
      colSelect = "featureSet/Vendor"
  } else {
    fas <- data.table(labkey.selectRows(
      baseUrl = baseUrl,
      folderPath = "/Studies/",
      schemaName = "Microarray",
      queryName = "FeatureAnnotationSet",
      colNameOpt = "rname",
      showHidden = T
    meta_data$platform <- fas$vendor[fas$rowid == fas_id]

  meta_data$illumina_manifest_file <- meta_data_list$illumina_manifest_files[[study]]

  meta_data$gsm_table_var_name <- meta_data_list$gsm_table_var_name[[study]]

RGLab/HIPCMatrix documentation built on Jan. 29, 2023, 5:13 a.m.