
Defines functions piecewiseLinearApproximation_ApproximateNearestEuclideanN piecewiseLinearApproximation_Naive piecewiseLinearApproximation_ApproximateSupportCorePreserving

## This file is part of the FuzzyNumbers package
## Copyright 2012-2019 Marek Gagolewski
## FuzzyNumbers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## FuzzyNumbers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with FuzzyNumbers. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title
#' Piecewise Linear Approximation of a Fuzzy Number
#' @description
#' This method finds a piecewise linear approximation \eqn{P(A)}
#' of a given fuzzy number \eqn{A} by using the algorithm specified by the
#' \code{method} parameter.
#' @details
#' `\code{method}` may be one of:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{NearestEuclidean}: see (Coroianu, Gagolewski, Grzegorzewski, 2013 and 2014a);
#' uses numerical integration, see \code{\link{integrateAlpha}}.
#' Slow for large \code{knot.n}.
#' \item \code{SupportCorePreserving}:
#' This method was proposed in (Coroianu et al., 2014b)
#' and is currently only available for \code{knot.n==1}.
#' It is the L2-nearest piecewise linear approximation with constraints
#' core(A)==core(P(A)) and supp(A)==supp(P(A));
#' uses numerical integration.
#' \item \code{Naive}:
#' We have core(A)==core(P(A)) and supp(A)==supp(P(A)) and the knots are
#' taken directly from the specified alpha cuts (linear interpolation).
#' }
#' @usage
#' \S4method{piecewiseLinearApproximation}{FuzzyNumber}(object,
#'    method=c("NearestEuclidean", "SupportCorePreserving", 
#'    "Naive"),
#'    knot.n=1, knot.alpha=seq(0, 1, length.out=knot.n+2)[-c(1,knot.n+2)],
#'    ..., verbose=FALSE)
#' @param object a fuzzy number
#' @param method character; one of: \code{"NearestEuclidean"} (default), 
#' \code{"SupportCorePreserving"}, or \code{"Naive"}
#' @param knot.n desired number of knots (if missing, then calculated from given
#' \code{knot.alpha})
#' @param knot.alpha alpha-cuts at which knots will be positioned
#' (defaults to equally distributed knots)
#' @param verbose logical; should some technical details on the computations being performed be printed?
#' [only \code{"NearestEuclidean"}]
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link{integrateAlpha}}
#' [only \code{"NearestEuclidean"} and \code{"SupportCorePreserving"}]
#' @return Returns a \code{\link{PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber}} object.
#' @exportMethod piecewiseLinearApproximation
#' @name piecewiseLinearApproximation
#' @aliases piecewiseLinearApproximation,FuzzyNumber-method
#' @rdname piecewiseLinearApproximation-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @family approximation
#' @family FuzzyNumber-method
#' @references
#' Coroianu L., Gagolewski M., Grzegorzewski P. (2013),
#' Nearest Piecewise Linear Approximation of Fuzzy Numbers,
#' Fuzzy Sets and Systems 233, pp. 26-51.
#' Coroianu L., Gagolewski M., Grzegorzewski P.,
#' Adabitabar Firozja M., Houlari T. (2014a),
#' Piecewise linear approximation of fuzzy numbers preserving 
#' the support and core, In: Laurent A. et al. (Eds.), 
#' Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in 
#' Knowledge-Based Systems, Part II (CCIS 443), Springer, pp. 244-254.
#' Coroianu L., Gagolewski M., Grzegorzewski P. (2014b),
#' Nearest Piecewise Linear Approximation of Fuzzy Numbers - General Case,
#'  submitted for publication.
#' @examples
#' (A <- FuzzyNumber(-1, 0, 1, 3,
#'    lower=function(x) sqrt(x),upper=function(x) 1-sqrt(x)))
#' (PA <- piecewiseLinearApproximation(A, "NearestEuclidean",
#'    knot.n=1, knot.alpha=0.2))
  function(object, ...) standardGeneric("piecewiseLinearApproximation"));

