
# Helpers-------------------------------------------------------
tmp <- c("lymphocyte is a dose of reality in a harsh world.",
         "Doses would be too much.",
         "And is critical for this test.")
freqTbl <- makeFreqTbl(tmp)

getRes <- function(vec, freqTbl){
    metaData <- list()
    metaData$medLength <- stats::median(sapply(vec, nchar))
    metaData$numStrings <- length(vec)

    words <- vec2words(vec)

    res <- corpusFreq:::makeSuggList(words = words, freqTbl = freqTbl, metaData = metaData)

# Tests --------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Many short strings use internalFt with stopwords", {
    vec <- c("1 dose", "2 doses", "5 doses", "3 doses", "1 does", "1 dose", "4 doses")
    res <- getRes(vec, freqTbl)
    expect_true("dose" %in% res$does)

test_that("Corrects non-freqTbl but regular english word. i.e. 'adn' to 'and'", {
    vec <- c("the fox adn the hen are not friends.")
    res <- getRes(vec, freqTbl)
    expect_true("and" %in% res$adn)

test_that("Corrects biological word present in freqTbl", {
    vec <- c("Why did the lymphocyt cross the road?")
    res <- getRes(vec, freqTbl)
    expect_true("lymphocyte" %in% res$lymphocyt)

test_that("Single string with few words, no internalFt work", {
    vec <- c("Why did the lymphocyt cross the road?")
    res <- getRes(vec, freqTbl)
    expect_false("why" %in% names(res) )
RGLab/corpusFreq documentation built on May 1, 2021, 4:58 p.m.