
Defines functions interactiveSpellCheck InteractiveFindReplace makeSuggList

Documented in InteractiveFindReplace interactiveSpellCheck

###                 HELPER                        ###

makeSuggList <- function(words, freqTbl, metaData = NULL, sdBoundary = 2){

  suggLs <- list()

  # Dictionary Check:
  # rm words present in standard english dictionary using stopwords or hunspell
  good <- hunspell::hunspell_check(words)
  badWords <- words[ good == FALSE ]

  # FreqTbl Check:
  # rm words present in FreqTbl
  badWords <- badWords[ !(badWords %in% names(freqTbl)) ]

  # Suggest replacements for remaining badWords
  if( length(badWords) > 0 ){
      hSuggs <- hunspell::hunspell_suggest(badWords)
      hSuggs <- lapply(hSuggs, function(x){ return(ifelse(length(x) > 0, x[[1]], x )) })

      fSuggs <- freqSugg(badWords = badWords,
                         freqTbl = freqTbl,
                         sdBoundary = sdBoundary)

      suggLs <- lapply( seq(1:length(fSuggs)), function(x){
          return( unique(c(fSuggs[[x]], hSuggs[[x]])) ) # may be same therefore dedupe

      names(suggLs) <- badWords

  # Internal Consistency Check:
  # Find single values and see if they may be very similar in terms of
  # stringdist to more common words within the same vector.

  #TODO ... deal with scenarios based on metaData
  if( !is.null(metaData) ){
      if( metaData$medLength > 100 | metaData$numStrings > 5){
          if(metaData$medLength > 100){
              words <- words[ !(words %in% stopwords::stopwords()) ]
          internalFt <- makeFreqTbl(words)
          singles <- internalFt[ internalFt == 1 ]
          iSuggs <- freqSugg(badWords = names(singles),
                             freqTbl = internalFt,
                             sdBoundary = sdBoundary)
          names(iSuggs) <- names(singles)
          iSuggs <- iSuggs[ names(iSuggs) != iSuggs ] # drop self-referenced

          # return combined list
          suggLs <- c(suggLs, iSuggs)


###                    MAIN                       ###

#' @title Interactively find and replace problematic words in a vector or dataframe
#' @description For each word in the output list from checkSpelling()
#'     find the word in the inputVector and allow the user to enter a
#'     replacement word
#' @param badWords named list of problematic words and suggested replacements
#' @param input dataframe or vector
#' @param outFile filepath for where to append lines of code
#' @export
InteractiveFindReplace <- function(badWords, input, outFile = NULL){
    ret <- input

    if(!is.null(outFile) && !file.exists(outFile)){

        firstLn <- paste0("# word one on ", Sys.time())
        nextLn <- "\nspellCheckRes <- function(x){"
        cat(c(firstLn, nextLn), file = outFile, append = TRUE)

    message("leaving the replacement field blank means do not replace.")
    message("Entering 'f' uses frequency table suggestion")
    message("Entering 'd' uses dictionary suggestion \n")
    message("frequency table and dictionary suggestions only shown if present.")

    for( nm in names(badWords) ){
        message(paste0("word not found: ", nm))

        fsugg <- badWords[[nm]][[1]]
        message(paste0("Frequency Table Suggestion: ", fsugg))

        dsugg <- ifelse(length(badWords[[nm]]) == 2, badWords[[nm]][[2]], "none" )
        message(paste0("Dictionary Suggestion: ", dsugg))

        rep <- readline(prompt = paste0("enter replacement for ", nm, ": "))

        if( rep == "f"){
            rep <- fsugg
        }else if( rep == "d"){
            rep <- dsugg


        if( rep != ""){
            if( is.data.frame(input) ){
                ret <- data.frame(lapply(ret, function(x){
                    gsub(pattern = nm,
                         replacement = rep,
                         ignore.case = TRUE)}))
                colnames(ret) <- colnames(input)
                codeLn <- paste0("\n\tx <- data.frame(lapply(input, function(x){ gsub(pattern = '",
                                 nm, "', replacement = '", rep, "', x, ignore.case = TRUE) }))")
                ret <- gsub(pattern = nm, replacement = rep, x = ret, ignore.case = TRUE)
                codeLn <- paste0("\n\tx <- gsub(pattern = '",
                                 nm, "', replacement = '", rep, "', x, ignore.case = TRUE)")

                cat(codeLn, file = outFile, append = TRUE)

    if( !is.null(outFile)){
        cat("\n}", file = outFile, append = TRUE)


#' @title Interactively check spelling against custom corpus
#' @description Given an input vector or df and output directory, the user may
#'     correct words that are not found in a standard dictionary or a
#'     current list of ImmuneSpace specific terms.
#' @param input dataframe or vector
#' @param name object name or string to use as fileName
#' @param outputDir filepath for where to append lines of code
#' @param freqTbl frequency table of words in a custom corpus
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
interactiveSpellCheck <- function(input, name, outputDir, freqTbl){

    if( is.data.frame(input) & is.null(name) ){
        name <- attr(input, "name")

    # Want file to be executable
    outFile <- paste0(outputDir, "/", name, ".R")

    # write first lines of file
    header <- paste0("# Changes made to ", name, " using interactiveSpellCheck() \n",
                     "# at ", Sys.time(), "\n")
    cat(header, file = outFile, append = TRUE)

    # Parse
    if( is.data.frame(input) ){
      words <- unique(df2words(input))
      words <- unique(vec2words(input))

    # get metaData
    metaData <- list()
    metaData$medLength <- stats::median(sapply(input, nchar))
    metaData$numStrings <- length(input)

    # Make suggestions
    suggLs <- makeSuggList(words, freqTbl, metaData)

    # do find/Replace
    res <- InteractiveFindReplace(suggLs,

    # Add newlines in case same file is updated at a later date
    cat("\n\n", file = outFile, append = TRUE)

    names(res) <- name


RGLab/corpusFreq documentation built on May 1, 2021, 4:58 p.m.