      object, method=c("NearestEuclidean", "SupportCorePreserving", "Naive"),
      knot.n=1, knot.alpha=seq(0, 1, length.out=knot.n+2)[-c(1,knot.n+2)],
      method <- match.arg(method)
      if (missing(knot.n) && !missing(knot.alpha))
         knot.n <- length(knot.alpha)
      stopifnot(is.numeric(knot.n), length(knot.n) == 1, knot.n >= 0)
      stopifnot(is.numeric(knot.alpha), length(knot.alpha) == knot.n)
      stopifnot(is.finite(knot.alpha),  knot.alpha >= 0, knot.alpha <= 1)

      if (knot.n == 0)
         stop('please use the trapezoidalApproximation() function')

      if (is.na(object@lower(0)) || is.na(object@upper(0)))
         stop("cannot approximate fuzzy numbers with no alpha bound generators")

      if (method == "Naive")
         return(piecewiseLinearApproximation_Naive(object, knot.n, knot.alpha))
#       else if (method == "ApproximateNearestEuclidean") {
#          stop('[DEPRECATED] Please use method="NearestEuclidean". This will give you exact solution')
#       }
      else if (method == "SupportCorePreserving")
         return(piecewiseLinearApproximation_ApproximateSupportCorePreserving(object, knot.n, knot.alpha, ...))
      else if (method == "NearestEuclidean")
         if (knot.n > 200)
            warning('`knot.n` is large - consider using method="Naive".')
#          if (knot.n == 1) # original method from (Coroianu, Gagolewski, Grzegorzewski, 2013)
#             return(piecewiseLinearApproximation_ApproximateNearestEuclidean1(object, knot.n, knot.alpha, verbose, ...))
#          else # general case from (Coroianu, Gagolewski, Grzegorzewski, submitted)
         return(piecewiseLinearApproximation_ApproximateNearestEuclideanN(object, knot.n, knot.alpha, verbose, ...))

# internal function
piecewiseLinearApproximation_ApproximateSupportCorePreserving <- function(A, knot.n, knot.alpha, ...)
#    Coroianu L., Gagolewski M., Grzegorzewski P., Adabitabar Firozja M., Houlari T., Piecewise Linear Approximation of Fuzzy Numbers Preserving the Support and Core, 2013, SRI PAS Research Report RB/51/2013
   if (knot.n != 1) stop("this approximation method currently may only be used only for knot.n == 1")
   xsol <- function(A, alpha, ...) {
      f1 <- function(beta) 3*beta*(A@a1+(A@a2-A@a1)*A@lower(beta)-A@a1*(alpha-beta)/alpha)/alpha
      f2 <- function(beta) 3*(1-beta)*(A@a1+(A@a2-A@a1)*A@lower(beta)-A@a2*(beta-alpha)/(1-alpha))/(1-alpha)
      if (alpha <= 0) xm <- A@a1 else if (alpha >= 1) xm <- A@a2 else
         xm <- integrate(f1, 0, alpha, ...)$val + 
            integrate(f2, alpha, 1, ...)$val
      if (xm < A@a1) A@a1
      else if (xm > A@a2) A@a2
      else xm
   ysol <- function(A, alpha, ...) {
      f1 <- function(b) 3*b*(A@a3+(A@a4-A@a3)*A@upper(b)-A@a4*(alpha-b)/alpha)/alpha
      f2 <- function(b) 3*(1-b)*(A@a3+(A@a4-A@a3)*A@upper(b)-A@a3*(b-alpha)/(1-alpha))/(1-alpha)
      if (alpha <= 0) ym <- A@a4 else if (alpha >= 1) ym <- A@a3 else
         ym <- integrate(f1, 0, alpha, ...)$val + 
            integrate(f2, alpha, 1, ...)$val
      if (ym < A@a3) A@a3
      else if (ym > A@a4) A@a4
      else ym
   PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(A@a1, A@a2, A@a3, A@a4, knot.alpha=knot.alpha,
      knot.left=xsol(A, knot.alpha, ...), knot.right=ysol(A, knot.alpha, ...))

