
Jordi Camps May 10 2019


Install following packages

if(!require(tidyverse)) install.packages("tidyverse")
if(!require(ggpubr)) install.packages("ggpubr") 
if(!require(lazyeval)) install.packages("lazyeval")
if(!require(WriteXLS)) install.packages("WriteXLS")
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
if(!require(qPCRanalysis)) devtools::install_github("SCIL-leuven/qPCRanalysis")

Load packages


Load data

We load the data with the read_excel() function of the readxl package. The data should consist of at least 4 columns:

qpcr <- read_excel("vignette/qPCR_data.xlsx", col_names = TRUE, sheet = 3, skip = 35)
## # A tibble: 6 x 35
##    Well `Well Position` Omit  `Sample Name` `Target Name` Task  Reporter
##   <dbl> <chr>           <lgl> <chr>         <chr>         <chr> <chr>   
## 1     1 A1              FALSE WT_1          Tnf           UNKN~ SYBR    
## 2     2 A2              FALSE WT_1          Il1b          UNKN~ SYBR    
## 3    16 A16             FALSE WT_1          Sdf1          UNKN~ SYBR    
## 4    17 A17             FALSE WT_1          Cx3cl1        UNKN~ SYBR    
## 5    22 A22             FALSE WT_1          Rpl13a        UNKN~ SYBR    
## 6    25 B1              FALSE WT_2          Tnf           UNKN~ SYBR    
## # ... with 28 more variables: Quencher <chr>, CT <chr>, `Ct Mean` <dbl>,
## #   `Ct SD` <lgl>, Quantity <lgl>, `Quantity Mean` <lgl>, `Quantity
## #   SD` <lgl>, `Automatic Ct Threshold` <lgl>, `Ct Threshold` <dbl>,
## #   `Automatic Baseline` <lgl>, `Baseline Start` <dbl>, `Baseline
## #   End` <dbl>, Comments <lgl>, `Y-Intercept` <lgl>, `R(superscript
## #   2)` <lgl>, Slope <lgl>, Tm1 <dbl>, Tm2 <lgl>, Tm3 <lgl>,
## #   Custom1 <lgl>, Custom2 <lgl>, Custom3 <lgl>, Custom4 <lgl>,
## #   Custom5 <lgl>, Custom6 <lgl>, EXPFAIL <chr>, THOLDFAIL <chr>,
## #   MTP <chr>

Prepare data

Select columns

Now we need to clean the data frame. We will select only the columns that we need and change their names because R does not like spaces inside column names.

qpcr <- select(qpcr, c("Sample Name", "Target Name", "CT"))
colnames(qpcr) <- c("Sample", "Gene", "CT")
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   Sample Gene   CT                
##   <chr>  <chr>  <chr>             
## 1 WT_1   Tnf    33.277999877929688
## 2 WT_1   Il1b   33.993999481201172
## 3 WT_1   Sdf1   26.806999206542969
## 4 WT_1   Cx3cl1 33.174999237060547
## 5 WT_1   Rpl13a 27.083000183105469
## 6 WT_2   Tnf    31.870000839233398

Switch CT column to numeric object

When we check the structure of the data frame we see that the CT column is not numeric, we will change this. In addition, all undetermined values are switched to NA. If desired, these values can be changed to 40.

#Change CT column to numeric values
qpcr$CT <- as.numeric(qpcr$CT)
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#Change NA values in CT column to 40
qpcr[$CT), "CT"] <- 40
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   Sample Gene      CT
##   <chr>  <chr>  <dbl>
## 1 WT_1   Tnf     33.3
## 2 WT_1   Il1b    34.0
## 3 WT_1   Sdf1    26.8
## 4 WT_1   Cx3cl1  33.2
## 5 WT_1   Rpl13a  27.1
## 6 WT_2   Tnf     31.9

Create a grouping variable

In this example we want to see the difference between different genotypes. We will split the Sample Name column in two to create a sample column and a replicate column.

qpcr <- qpcr %>%
  #Copy Sample column
  mutate(temp = Sample) %>%
  #Split Sample column to create genotype column
  separate(col = temp, into = c("Genotype", "temp"), sep = "_") %>%
  #remove temp column
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   Sample Gene      CT Genotype
##   <chr>  <chr>  <dbl> <chr>   
## 1 WT_1   Tnf     33.3 WT      
## 2 WT_1   Il1b    34.0 WT      
## 3 WT_1   Sdf1    26.8 WT      
## 4 WT_1   Cx3cl1  33.2 WT      
## 5 WT_1   Rpl13a  27.1 WT      
## 6 WT_2   Tnf     31.9 WT

Calculate Delta CT

To calculate delta CT we use the calculate_DCT() function. This function requires four arguments:

