
Defines functions `sum.4mom` `Ops.4mom` `reflect` `print.4mom` `is.consistent.nullvec` `as.photon` `is.4mom` `as.4mom` `fourmom_add` `fourmom_mult` `p_to_4mom` `vel_to_4mom`

## functionality for null vectors, specifically the four-momentum of a
## photon.  Also some functionality for the four-momentum of objects
## with non-zero rest mass.

`vel_to_4mom` <- function(U,m=1){  # U is (four) velocity, m rest mass
  U <- as.4vel(U)
  jj <- cbind(seq_along(U),seq_along(m))

`p_to_4mom` <- function(p,E=1){  # p is a 3-momentum, E the energy
  p <- rbind(p)
  jj <- cbind(seq_len(nrow(p)),seq_along(E))

`fourmom_mult` <- function(P,n){
  P <- unclass(P)
  jj <- cbind(seq_len(nrow(P)),seq_along(n))

`fourmom_add` <- function(e1,e2){
  e1 <- unclass(e1)
  e2 <- unclass(e2)
  jj <- cbind(seq_len(nrow(e1)),seq_len(nrow(e2)))
  as.4mom(e1[jj[,1],,drop=FALSE] + e2[jj[,2],,drop=FALSE])
`as.4mom` <- function(x){
  stopifnot(ncol(x) == 4)
  class(x) <- c("4mom","vec") # This is the only place class 4mom is assigned
`is.4mom` <- function(x){inherits(x,"4mom")}

`as.photon` <- function(x,E=1){
        x <- unclass(x)
        out <- sweep(x,1,sqrt(rowSums(x^2)),`/`)
    } else if(is.vector(x)){
        out <- rbind(x)
    } else {
        stop("not recognised")
    ## out <- cbind(1,out)
    ## out %<>% sweep(1,E,`*`) %>% sweep(2,c(sol(),1,1,1), `/`) %>% as.4mom()
    out <-
        as.4mom(sweep(sweep(cbind(1,out),1,E,`*`),2,c(sol(),1,1,1), `/`))
    class(out) <- c(class(out),"nullvec")

`is.consistent.nullvec` <- function(N,TOL=1e-10){

`print.4mom` <- function(x, ...){
  x <- unclass(x)
  colnames(x) <- c("E","p_x","p_y","p_z")

#' Mirrors
#' Plane mirrors in special relativity
#' @aliases reflect mirror mirrors reflection
#' @param P Vector of four-momenta
#' @param m Orientation of mirror, expressed as a three-vector
#' @param ref Coefficient of reflectivity of the mirror
#' @return Takes a four-momentum and returns the four-momentum after
#' reflection.  Will handle objects or photons.
#' @note
#' All four-momenta are measured in the rest frame of the mirror, but it is
#' easy to reflect from moving mirrors; see examples.
#' However, note that the \code{ref} argument is designed to work with photons
#' only, where it is conceptually the percentage of photons reflected and not
#' absorbed by the mirror.  If \code{ref} is less than unity, odd results are
#' given for four momenta of nonzero restmass objects.
#' @author Robin K. S. Hankin
#' @seealso \code{\link{photon}}
#' @examples
#' ## We will reflect some photons from an oblique mirror moving at half
#' ## the speed of light.
#' ## First create 'A', a bunch of photons all moving roughly along the x-axis:
#' A <- as.photon(as.3vel(cbind(0.9,runif(10)/1000,runif(10)/1000)))
#' ## Now create 'm', a mirror oriented perpendicular to c(1,1,1):
#' m <- c(1,1,1)
#' ## Reflect the photons in the mirror:
#' reflect(A,m)
#' ## Reflect the photons in a series of mirrors:
#' A |> reflect(m) |> reflect(1:3) |> reflect(3:1) 
#' ## To reflect from a moving mirror we need to transform to a frame in
#' ## which the mirror is at rest, then transform back to the original
#' ## frame.  First create B, a boost representing the mirror's movement
#' ## along the x-axis at speed c/2:
#' B <- boost(as.3vel(c(0.5,0,0)))
#' ## Transform to the mirror's rest frame:
#' A %*% t(B)    
#' ## NB: in the above, take a transpose because the *rows* of A are 4-vectors.
#' ## Then reflect the photons in the mirror:
#' reflect(A %*% t(B),m)
#' ## Now transform back to the original rest frame (NB: active transform):
#' A |> tcrossprod(B) |> reflect(m) |> tcrossprod(solve(B))
#' @export reflect
`reflect` <- function(P,m,ref=1){  # 'P' is the four-momentum (canonically
                             # that of a photon but will work for
                             # anything)

  P <- rbind(P)
  if(missing(m)){  # direct reflection
    P[,-1] <- -P[,-1]
  } else {
    m <- rbind(m)
    jj <- cbind(seq_len(nrow(P)),seq_len(nrow(m)),seq_along(ref))
    P <- P[jj[,1],,drop=FALSE]
    m <- m[jj[,2],,drop=FALSE]
    ref <- ref[jj[,3]]

    P[,-1] <- P[,-1] - sweep(2*m,1,rowSums(P[,-1]*m)/rowSums(m*m),`*`)

`Ops.4mom` <- function(e1,e2){
  f <- function(...){stop("odd---neither argument has class 3vel?")}
  unary <- nargs() == 1
  lclass <- nchar(.Method[1]) > 0
  rclass <- !unary && (nchar(.Method[2]) > 0)

  if (!is.element(.Generic, c("+", "-", "*")))
    stop("operator '", .Generic, "' is not implemented for 4mom objects")

    if (.Generic == "+") {
    } else if (.Generic == "-") {  # reflect about-face
      e1[, -1] <- -e1[, -1]
    } else {
      stop("Unary operator '", .Generic, "' should not exist for 4mom objects")
  if (.Generic == "+"){
    if(lclass & rclass){
    }  else {
      stop("error in Ops.4mom()")
  } else if(.Generic == "-"){
    e2[,-1] <- -e2[,-1]
  } else if(.Generic == "*"){
      if(lclass & !rclass){
      } else if(!lclass & rclass){
      } else {
        stop("should not reach here")
    } else {
      stop("Operator '", .Generic, "' not implemented for two 4moms")
  } else {
    stop("should not reach here")

`sum.4mom` <- function(..., na.rm=FALSE){
  as.4mom(rbind(colSums(do.call(`rbind`, list(...)), na.rm=na.rm)))
RobinHankin/gyrogroup documentation built on April 24, 2024, 9:36 a.m.