# internal function
piecewiseLinearApproximation_Naive <- function(object, knot.n, knot.alpha)
   # naive piecewise linear interpolation of points
   # at given alpha-cuts, preserving original core and support

   a <- alphacut(object, knot.alpha)

   if (knot.n > 1)
      knot.left  <- a[,1]
      knot.right <- rev(a[,2])
   } else
      knot.left  <- a[1]
      knot.right <- a[2]

   PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(object@a1, object@a2, object@a3, object@a4,
       knot.n=knot.n, knot.alpha=knot.alpha, knot.left=knot.left, knot.right=knot.right)

# # internal function
# piecewiseLinearApproximation_ApproximateNearestEuclidean <- function(object, knot.n, knot.alpha, optim.control, verbose, ...)
# {
#    # Get the starting point ==> Naive approximator
#    a <- alphacut(object, knot.alpha);
#    if (knot.n > 1)
#    {
#       start.left0  <- c(object@a1,     a[,1] , object@a2);
#       start.right0 <- c(object@a3, rev(a[,2]), object@a4);
#    } else
#    {
#       start.left0  <- c(object@a1, a[1], object@a2);
#       start.right0 <- c(object@a3, a[2], object@a4);
#    }
#    alpha.lower  <- c(0,knot.alpha,1);
#    alpha.upper  <- c(1,rev(knot.alpha),0);
#    # First we try the "disjoint sides" version
#    # constraints
#    ui <- matrix(0, nrow=(knot.n+2)-1, ncol=(knot.n+2));
#    for (i in 1:((knot.n+2)-1))
#    {
#       ui[i,i]  <- -1;
#       ui[i,i+1] <- 1;
#    }
#    ci <- rep(0, (knot.n+2)-1);
#    ## ================== ApproximateNearestEuclidean: PASS 1a: "disjoint" lower optimizer
#    if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Pass 1a,"));
#    target.lower <- function(res, ...)
#    {
#       #                stopifnot(all(diff(res) >= 0)); # not needed, as we apply linear constraints below
#       lower2 <- approxfun(alpha.lower, res, method="linear");  # no ties to specify - knot.alpha is unique
#       integrateAlpha(object, "lower", 0, 1, # Squared L2 - lower
#                      transform=function(alpha, y) (y-lower2(alpha))^2, ...);
#    }
#    # ensure that the starting point is not on the constraint region boundary
#    start <- start.right0;
#    diff_start <- diff(start)
#    diff_start[diff_start <= 0] <- start[length(start)]*1e-12;
#    start <- cumsum(c(start[1], diff_start));
#    optres <- constrOptim(start, target.lower, ci=ci, ui=ui,
#                          method="Nelder-Mead", control=optim.control, ...);
#    if (optres$convergence == 1)
#       warning("Constrained Nelder-Mead algorithm have not converged [lower] (iteration limit reached)");
#    if (optres$convergence >  1)
#       warning(paste("Constrained Nelder-Mead algorithm have not converged [lower] (", optres$message, ")", sep=""));
#    res.left <- optres$par;
#    ## ================== ApproximateNearestEuclidean: PASS 1b: "disjoint" upper optimizer
#    if (verbose) cat(sprintf("1b,"));
#    target.upper <- function(res, ...)
#    {
#       #                stopifnot(all(diff(res) >= 0)); # not needed, as we apply linear constraints below
#       upper2 <- approxfun(alpha.upper, res, method="linear");
#       integrateAlpha(object, "upper", 0, 1, # Squared L2 - upper
#                      transform=function(alpha, y) (y-upper2(alpha))^2, ...);
#    }
#    # ensure that the starting point is not on the constraint region boundary
#    start <- start.right0;
#    diff_start <- diff(start)
#    diff_start[diff_start <= 0] <- start[length(start)]*1e-12;
#    start <- cumsum(c(start[1], diff_start));
#    optres <- constrOptim(start, target.upper, ci=ci, ui=ui,
#                          method="Nelder-Mead", control=optim.control, ...);
#    if (optres$convergence == 1)
#       warning("Constrained Nelder-Mead algorithm have not converged [upper] (iteration limit reached)");
#    if (optres$convergence >  1)
#       warning(paste("Constrained Nelder-Mead algorithm have not converged [upper] (", optres$message, ")", sep=""));
#    res.right <- optres$par;
#    ## ================== ApproximateNearestEuclidean: try lower+upper
#    if (res.left[knot.n+2] <= res.right[1])
#    {
#       if (verbose) cat(sprintf("DONE.