Stopping-class: 'Stopping'

Stopping-classR Documentation




Stopping is a class for stopping rules.



a label for the stopping report. The meaning of this parameter is twofold. If it is equal to NA_character_ (default), the report_label will not be used in the report at all. Otherwise, if it is specified as an empty character (i.e. character(0)) in a user constructor, then a default, class-specific label will be created for this slot. Finally, for the remaining cases, a user can provide a custom label.

See Also

StoppingList, StoppingCohortsNearDose, StoppingPatientsNearDose, StoppingMinCohorts, StoppingMinPatients, StoppingTargetProb, StoppingMTDdistribution, StoppingTargetBiomarker, StoppingHighestDose StoppingMTDCV, StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta, StoppingSpecificDose.

Roche/crmPack documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 1:18 p.m.