
# RevoEnhancements/R/rxDiscretize.R by Derek Norton and Andrie de Vries
# Copyright 2013 Revolution Analytics
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Creates equal width or equal frequency discretized variables from continuous variables.
#' @param formula Formula
#' @param data xdf file
#' @param type Determines whether the discretization produces equal \code{width} or equal \code{freq} results
#' @param nBins Number of bins
#' @param subscript Character vector. Gets appended to column names to indicate the discretized columns.
#' @param sep Separator character between column names and \code{subscript}
#' @param integerLabels ???
#' @param finalTransform ???
#' #' @export
#' @family Data mining functions
#' @examples
#' library(RevoScaleR)
#' discTransforms <- rxDiscretize(~ ., data = USArrests, integerLabels = FALSE)
#' discTransforms2 <- rxDiscretize(~ Assault+UrbanPop+Rape, data = USArrests, subscript = "", sep = "")
#' newData <- rxDataStep(inData = USArrests, 
#'     transforms = discTransforms)
#' claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")

#' # Equal Width
#' discTransforms <- rxDiscretize(~ cost, data = claimsXdf, type = "width", nBins = 1000, subscript = "disc", sep = "_")
#' x <- rxDataStep(inData = claimsXdf, transforms = discTransforms)
#' # Equal Freq
#' discTransforms <- rxDiscretize(~ cost, data = claimsXdf, type = "freq", nBins = 1000, subscript = "disc", sep = "_")
#' x <- rxDataStep(inData = claimsXdf, transforms = discTransforms)
rxDiscretize <- function (formula = ~ ., data, type = c("width", "freq"), 
  nBins = NULL, subscript = "disc", sep = "_", integerLabels = TRUE, finalTransform = TRUE) {
  rxList2Transform <- function(myList) {
    parse(text = paste("list(", paste(myList, collapse = ", "), ")"))
  formula <- formulaExpand(formula, data)
  xVars <- all.vars(formula)
  y <- NULL
  if (length(formula) == 3) {
    y <- xVars[1]
    xVars <- xVars[-1]
  varInfo <- rxGetInfo(data, getVarInfo = TRUE)
  n <- varInfo$numRows
  varInfo <- varInfo$varInfo
  xVarType <- unlist(lapply(varInfo[xVars], "[[", "varType"))
  if (!all(xVarType %in% c("integer", "numeric"))) {
    stop("Independent Variables must be Numeric")
  type <- match.arg(type, c("width", "freq"))
  if (is.null(nBins)) {
    nBins <- floor(sqrt(n))
  if (type == "width") {
    ## Equal Width
    varRange <- lapply(xVars, function(x) unlist(varInfo[[x]][c("low", "high")]))
    predBreaks <- lapply(varRange, function(x) seq(x["low"], x["high"], length = nBins + 1))
  } else {
    ## Equal Freq
    predBreaks <- lapply(xVars, function(x) unique(rxQuantile(data = data, varName = x,
	    probs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = nBins + 1), names = FALSE)))
  names(predBreaks) <- xVars
  myFun <- function(x) {
    breaks <- paste(deparse(predBreaks[[x]]), collapse = "")
    labels <- paste(deparse(seq_len(length(predBreaks[[x]])-1)), collapse = "")
    paste(paste(x, subscript, sep = sep), " = cut(", x, 
      ", breaks = ", breaks, 
      ifelse(integerLabels, paste(", labels =", labels), ""),
      ", include.lowest = TRUE)", sep = "")
  discTransforms <- lapply(xVars, myFun)
  if (finalTransform) {
    discTransforms <- rxList2Transform(discTransforms)
RevoEnhancements/RevoEnhancements documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:46 a.m.