\n"));
#       # the sides are disjoint => this is the "optimal" solution => FINISH
#       return(PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(res.left[1], res.left[knot.n+2], res.right[1], res.right[knot.n+2],
#                                         knot.n=knot.n, knot.alpha=knot.alpha,
#                                         knot.left=res.left[-c(1,knot.n+2)], knot.right=res.right[-c(1,knot.n+2)]));
#    }
#    # All right, if we are here then we have to optimize on all knots altogether...
#    # print("DEBUG: not disjoint");
#    # Open quesion: can we assume that a2==a3 ??? (currently we do not)
#    ## ================== ApproximateNearestEuclidean: PASS 2: use both sides together
#    if (verbose) cat(sprintf("2,"));
#    target <- function(res, ...)
#    {
#       #                stopifnot(all(diff(res) >= 0)); # not needed, as we apply linear constraints below
#       lower2 <- approxfun(alpha.lower, res[1:(knot.n+2)], method="linear");  # no ties to specify - knot.alpha is unique
#       d2l <- integrateAlpha(object, "lower", 0, 1, # Squared L2 - lower
#                             transform=function(alpha, y) (y-lower2(alpha))^2, ...);
#       upper2 <- approxfun(alpha.upper, res[-(1:(knot.n+2))], method="linear");  # no ties to specify - knot.alpha is unique
#       d2r <- integrateAlpha(object, "upper", 0, 1, # Squared L2 - upper
#                             transform=function(alpha, y) (y-upper2(alpha))^2, ...);
#       return(d2l+d2r); # Squared L2
#    }
#    # constraints
#    ui <- matrix(0, nrow=2*(knot.n+2)-1, ncol=2*(knot.n+2));
#    for (i in 1:(2*(knot.n+2)-1))
#    {
#       ui[i,i]  <- -1;
#       ui[i,i+1] <- 1;
#    }
#    ci <- rep(0, 2*(knot.n+2)-1);
#    # ensure that the starting point is not on the constraint region boundary
#    start <- c(start.left0, start.right0);
#    diff_start <- diff(start)
#    diff_start[diff_start <= 0] <- start[length(start)]*1e-12;
#    start <- cumsum(c(start[1], diff_start));
#    optres <- constrOptim(start, target, ci=ci, ui=ui,
#                          method="Nelder-Mead", control=optim.control, ...);
#    if (optres$convergence == 1)
#       warning("Constrained Nelder-Mead algorithm have not converged (iteration limit reached)");
#    if (optres$convergence >  1)
#       warning(paste("Constrained Nelder-Mead algorithm have not converged (", optres$message, ")", sep=""));
#    res <- optres$par;
#    # All right, we're done!
#    if (verbose) cat(sprintf("DONE.\n"));
#    return(PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(res[1], res[knot.n+2], res[knot.n+3], res[2*knot.n+4],
#                                      knot.n=knot.n, knot.alpha=knot.alpha, knot.left=res[2:(knot.n+1)], knot.right=res[(knot.n+4):(2*knot.n+3)]));
#    # ALTERNATIVE: The L-BFGS-B method (in reparametrized input space) - sometimes worse
#    #          # reparametrize: (a1, DELTA)
#    #          res <- c(res[1], diff(res));
#    #
#    #          target <- function(res, ...)
#    #             {
#    #                res <- cumsum(res);
#    #                distance(object,
#    #                   PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(res[1], res[knot.n+2], res[knot.n+3], res[2*knot.n+4],
#    #                      knot.n=knot.n, knot.alpha=knot.alpha,
#    #                      knot.left=res[2:(knot.n+1)], knot.right=res[(knot.n+4):(2*knot.n+3)]),
#    #                   type="EuclideanSquared", ...);
#    #             }
#    #
#    #          optres <- optim(res, target, ...,
#    #             method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(2*object@a1, rep(0, 2*knot.n+3)), control=optim.control);
#    #
#    #          if (optres$convergence != 0)
#    #             warning(paste("L-BFGS-B algorithm have not converged (", optres$message, ")", sep=""));
#    #
#    #          optres <- cma_es(res, target, ...,               # another try: CMA-ES (global optimizer, slow as hell)
#    #             lower=c(2*object@a1, rep(0, 2*knot.n+3)));
#    #
#    # #          print(optres); # this may be printed out in verbose mode
#    #
#    #          res <- optres$par;
#    #
#    #          # undo reparametrization:
#    #          res <- cumsum(res);
# }

