#should be okay as is
#Pulls out the peaks of significant regions from curv1Filter results. Can be used in code that chunks the samples.
#It will be up to the calling function to organize the results for the landmarkMatrix call
getPeakRegions <- function(data, fres, parm, border=0.05, peakNr=NULL, densities=NULL, n=201,
## Some type-checking first
flowCore:::checkClass(data, "flowSet")
flowCore:::checkClass(fres, "list")
flowCore:::checkClass(parm, "character")
flowCore:::checkClass(border, "numeric", 1)
## get peaks of significant regions from curv1Filter results
ranges <- fsApply(data, range)
from <- min(sapply(ranges, function(z) z[1,parm]-diff(z[,parm])*0.15), na.rm=TRUE)
to <- max(sapply(ranges, function(z) z[2,parm]+diff(z[,parm])*0.15), na.rm=TRUE)
peaks <- list()
regions <- list()
eps <- .Machine$double.eps
for(i in sampleNames(data)){
dens <- densities
x <- exprs(data[[i]][,parm])
r <- ranges[[i]][,parm]
x <- x[x>r[1]+eps & x<r[2]-eps]
dens <- densities[,i]
x <- NULL
tmp <- curvPeaks(fres[[parm]][[i]], x, from=from, to=to, n=n,
borderQuant=border, densities=dens)
peaks[[i]] <- tmp[["peaks"]][,"x"]
regions[[i]] <- tmp[["regions"]]
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