Man pages for RGLab/flowReMix
Generalized Linear Modeling of FCM Data With Clustered Coefficients

aggregateModelsAggregate flowReMix model fits
degreeFromStringFundegreeFromStringFun A function to parse the degree of a...
flowReMixFitting a Mixture of Mixed Effect Models for Binomial Data
flowReMix_controlAuxiliary for Controlling flowReMix Fitting.
FlowReMixFromCOMPASSContainersCreate a table suitable for FlowReMix modeling from a list of...
flowReMixPFSperSubsetPFS Compute the PFS (polyfunctionality score) per...
hcIndexA function for computing the Higher-Criticism index
parserCell subset label parser Parses cell subset labels into...
plotplot a flowReMix fit object
plotChordDiagramplotChordDiagram Generate a chord diagram from a flowReMix...
stabilityGraphcompute a stability graph for the Ising model from a...
stimulationModelPreparing a Dataset for a Stimulation Respone Analysis with...
summarysummary of a flowReMix fit
translateCOMPASStoflowReMixNamesTranslate COMPASS markere names to FlowReMix format
weightForPFSweightForPFS Compute the weighting for the polyfunctionality...
zeroPosteriorProbszeroPosteriorProbs description return the posterior...
RGLab/flowReMix documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:55 a.m.