It will pass a dataframe with three added columns:

qpcr <- calculate_DCT(df = qpcr, 
                      hkg = c("Rpl13a"), 
                      sample_col = "Sample", 
                      gene_col = "Gene")
## Joining, by = "Sample"

## # A tibble: 44 x 8
## # Groups:   Sample [11]
##    Sample Gene      CT Genotype hkg    CT_hkg    DCT      RE
##    <chr>  <chr>  <dbl> <chr>    <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 WT_1   Tnf     33.3 WT       Rpl13a   27.1 -6.19  0.0136 
##  2 WT_1   Il1b    34.0 WT       Rpl13a   27.1 -6.91  0.00831
##  3 WT_1   Sdf1    26.8 WT       Rpl13a   27.1  0.276 1.21   
##  4 WT_1   Cx3cl1  33.2 WT       Rpl13a   27.1 -6.09  0.0147 
##  5 WT_2   Tnf     31.9 WT       Rpl13a   24.0 -7.82  0.00442
##  6 WT_2   Il1b    30.6 WT       Rpl13a   24.0 -6.59  0.0104 
##  7 WT_2   Sdf1    25.1 WT       Rpl13a   24.0 -1.05  0.483  
##  8 WT_2   Cx3cl1  29.5 WT       Rpl13a   24.0 -5.47  0.0226 
##  9 WT_3   Tnf     32.1 WT       Rpl13a   23.3 -8.76  0.00231
## 10 WT_3   Il1b    31.0 WT       Rpl13a   23.3 -7.68  0.00487
## # ... with 34 more rows


Perform statistical test between two groups and add information to qpcr data frame. We will do this with the ggpubr package. We want to perform a t-test between healthy and dystrophic samples. Therefore, we put DCT as our numeric variable and Genotype as our grouping variable. We Specify the method as t.test, specify that the data in unpaired and group by Gene.

stat <- compare_means(DCT ~ Genotype, qpcr, method = "t.test", paired = FALSE, = "Gene")
## Adding missing grouping variables: `Sample`
## # A tibble: 4 x 9
##   Gene   .y.   group1 group2      p p.adj p.format p.signif method
##   <chr>  <chr> <chr>  <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr> 
## 1 Tnf    DCT   WT     Sgca   0.894  0.89  0.894    ns       T-test
## 2 Il1b   DCT   WT     Sgca   0.284  0.570 0.284    ns       T-test
## 3 Sdf1   DCT   WT     Sgca   0.123  0.37  0.123    ns       T-test
## 4 Cx3cl1 DCT   WT     Sgca   0.0668 0.27  0.067    ns       T-test


ggplot(qpcr, aes(x = Genotype, y = DCT, col = Genotype)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  facet_wrap(~Gene, scales = "free_y") +
  stat_compare_means(method = "t.test", label = "p.signif", label.x = 1.5)

Calculate Delta Delta CT

If you have unpaired data, the only way to calculate a delta delta CT or fold change is to take an average of your sample and compate the fold change to another group that you are referring to, plus also correctly propagate your error.

To calculate Delta Delta CT use the calculate_DDCT() function. This function can only be run after the calculate_DCT() function is used and requires five argeuments:

It will pass a dataframe with seven added columns

ddct <- calculate_DDCT(df = qpcr, 
                       gene_col = "Gene", 
                       sample_col = "Sample", 
                       var_col = "Genotype", 
                       control = "WT")
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##   Gene   Genotype DDCTavg DDCTsem  DDCTmin DDCTmax
##   <chr>  <chr>      <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 Cx3cl1 Sgca       14.9    4.73   10.2      19.7 
## 2 Cx3cl1 WT          1      0.392   0.608     1.39
## 3 Il1b   Sgca        5.42   1.50    3.92      6.91
## 4 Il1b   WT          1      0.368   0.632     1.37
## 5 Sdf1   Sgca        4.25   3.33    0.920     7.58
## 6 Sdf1   WT          1      1.05   -0.0475    2.05


ggplot(ddct, aes(x = Genotype, y = DDCTavg, fill = Genotype)) +
  geom_col() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = DDCTmin, ymax = DDCTmax), width = 0.1, data = ddct) +
  facet_wrap(~Gene, scales = "free_y")


At any given point you can export the data frame to an excel file with this function. Here we will export the data in an excel with three sheets. The first sheet will contain your raw values and normalized delta CT values. The second sheet will contain your statistics. The third sheet will contain all the values normalized to your control group.

WriteXLS(c("qpcr", "stat", "ddct"), "vignette/qpcr.xlsx")

SCIL-leuven/qPCRanalysis documentation built on May 11, 2019, 3:03 p.m.