
# User-facing functions for rocto

#' Initialise a new rocto job
#' Creates a skeleton for a new \code{rocto} job in the correct format. Also allows you
#' to automatically set the working directory and open the param and main files.
#' @param name <character> Name to be given to the new job directory
#' @param path <character> Where to create the directory (default to current working directory)
#' @param interactive <boolean> Whether to ask for feedback from user.
#' @return Invisible boolean TRUE
#' @seealso \code{\link{roctoCheck}} \code{\link{roctoPack}}
#' @export
roctoNew <- function(name = "roctoJob",
                     path = ".",
                     interactive = TRUE) {
    if (dir.exists(file.path(path,name))) {
      if (interactive) {
        over <-  utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"), 
                             title = "Directory already exists. Overwrite?")
      } else {
        over <- 1
      if (over == 1) {
        unlink(file.path(path, name), recursive = TRUE)
      } else {
    safe.dir.create <- function(path) {
      if (!dir.exists(path) && !dir.create(path)) 
        stop(gettextf("cannot create directory '%s'", path), 
             domain = NA)
    template_path <- system.file("template", package = "rocto")
    files_to_copy <- list.files(template_path, full.names = TRUE)
    dir <- file.path(path, name)
    b <- try(file.copy(files_to_copy, dir, recursive = TRUE))
    if (inherits(b, "try-error")) {
      stop(sprintf("Failed to create template in dir %s", dir))
    if (interactive) {
      changewd <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"), 
                              title = "Set working directory to created folder?")
      edit <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"), 
                          title = "Open main and param files?")
    } else {
      changewd <- edit <- 0
    if (edit == 1) {
      get("file.edit")(file.path(dir, "main.R"))
      get("file.edit")(file.path(dir, "params.R"))
    if (changewd == 1) {

#' Check a rocto job
#' Checks whether an existing \code{rocto} job contains any errors.
#' It also specifies where problems may be and warns about unexpected deviations
#' from the default \code{rocto} folder format.
#' @param path <character> Path to existing \code{rocto} directory (default to current working directory)
#' @param test <boolean> Test the job in addition to validating it, and return the results.
#' @return Invisible boolean valid job or not.
#' @seealso \code{\link{roctoNew}} \code{\link{roctoPack}}
#' @export
roctoCheck <- function(path = ".", test = TRUE) {
  tdir <- tempdir()
  valid <- .checkJob(path, tdir, interactive = TRUE)
  if (valid) {
    cat(crayon::green("\nYour rocto job is valid.\n"))
    if (test) {
      return(.runJob(path, "test"))
    } else {
  } else {

#' Pack a rocto directory for distribution
#' This function performs checks and then packs a raw \code{rocto} job directory 
#' into a single file for uploading to the \code{rocto} volunteer cluster.
#' @param path <character> The root of the raw rocto job directory.
#' @param verbose <boolean> Print debug information for inspecting parameter grid and meta info
#' @return Invisible boolean TRUE
#' @seealso \code{\link{roctoCheck}}, \code{\link{roctoResults}}
#' @export
roctoPack <- function(path = ".", verbose = TRUE) {
  initwd <- getwd()
  validJob <- jobPrepped <- jobPacked <- FALSE
  tdir <- tempdir()
  # first, check whether directory is a valid job
  validJob <- .checkJob(path, tdir)
  if (validJob) {
    cat(crayon::silver("\nYour rocto job is valid."))
    # prepare job for packing and gather information
    jobPrepped <- .prepJob(path, tdir)
    if (jobPrepped) {
      cat(crayon::silver("\nJob information saved.\n"))
      # package the job, copy it next to the original and ask to open folder
      jobPacked <- .zipJob(path, tdir, verbose)
  if (validJob && jobPrepped && jobPacked) {
    cat(crayon::green("Job successfully packed."))
  } else {

#' Load results from your rocto job into R
#' This function loads all the job results from a \code{.rocres} file into R at once.
#' @param rocresPath <character> Path to a rocto results (\code{.rocres}) file
#' @return List with \code{nIter} elements, each containing the results object of one iteration.
#' @seealso \code{\link{roctoNew}}, \code{\link{roctoPack}}
#' @export
roctoResults <- function(rocresPath) {
  filePath <- normalizePath(rocresPath)
  ext <- substr(basename(filePath), 
                         perl = TRUE)[[1]][1], 
  if (!file.exists(filePath)) {
    stop("Results file not found")
  } else if (ext != ".rocres") {
    stop("File is not a .rocres file")
  tempenv <- new.env()
  tdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "rocres")
  if (file.exists(tdir)) {
  utils::unzip(rocresPath, exdir = tdir)
  return(lapply(list.files(tdir, full.names = TRUE, pattern = ".*\\.Rdata"), 
                function(f) {
                  load(f, envir = tempenv)
                  return(get("o", envir = tempenv))
ROctopus/rocto-rpackage documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:35 p.m.