IncrementsRelativeParts-class: 'IncrementsRelativeParts'

IncrementsRelativeParts-classR Documentation




IncrementsRelativeParts is the class for increments control based on relative differences in intervals, with special rules for part 1 and beginning of part 2.


IncrementsRelativeParts(dlt_start, clean_start, ...)




see slot definition.


see slot definition.


Arguments passed on to IncrementsRelative


see slot definition.


see slot definition.


This class works only in conjunction with DataParts objects. If part 2 will just be started in the next cohort, then the next maximum dose will be either dlt_start (e.g. -1) shift of the last part 1 dose in case of a DLT in part 1, or clean_start shift (e.g. -1) in case of no DLTs in part 1, given that clean_start <= 0 (see description of clean_start slot for more details). If part 1 will still be on in the next cohort, then the next dose level will be the next higher dose level in the part1Ladder slot of the data object. If part 2 has been started before, the usual relative increment rules apply, see IncrementsRelative.



a scalar, the dose level increment for starting part 2 in case of at least one DLT event in part 1.


a scalar, the dose level increment for starting part 2 in case of no DLTs in part 1. If clean_start <= 0, then the part 1 ladder will be used to find the maximum next dose. Otherwise, the relative increment rules will be applied to find the next maximum dose level.


We require that clean_start >= dlt_start. However, this precondition is not a prerequisite for any function (except of the class' validation function) that works with objects of this class. It is rather motivated by the semantics. That is, if we observe a DLT in part 1, we cannot be more aggressive than in case of a clean part 1 without DLT.

Typically, end users will not use the .DefaultIncrementsRelativeParts() function.


my_increments <- IncrementsRelativeParts(dlt_start = 0, clean_start = 1)

Roche/crmPack documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 1:18 p.m.