
# my_c  - a clean_vector ####
#' Create a single clean vector
#'@description A helper function for the basic \code{c()} function to remove names and create a singular vector.
#' This can be useful if you select a single column from a dataframe.
#' @param vector A vector that needs 'cleaning'
#' @return Returns a single clean vector without names
#' @export
my_c <- function(vector){
  c(vector, use.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

# df_to_named_list ####

#' Create a named list
#' Deprecated use \code{tibble::deframe()} instead
#' @description This function creates a named list from two dataframe columns
#' @param df A dataframe
#' @param items A string or index number which indicates the column with the items for the named list
#' @param names A string or index number which indicates the column with the names for the named list
#' @return Returns a named list
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
df_to_named_list <- function(df, items = 1, names = 2){
  message("df_to_named_list is deprecated. Use tibble::deframe instead")
  values <- dplyr::select(df, items) %>% my_c()
  names(values) <- dplyr::select(df, names) %>% my_c()

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RedTent/JT documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:58 a.m.