h_model_dual_endpoint_sigma2W: Update 'DualEndpoint' class model components with regard to...

View source: R/helpers_model.R

h_model_dual_endpoint_sigma2WR Documentation

Update DualEndpoint class model components with regard to biomarker regression variance.



A simple helper function that takes DualEndpoint model existing components (priormodel, modelspecs, init, sample), and updates them with regard to to biomarker regression variance sigma2W.


h_model_dual_endpoint_sigma2W(use_fixed, sigma2W, comp)



indicates whether a fixed value for the biomarker regression variance sigma2W should be used or not. If sigma2W is not supposed to be a fixed value, a prior distribution from the Inverse-Gamma distribution will be used. See the details below, under sigma2W argument.


the biomarker variance. Either a fixed value or Inverse-Gamma distribution parameters, i.e. vector with two elements named a and b.


a named list with model components that will be updated. The names should be: priormodel, modelspecs, init, sample. For definitions of the components, see GeneralModel class. The modelspecs and init components on comp list are specified up to the body of corresponding GeneralModel@modelspecs and GeneralModel@init functions. These bodies are simply a lists itself.


list with updated model components.

Roche/crmPack documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 1:18 p.m.