gs_add_gating_method_init: Clear history of 'gs_add_gating_method' calls for a given...

View source: R/add_pop.R

gs_add_gating_method_initR Documentation

Clear history of gs_add_gating_method calls for a given GatingSet or GatingSetList


Repeated calls to the load_gs method in the same session will yield indistinguishable objects that can result in overlapping history of gs_add_gating_method calls. This method allows for the history to be cleared if the user would like to reload the GatingSet and start fresh. Calling gs_add_gating_method_init without an argument will clear the entire gs_add_gating_method history.





a GatingSet or GatingSetList. Can be omitted to clean entire gs_add_gating_method history.


## Not run: 
# load in a GatingSet
gs <- load_gs(path)
# Add some nodes using gs_add_gating_method
gs_add_gating_method(gs, gating_method = "mindensity", dims = "CCR7,CD45RA", parent = "cd4-cd8+", pop = "CCR7+/-CD45RA+/-")
gs_add_gating_method(gs, gating_method = "polyFunctions", parent = "cd8", gating_args = "cd8/IFNg:cd8/IL2:cd8/TNFa")
# Remove the effect of the last gs_add_gating_method call using gs_remove_gating_method (note that the first call's effects remain)
# Re-load the GatingSet to start over
gs <- load_gs(path)

# At this point, gs will still see the history of the first gs_add_gating_method call above
# which will cause problems for later calls to gs_remove_gating_method.
# To fix that, just call gs_add_gating_method_init() to start a clean history
# Now you can continue using gs_add_gating_method and gs_remove_gating_method from scratch
gs_add_gating_method(gs, gating_method = "mindensity", dims = "CCR7,CD45RA", parent = "cd4-cd8+", pop = "CCR7+/-CD45RA+/-")

## End(Not run)

RGLab/openCyto documentation built on May 15, 2024, 3:26 a.m.