Man pages for RajLabMSSM/echoLD
echoverse module: LD downloading and processing

check_population_1kgTranslate superpopulation acronyms
compute_LDGet LD using 'snpStats' package
compute_LD_blocksCompute LD blocks
download_UKB_LDDownload UKB LD
fill_NAFill NAs in an LD matrix
filter_LDFilter LD
get_LDProcure an LD matrix for fine-mapping
get_LD_1KGCompute LD from 1000 Genomes
get_LD_1KG_download_vcfDownload VCF subset from 1000 Genomes
get_LD_blocksGet LD blocks
get_LD_matrixGet LD from pre-computed matrix
get_LD_UKBDownload LD matrices from UK Biobank
get_LD_vcfCompute LD from VCF file
get_lead_r2Get LD with lead SNP
get_leadsnp_blockGet lead SNP block
get_locus_vcf_folderGet VCF storage folder
get_MAF_UKBGet MAF from UK Biobank.
ldlinkr_ldproxy_batchExtract LD proxies from 1KGphase3
message_parallelSend messages to console even from within parallel processes
plot_LDPlot a subset of the LD matrix
popDat_1KGphase1Population metadata: 1KGphase1
popDat_1KGphase3Population metadata: 1KGphase3
r2_to_rConvert r^2 to r, and vice versa
rds_to_npzConvert .RDS file back to .npz format
read_LD_listRead LD list
readSparseRead LD matrix
report_timeReport time at end of function
save_LD_matrixSave LD matrix
saveSparseSave LD matrix as a sparse matrix
select_vcf_samplesSubset VCF samples
snpstats_get_MAFGet MAF using 'snpStats' package
subset_common_snpsSubset LD matrix and dataframe to only their shared SNPs
to_sparseConvert to sparse
vcf_to_plinkConvert VCF to PLINK
RajLabMSSM/echoLD documentation built on May 12, 2024, 3:23 a.m.