# # internal function
# piecewiseLinearApproximation_ApproximateNearestEuclidean1 <- function(object, knot.n, knot.alpha, verbose, ...)
# {
#    # This exact (up to numeric integration error, of course) method for n == 1
#    # was proposed by Coroianu, Gagolewski, Grzegorzewski (FSS 2013)
#    if (knot.n != 1) stop("this approximation method may only be used only for knot.n == 1")
#    w1   <- integrateAlpha(object, "lower", 0, knot.alpha, ...)
#    w3   <- integrateAlpha(object, "lower", knot.alpha, 1, ...)
#    w5   <- integrateAlpha(object, "upper", 0, knot.alpha, ...)
#    w7   <- integrateAlpha(object, "upper", knot.alpha, 1, ...)
#    int2 <- integrateAlpha(object, "lower", 0, knot.alpha, weight=identity, ...)
#    int4 <- integrateAlpha(object, "lower", knot.alpha, 1, weight=identity, ...)
#    int6 <- integrateAlpha(object, "upper", 0, knot.alpha, weight=identity, ...)
#    int8 <- integrateAlpha(object, "upper", knot.alpha, 1, weight=identity, ...)
#    w2 <- int2/knot.alpha
#    w4 <- (int4-knot.alpha*w3)/(1-knot.alpha)
#    w6 <- w5-int6/knot.alpha
#    w8 <- (w7-int8)/(1-knot.alpha)
#    b <- c(w1+w3+w5+w7,
#           w2+w3+w5+w7,
#           w4+w5+w7,
#           w5+w7,
#           w5+w8,
#           w6
#    )
#    PhiInv <- matrix(c(
#       (knot.alpha+3)/knot.alpha, -(3*knot.alpha+3)/knot.alpha,                                3,                               -1,                                0,                           0,
#       -(3*knot.alpha+3)/knot.alpha,  (9*knot.alpha+3)/knot.alpha,                               -9,                                3,                                0,                           0,
#       3,                           -9, (9*knot.alpha-12)/(knot.alpha-1), -(3*knot.alpha-6)/(knot.alpha-1),                                0,                           0,
#       -1,                            3, -(3*knot.alpha-6)/(knot.alpha-1),  (2*knot.alpha-8)/(knot.alpha-1), -(3*knot.alpha-6)/(knot.alpha-1),                           3,
#       0,                            0,                                0, -(3*knot.alpha-6)/(knot.alpha-1), (9*knot.alpha-12)/(knot.alpha-1),                          -9,
#       0,                            0,                                0,                                3,                               -9, (9*knot.alpha+3)/knot.alpha
#    ), nrow=6, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE)
#    iter <- 1
#    z <- rep(0, 6)
#    K <- rep(FALSE, 6)
#    d <- as.numeric(PhiInv %*% b)
#    m <- which.min(d[-1])+1
#    EPS <- 1e-9;
#    if (verbose)
#    {
#       cat(sprintf("Pass  %g: K={%5s}, d=(%s)\n                    z=(%s)\n",
#                   iter,  paste(as.numeric(which(K)),collapse=""),
#                   paste(sprintf("%8.2g", d), collapse=", "),
#                   paste(sprintf("%8.2g", z), collapse=", ")))
#    }
#    while(d[m] < -EPS)
#    {
#       K[m] <- TRUE
#       #             z <- rep(0, 6); # for better accuracy?
#       #             d <- as.numeric(PhiInv %*% b);  # for better accuracy?
#       deltaz <- rep(0.0, 6)
#       deltaz[K] <- as.numeric(solve(PhiInv[K,K], -d[K], tol=.Machine$double.eps))
#       if (min(deltaz[K]) < -EPS) warning(sprintf("min(deltaz[K])==%g", min(deltaz[K])))
#       z <- z+deltaz
#       d <- as.numeric(PhiInv%*%(b+z))
#       #             for (k in which(K)) d <- d+PhiInv[k,]*deltaz[k] # ALTERNATIVE, BUT MORE INACCURATE
#       m <- which.min(d[-1])+1
#       iter <- iter+1
#       stopifnot(all(z>=0))
#       if (max(abs(d[K])) > EPS) warning(sprintf("max(abs(d[K]))==%g", max(abs(d[K]))))
#       d[K] <- 0.0 # for better accuracy
#       if (verbose)
#       {
#          cat(sprintf("Pass  %g: K={%5s}, d=(%s)\n                    z=(%s)\n",
#                      iter,  paste(as.numeric(which(K)),collapse=""),
#                      paste(sprintf("%8.2g", d), collapse=", "),
#                      paste(sprintf("%8.2g", z), collapse=", ")))
#       }
#    }
#    d[c(F,T,T,T,T,T) & (d < 0)] <- 0.0; # kill EPS-error
#    res <- cumsum(d)
#    return(PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(res[1], res[knot.n+2], res[knot.n+3], res[2*knot.n+4],
#                                      knot.n=knot.n, knot.alpha=knot.alpha, knot.left=res[2:(knot.n+1)], knot.right=res[(knot.n+4):(2*knot.n+3)]))
#    # ## ================== OLD NearestEuclidean: PASS 1: try with z==0
#    #
#    #
#    #          # try to find solution assuming z == 0
#    #          d <- PhiInv %*% b;
#    #          if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Pass  1: K={     }, d=(%s)\n", paste(sprintf("%8.2g", d), collapse=", ")));
#    #
#    # #          print(PhiInv)
#    # #          print(d)
#    #
#    #          if (all(d[-1] >= -.Machine$double.eps)) # allow a small numeric EPS-error
#    #          {  # We are done!
#    #             d[c(F,T,T,T,T,T) & (d < 0)] <- 0.0; # kill EPS-error
#    #             res <- cumsum(d);
#    #             if (verbose) cat(sprintf("DONE.