Man pages for RinteRface/charpente
Seamlessly design robust 'shiny' extensions

build_jsCompress and optimize all files in the current folder
charpente_optionsConfigure charpente
copy_charpente_utilsCopy charpente utils function
create_charpenteCreate a package using charpente and usethis conventions
create_custom_dependencyImports Internal Dependencies
create_dependencyImports External Dependencies
create_fileCreate a shiny custom input binding boilerplate
create_manifestCreate a manifest for your shiny app
create_pwa_dependencyCreate a PWA dependency
get_dependency_assetsGet all links to dependencies
get_dependency_versionsGet all version for the current dependency
get_installed_dependencyGet the version of the current installed dependency
get_pkg_nameRetrieves Package Name
get_templateReturn the full path for a default file template
html_2_RConvert HTML content to R Shiny tags
js_handler_templateGolem's default custom templates
pipePipe operator
process_templateInsert provided parameters into template
reference_scriptAdd script.js to main.js entry point.
reference_styleInsert import into main SCSS file
run_esbuildRun esbuild
set_esbuildSetup esbuild
set_mochaSetup mocha
set_pwaUtils to set up a PWA compatible structure
set_version_controlSetup version control
test_jsTest JS code
update_dependencyUpdate the given dependency to a specific version or latest
RinteRface/charpente documentation built on March 10, 2024, 4:14 p.m.