
## ----setup,echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

three_sp <- c("CHFU","MEEL","PUPA")
sp.pos <- which(names(neigh_list) %in% three_sp)

data <- neigh_list[sp.pos]
# keep only fitness and neighbours columns
for(i in 1:length(data)){
  data[[i]] <- data[[i]][,2:length(data[[i]])]
focal_column <- names(data)

# Beverton-Holt model
model_family <- "BH"

# the "bobyqa" algorithm works best for these species
optimization_method <- "bobyqa"

# pairwise alphas, but no covariate effects 
alpha_form <- "pairwise"
lambda_cov_form <- "none"
alpha_cov_form <- "none"

# no fixed terms, i.e. we fit both lambdas and alphas
fixed_terms <- NULL

# for demonstration purposes
bootstrap_samples <- 3

# a limited number of timesteps. 
timesteps <- 10

# for demonstration purposes
initial_abundances <- c("CHFU" = 10,"MEEL" = 10,"PUPA" = 10)

# standard initial values,
# not allowing for intraspecific facilitation

initial_values <- list(lambda = 10,
                       alpha_intra = 0.1,
                       alpha_inter = 0.1)
                       # lambda_cov = 0.1,
                       # alpha_cov = 0.1)
lower_bounds <- list(lambda = 1,
                     alpha_intra = 0,
                     alpha_inter = -1)
                     # lambda_cov = 0,
                     # alpha_cov = 0)
upper_bounds <- list(lambda = 100,
                     alpha_intra = 1,
                     alpha_inter = 1)
                     # lambda_cov = 1,
                     # alpha_cov = 1)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  cxr_fit <- cxr_pm_multifit(data = data,
                             focal_column = focal_column,
                             model_family = model_family,
                             # covariates = salinity,
                             optimization_method = optimization_method,
                             alpha_form = alpha_form,
                             lambda_cov_form = lambda_cov_form,
                             alpha_cov_form = alpha_cov_form,
                             initial_values = initial_values,
                             lower_bounds = lower_bounds,
                             upper_bounds = upper_bounds,
                             fixed_terms = fixed_terms,
                             bootstrap_samples = bootstrap_samples)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ab <- abundance_projection(cxr_fit = cxr_fit,
                             # covariates = covariates_proj,
                             timesteps = timesteps,
                             initial_abundances = initial_abundances)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ab.df <-
ab.df$timestep <- 1:nrow(ab.df)
ab.df <- tidyr::gather(ab.df,key = "sp",value = "abund",-timestep)
abund.plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(ab.df,
                              ggplot2::aes(x = timestep,
                                           y = abund, group = sp)) + 
  ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(color = sp)) + 
  ggplot2::ylab("number of individuals") + ggplot2::xlab("time") +
  ggplot2::ggtitle("Projected abundances of three plant species")+

## ----fig.width=7.2, fig.height=7-----------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Beverton-Holt model for projecting abundances,
#' with specific alpha values and global covariate effects on alpha and lambda
#' @param lambda named numeric lambda value.
#' @param alpha_intra single numeric value.
#' @param alpha_inter numeric vector with interspecific alpha values.
#' @param lambda_cov numeric vector with effects of covariates over lambda.
#' @param alpha_cov named list of named numeric vectors 
#' with effects of each covariate over alpha values.
#' @param abundance named numeric vector of abundances in the previous timestep.
#' @param covariates matrix with observations in rows and covariates in named columns. 
#' Each cell is the value of a covariate in a given observation.
#' @return numeric abundance projected one timestep
#' @export
BH_project_alpha_pairwise_lambdacov_global_alphacov_pairwise <- function(lambda,
  # put together intra and inter coefficients,
  # be sure names match
  spnames <- names(abundance)
  alpha <- c(alpha_intra,alpha_inter)
  alpha <- alpha[spnames]
  alpha_covs <- list()
  for(ia in 1:length(alpha_cov)){
    alpha_covs[[ia]] <- alpha_cov[[ia]][spnames]
  numsp <- length(abundance)
  expected_abund <- NA_real_
  # model
  num = 1
  focal.cov.matrix <- as.matrix(covariates)
  for(v in 1:ncol(focal.cov.matrix)){
    num <- num + lambda_cov[v]*focal.cov.matrix[,v] 
  cov_term_x <- list()
  for(v in 1:ncol(focal.cov.matrix)){
    cov_temp <- focal.cov.matrix[,v]
    for(z in 1:length(abundance)){
      #create  alpha_cov_i*cov_i vector
      cov_term_x[[z+(length(abundance)*(v-1))]] <- 
        # alpha_cov[z+(ncol(abund)*(v-1))] 
      alpha_cov[[v]][z] * cov_temp  
  cov_term <- list()
  for(z in 0:(length(abundance)-1)){
    cov_term_x_sum <- cov_term_x[[z+1]]
    if(ncol(focal.cov.matrix) > 1){
      for(v in 2:ncol(focal.cov.matrix)){
        cov_term_x_sum <- cov_term_x_sum + 
          cov_term_x[[v + length(abundance)]]
    cov_term[[z+1]] <- cov_term_x_sum
  term <- 1 #create the denominator term for the model
  for(z in 1:length(abundance)){
    term <- term + (alpha[z] + cov_term[[z]]) * abundance[z]  
  expected_abund <- (lambda * (num) / term) * abundance[names(lambda)]
RadicalCommEcol/cxr documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 10:07 p.m.