\n"));
#    #             return(PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(res[1], res[knot.n+2], res[knot.n+3], res[2*knot.n+4],
#    #                knot.n=knot.n, knot.alpha=knot.alpha, knot.left=res[2:(knot.n+1)], knot.right=res[(knot.n+4):(2*knot.n+3)]));
#    #          }
#    #
#    # ## ================== OLD NearestEuclidean: PASS 2: calculate with z!=0 (d[-1]<0-based)
#    #
#    # #          cat(sprintf("DEBUG:        d =%s\n", paste(d, collapse=", ")))
#    # #          cat(sprintf("DEBUG: cumsum(d)=%s\n", paste(cumsum(d), collapse=", ")))
#    #
#    #
#    #          Phi <- matrix(c(
#    #             2, -(knot.alpha-4)/2, -(knot.alpha-3)/2, 1, (knot.alpha+1)/2, (knot.alpha)/2,
#    #             -(knot.alpha-4)/2, -(2*knot.alpha-6)/3, -(knot.alpha-3)/2, 1, (knot.alpha+1)/2, (knot.alpha)/2,
#    #             -(knot.alpha-3)/2, -(knot.alpha-3)/2, -(knot.alpha-4)/3, 1, (knot.alpha+1)/2, (knot.alpha)/2,
#    #             1, 1, 1, 1, (knot.alpha+1)/2, (knot.alpha)/2,
#    #             (knot.alpha+1)/2, (knot.alpha+1)/2, (knot.alpha+1)/2, (knot.alpha+1)/2, (2*knot.alpha+1)/3, (knot.alpha)/2,
#    #             (knot.alpha)/2, (knot.alpha)/2, (knot.alpha)/2, (knot.alpha)/2, (knot.alpha)/2, (knot.alpha)/3
#    #          ), nrow=6, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE);
#    # #          stopifnot(max(abs(Phi - solve(PhiInv))) < 1e-14);
#    # #          stopifnot(Phi == t(Phi));
#    #
#    #          try <- which(d[-1] < 0)+1;
#    #          Phi_try <- Phi;
#    #          Phi_try[,try] <- 0;
#    #          for (i in try) Phi_try[i,i] <- -1;
#    #
#    #          d <- solve(Phi_try, b);
#    #          if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Pass  2: K={%5s}, d=(%s)\n",
#    #             paste(try,collapse=""),
#    #             paste(sprintf("%8.2g", d), collapse=", ")));
#    #
#    #          if (all(d[-1] >= -.Machine$double.eps)) # allow a small numeric EPS-error
#    #          {  # We are done!
#    #             d[c(F,T,T,T,T,T) & (d < 0)] <- 0.0; # kill EPS-error
#    #             d[try] <- 0; # substitute z >= 0 for d == 0
#    #             res <- cumsum(d);
#    #             if (verbose) cat(sprintf("DONE.\n"));
#    #             return(PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(res[1], res[knot.n+2], res[knot.n+3], res[2*knot.n+4],
#    #                knot.n=knot.n, knot.alpha=knot.alpha, knot.left=res[2:(knot.n+1)], knot.right=res[(knot.n+4):(2*knot.n+3)]));
#    #          }
#    #
#    #          try_old <- try;
#    #
#    # ## ================== OLD NearestEuclidean: PASS 3: calculate with all possible combinations of z!=0
#    #
#    #          iterations <- 3;
#    #
#    #          for (i in 1L:31L)
#    # #          for (i in c(seq.int(1L,31L,by=2),seq.int(2L,31L,by=2)))
#    #          {
#    #             # generate all 31 nonzero binary sequences of length 5
#    #             try <- (bitAnd(i,c(1L,2L,4L,8L,16L))!=0);
#    # #             try <- try[c(5L,2L,1L,3L,4L)];  # prefer those with 4 set to TRUE
#    #             try <- which(try)+1;
#    #             if (length(try) == length(try_old) && all(try == try_old)) next;
#    #
#    #             Phi_try <- Phi;
#    #             Phi_try[,try] <- 0;
#    #             for (i in try) Phi_try[i,i] <- -1;
#    #
#    #             d <- solve(Phi_try, b);
#    #             if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Pass %2g: K={%5s}, d=(%s)\n",
#    #                iterations,
#    #                paste(try,collapse=""),
#    #                paste(sprintf("%8.2g", d), collapse=", ")));
#    #
#    # #             print(try)
#    # #             print(Phi_try)
#    # #             print(solve(Phi_try))
#    # #             print(solve(Phi_try)%*%b)
#    # #             print(d)
#    #
#    #             if (all(d[-1] >= -.Machine$double.eps)) # allow a small numeric EPS-error
#    #             {  # We are done!
#    #                d[c(F,T,T,T,T,T) & (d < 0)] <- 0.0; # kill EPS-error
#    #                d[try] <- 0; # substitute z >= 0 for d == 0
#    #                res <- cumsum(d);
#    #                if (verbose) cat(sprintf("DONE in %g iterations.\n", iterations));
#    #                return(PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(res[1], res[knot.n+2], res[knot.n+3], res[2*knot.n+4],
#    #                   knot.n=knot.n, knot.alpha=knot.alpha, knot.left=res[2:(knot.n+1)], knot.right=res[(knot.n+4):(2*knot.n+3)]));
#    #             }
#    #
#    #             iterations <- iterations + 1;
#    #          }
#    #
#    #          warning(sprintf("Could not find solution for knot.alpha=%g!
#    #          This may be due to innacuracy of numerical integration.", knot.alpha));
#    #          return(NULL);
#    ## --------------------------------------------- /NearestEuclidean ---------
#    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# }

# internal function
piecewiseLinearApproximation_ApproximateNearestEuclideanN <- function(object, knot.n, knot.alpha, verbose, ...)
   # This exact (up to numeric integration error, of course) method for any n
   # was proposed by Coroianu, Gagolewski, Grzegorzewski (submitted paper)

   alpha <- c(0, knot.alpha, 1) # length: knot.n+2
   stopifnot(!anyDuplicated(alpha), !is.unsorted(alpha))

   Phi <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=2*knot.n+4, ncol=2*knot.n+4)
   Phi[1,1] <- 2
   for (j in 2:(knot.n+2)) {
      Phi[j,1] <- Phi[1,j] <- 2-(alpha[j]+alpha[j-1])/2
      for (i in 2:j) {
         if (i == j) {
            Phi[i,j] <- 2-(2*alpha[j]+alpha[j-1])/3
         } else {
            Phi[i,j] <- Phi[j,i] <- Phi[i-1,j]
   Phi[1:(knot.n+3),knot.n+3] <- Phi[knot.n+3,1:(knot.n+3)] <- 1
   for (j in (knot.n+4):(2*knot.n+4)) {
      Phi[j,1] <- Phi[1,j] <- (alpha[2*knot.n+5-j]+alpha[2*knot.n+6-j])/2
      for (i in 2:j) {
         if (i == j) {
            Phi[i,j] <- (2*alpha[2*knot.n+5-j]+alpha[2*knot.n+6-j])/3
         } else {
            Phi[i,j] <- Phi[j,i] <- Phi[j,i-1]

   w <- numeric(2*knot.n+3)
   for (i in 1:(2*knot.n+3)) {
      if (i < knot.n+2) {
         w[i] <- tryCatch(
            integrateAlpha(object, "lower", alpha[i], alpha[i+1], ...),
            error=function(e) {
               aph <- seq(alpha[i], alpha[i+1], length.out=5)
                  sum((object@a1+(object@a2-object@a1)*object@lower(aph))*c(7,32,12,32,7)/90) # Boole's rule
      else if (i == knot.n+2)
         w[i] <- 0
      else {
         w[i] <- tryCatch(
            integrateAlpha(object, "upper", alpha[2*knot.n-i+4], alpha[2*knot.n-i+5], ...),
            error=function(e) {
               aph <- seq(alpha[2*knot.n-i+4], alpha[2*knot.n-i+5], length.out=5)
                  sum((object@a3+(object@a4-object@a3)*object@upper(aph))*c(7,32,12,32,7)/90) # Boole's rule

   wp <- numeric(2*knot.n+4)
   wp[1] <- 0
   for (i in 1:(2*knot.n+3)) {
      if (i < knot.n+2) {
         wp[i+1] <- tryCatch(
            integrateAlpha(object, "lower", alpha[i], alpha[i+1], weight=identity, ...),
            error=function(e) {
               aph <- seq(alpha[i], alpha[i+1], length.out=5)
                  sum((object@a1+(object@a2-object@a1)*object@lower(aph))*aph*c(7,32,12,32,7)/90) # Boole's rule
         wp[i+1] <- (wp[i+1]-alpha[i]*w[i])/(alpha[i+1]-alpha[i])
      else if (i == knot.n+2)
         wp[i+1] <- 0
      else {
         wp[i+1] <- tryCatch(
            integrateAlpha(object, "upper", alpha[2*knot.n-i+4], alpha[2*knot.n-i+5], weight=identity, ...),
            error=function(e) {
               aph <- seq(alpha[2*knot.n-i+4], alpha[2*knot.n-i+5], length.out=5)
                  sum((object@a3+(object@a4-object@a3)*object@upper(aph))*aph*c(7,32,12,32,7)/90) # Boole's rule
         wp[i+1] <- (alpha[2*knot.n-i+5]*w[i]-wp[i+1])/(alpha[2*knot.n-i+5]-alpha[2*knot.n-i+4])

   b <- numeric(2*knot.n+4)
   b[1] <- sum(w)
   for (i in 2:(2*knot.n+4))
      b[i] <- b[i-1] - wp[i-1] - w[i-1] + wp[i]

#    return(list(b=b, Phi=Phi, knot.alpha=knot.alpha, knot.n=knot.n)) # test only

   if (verbose) {
      cat(sprintf("b=(%s)\n", paste(sprintf("%8g", b), collapse=", ")))

   EPS <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5;
   EPS_RELATIVE <- EPS*(object@a4-object@a1)
   d <- solve(Phi, b)

   iter <- 1L
   K <- rep(FALSE, length(b))
   repeat {
      d <- solve(Phi, b)
      m <- which.min(d[-1])+1 # the first element may be < 0 and it's OK

      if (verbose)
         cat(sprintf("Pass  %g: K={%5s}, x=(%s)\n",
                     iter,  paste(as.numeric(which(K)),collapse=""),
                     paste(sprintf("%8g", d), collapse=", ")))

      if (d[m] >= -EPS_RELATIVE) break
      Phi[,m]  <- 0
      Phi[m,m] <- -1
      K[m] <- TRUE
      iter <- iter+1L
   d[K] <- 0
   d[d<0 & c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, length(d)-1))] <- 0 # kill EPS-error

   res <- cumsum(d)

   return(PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber(res[1], res[knot.n+2], res[knot.n+3], res[2*knot.n+4],
Rexamine/FuzzyNumbers documentation built on Nov. 16, 2021, 10:04 a.m.